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Lost -- hmm ! ; Maybe ? -- Registration of Ownership Blue Book + Insurance Cert. ; Replacement Procedure ?

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Hi Fellow Thaivisa.com Posters,


I cannot find my used car's Registration of Ownership [ Blue Book ] + Insurance Cert.

I updated them recently ;

So, I guess that "Car Tax" Disc  -- &, it proving that I have basic 3rd party Insurance from Thai Government [ ? ] by way of insurance as prior statutory necessity for to pay for Car Tax -- is satisfactory for to allow me ,or other legally permissible driver, to drive  it ?


Whilst, I have not quit yet in searching for these 2 items, I am increasingly having to contemplate these 2 questions :



What to do for Replacement of "Car Tax" Insurance Certificate ?



What to do for Replacement of "Car Tax" Registration Book ?


Thanking u in advance for all your helpful replies.


Our Man in the Tropics



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Just in case you need it go to your local cop shop and report the book and cert lost/stolen. 

Keep the report or make copies to carry in the car just in case.

From there get your insurance Co to issue a new cert and then go chasing a new blue book.

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To get a new 'blue'book you will have to go and have the VIN checked which is normally done at the local licensing office, although the ques can be long at times so be prepared for a long wait.

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I put all my important motorcycle papers (green registration book, mandatory government insurance, owner's manual, etc.) into a green Big C plastic shopping bag.  Emptied the trash can in my apartment (coincidentally, also a green Big C plastic bag), left my apartment carrying the two bags.  On my way to my motorcycle, I passed the trash can and without even thinking put both bags in the trash.  Set off on my motorcycle and at some point in the day, it registered what I had done.  By the time I got back the trash had been collected.


Luckily, I had previously scanned all the pages of my green registration book.  Printed it out and went to the Phuket Land Transport Office and for a very nominal fee, I was able to get the green book re-issued.  I told them I had lost the previous green book and did not need to show a police report.  I knew I was in the computer system as having purchased the mandatory government insurance for my motorcycle, but I wanted to have the receipt that they give you so I could carry it in the motorcycle and produce in the event of an accident.  I could have tried to get the government insurance people at the LTO to re-issue me the receipt, but given how inexpensive the motorcycle insurance is I just repurchased it for another year (few hundred Baht).  That seemed easier to me than asking for them to reissue me a new receipt (which they probably would have done had I asked).  I believe mandatory car insurance is more expensive so probably worth your while to ask them to reissue the certificate.  Expect to pay a nominal fee for this service.  

Assuming you don't have a copy of your car registration book, I think you will still be OK if you can get a picture of your road tax disc on your car.  Take that to your local Land Transport Office and from the information on that disc, they should be able to pull up your registration in the computer and reissue you your blue book.


It's not a bad idea to report the loss at the local police station.  I did so on an unrelated matter and the nice police officer issued me a report in a matter of minutes and there was no charge.  I'm just not sure you actually need it in this case.  I didn't to replace my green registration book. 

So, the two lessons I learned from this experience is that it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to replace a document like a green book than I thought it would be, and never put anything valuable in the same kind of bag you use to dispose of your trash ;-)


I do think it's a good idea to keep copies of important documents, whether that is scanned or paper copies, or both.  I do so for all my important documents: condo documents (chanote, bill of sale, blue tabian bahn), yellow book, passport, bank books, debit ATM cards, etc. 

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Did this 3 years ago lost 1 car log book and 3 m/c  log books no idea where i put them. Anyway had copies of first page and current owner page and car tax pages of all. Went to LTO asked them what i needed to do showed them what i had no problem take a number and a seat four hours later walked out with new books for all of them. 100bht per replacement book. (Yes with recipt).

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