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Hi all,


I just know some TV member will know EXACTLY where I need to go to procure tall (~ 5-6 foot or 152.4--182.8 cms) garden stakes.


They are lightweight, hollow, with a steel core and heavy PVC coating.


Plase see image:




I know they are available locally, but before I go traipsing to various garden centers, I thought I'd inquire if anyone has had a "positive sighting" of the above.


I can order them online, but nobody ships for free or a modest fee: in other words,  it costs more to ship than buy these guys.  So, a local source needs to be my go-to.


BTW, I do not want bamboo or any alternative material.  


In fact, it turns to out these stakes are PERFECT for making hiking/trekking poles!


 I have a bad knee, use a cane, and have been having back pain from "cane posture.". I wanted to try out using a Nordic-type pole (or pair of poles) as an alternative.


I went looking for them in a couple of sport shops last week, but to no avail .  (They may be available here in a climbing shop or two, but I wanted to avoid a high-end purchase).


Serendipitiously, I found a piece of this PVC stake in my yard, and realized it would make a perfect tall walking stick--and it did.


See image below (hard to accurately portray in pics, but what the heck...)


So if anyone know where to pick up these stakes, please let me know!


Oh, BTW, my  back pain has steadily improved using a tall stick versus a standard cane.


If anyone is interested to know how I made mine, PM me.


Wishing all a good day!IMG_1032.thumb.JPG.bde6ae5fdcc1ae52e9fddd726b383e23.JPG



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