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North Korea to teach US lesson, US to rein fire and fury on North Korea


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I emphasize The following is a "what if" scenario only and hopefully cool heads will prevail. As has been said many times...  anything or nothing could happen, and is just one position from the darkside..


To go to the severe lesson NK is going to teach the US. I think we all know that, it's a POS statement by someone struggling to maintain power within his own beleaguered country, designed as much for internal consumption as external.


Bringing us to Trump and his latest "Fire and Fury" on NK statement, it reminded me a little too much of the Biblical "fire and brimstone" for my liking and is presumably a POS statement by someone struggling to maintain power within his country, designed as much for internal consumption as external.


But let's think like the Politicos and military, if the unthinkable happens, what does either side have to gain from a first strike?  Well here's a few thoughts.


Gains of a first strike from the US standpoint? 

1) Get's the NK monkey off it's back.

2) Internal approval ratings will soar with all the historic achievement rhetoric, blah blah. 

3) Donald will go down in History (to his base) as the President who stood firm like no other before him in it's darkest hour. Maybe he sees the Trump memorial right next to Lincolns, you know the one, it's within walking distance of the Vietnam wall.

4) NK is Trumps favorite type of target because it's small fry and has no way of defending itself effectively against such an overwhelming and aggressive force, even though it stridently claims otherwise.

5) Proves the US to once more be the fearful and formidable foe that will unhesitatingly respond to any provocation anywhere in the world with massive force.


Gains of a first strike from the NK standpoint?

1) Not much, a few thousand people die.


What do they both have to lose?


Losses of a first strike from the US standpoint?

1) If done carefully with precision, and the 38th parallel isn't crossed northwards with an occupying force, PERHAPS not many immediate threats. 

2) China, Russia and others will be very upset to put it mildly, and the US will have to keep it's wits about it for years to come... new Cold War perhaps?  

3) The rest of the free world will also be horrified.

4) US isolation with completely new power blocks forming to directly and militarily oppose the US,  this time unfortunately the Pacific and Atlantic won't be limiting factors.

5) Hundreds of thousands on the US side would die.


Losses from the Nk standpoint?

1) Everything!  

2) It would lose much of it's million man army.

3) Its Capital Pyongyang would disappear. 

4) Most or all of its much vaunted nuclear capability would be no more. 

5) If KJU somehow survives he will no longer have a country to terrorize, rape and plunder.

6) So much for his damnable luxury goods.


Therefore,  IF it comes down to it, who will strike first? Easy answer eh, the US of course, and I would look to the lessons we learned from Iraqs Saddam Hussein and the non existent WMD's after 9/11. We ain't so innocent and the premise will somehow be made up to suit the occasion, perhaps even we will see them emerging in the next few days, weeks or months. 


Am I making some kind of macabre sense? Because the thought scares the heck out of me, I see the world changing drastically, and not for the better. Call me a scaremonger if you will, I sincerely hope I'm wrong.


Perhaps cool heads will prevail, let's all wish so... 

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