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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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Just now, KhonKaenKowboy said:

The high courts already ruled that even groups like the American Nazis have a right to protest.  Skokie, Illinois comes to mind.

That is true. They do have that right. 

But they don't have the right to engage in extremist white supremacist TERRORISM. 


Next ... 

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11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I respectfully disagree

I am 60 years old, and have being politically active, with a left leaning since high school.

In my life I have being involved in many of these , both in the US, and Europe , and in most instances where opposing functions are allowed to  mix it up it always ends the same way with the predictable results.

I know of events where the police infiltrated the protesters and threw molotov cocktails at their own giving the the excuse to  retaliate. 

And the opposite.

Discipline , however difficult   is always the best advice,often these events are infiltrated by "Agent provocateurs " with their own agendas 

If you have idiots marching , armed with helmets , shields and clubs, and you block their way. What do you expect to happen?????

When they crossed the lawful line. the police would had dealt with them

Stay in the sidelines, ridicule them,show them for the idiots they are.

Ridicule, discounts them,  engagment give's them power.

So ask yourself , what is your goal? discounts them or give them power?

I understand the impulse to engage, but trust me, it is counter productive


I don't completely disagree with you.


The counter protesters could have handled themselves better. The police certainly could've done a better job. 


But they had every right to be there and a right, nay, a duty, to be there at THAT time. Hatefulness has to be confronted when it happens, not: "oh, yeah? Well you just wait till tomorrow when things won't be so confrontational, THEN we'll confront you!"


I don't think that's the way to face down haters. To be clear, I'm not condoning violence, but the response to hate cannot be seen to be meek in any way, otherwise they've partly won.

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Just now, Jingthing said:

The majority were from out of town / out of state including the murderous white supremacist terrorists. 

I saw a picture of a black cop trying to guard those clowns.  He was just doing his job.  You have to respect that.

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1 minute ago, rijb said:

Every country has to deal with hate and ignorance in their own back yard.  However, the world prefers to focus on America's dirty laundry.

Well in this thread certainly because that is what the thread is about.  Yes just about every country have their extremist groups and most are dismissed by the masses as just nutjobs.  But in the USA at the moment the country is badly divided and with Trumps volatile outbursts it is having a crisis of huge proportions.  Therefore all eyes are on the POTUS and what lunacy he continues to bring to the country.

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13 minutes ago, rijb said:

Every country has to deal with hate and ignorance in their own back yard.  However, the world prefers to focus on America's dirty laundry.

With skidmarked knickers the size of bathrobes, who can look away?

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9 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

What gets me  wondering about America. Is if it is the land of freedom of expression why do people always have to disrupt right wing protests? Do they not have the right to free speech also? They should be allowed their say. No one has to listen no one has to care what they say but they have the right to say it.If right wingers used violence to stop anything they would be the bad guys and go to jail. If right wing protests have violent thugs show up and destroy the protest it is ok. This is not the American way that America tries to say it is.Seems as though violence against right wingers is ok. Quite a double standard as I see it  speaking as an outsider.

There are not simply "right wing protesters."  There are NAZIS.  We KILL Nazis in the US.  Visitors applying for a visa, or immigrants applying for permanent residency in the US, to this day, must specifically denounce Naziism on their application.


My uncle killed Nazis in France in WWII, and I'll do it on the streets of my city if it comes to that.


Screenshot 2017-08-13 05.00.41.png

Edited by Chou Anou
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36 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

I don't completely disagree with you.


The counter protesters could have handled themselves better. The police certainly could've done a better job. 


But they had every right to be there and a right, nay, a duty, to be there at THAT time. Hatefulness has to be confronted when it happens, not: "oh, yeah? Well you just wait till tomorrow when things won't be so confrontational, THEN we'll confront you!"


I don't think that's the way to face down haters. To be clear, I'm not condoning violence, but the response to hate cannot be seen to be meek in any way, otherwise they've partly won.


They did not necessarily had to wait until tomorrow that was simply one of the options and perhaps not a good one .

they could had simply lined up the sides of their route with a sea of opposition Booooing them all the way. 

Showing the world that they are a minority opinion, and that we are better than them .

But even that is dangerous because if I was an Alt right organiser I would had placed "agent provocateurs" in the sidelines . in fact this might be exactly what has happened.

Anyway as one get's older , diminishing levels of testosterone can be liberating :laugh:


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There are not simply "right wing protesters."  There are NAZIS.  We KILL Nazis in the US.  Visitors applying for a visa, or immigrants applying for permanent residency in the US, to this day, must specifically denounce Naziism on their application.
My uncle killed Nazis in France in WWII, and I'll do it on the streets of my city if it comes to that.

My father said, "they paid me 50 cents a day for five years to kill Nazis, and I won't start liking them now".

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26 minutes ago, RobFord said:


My father said, "they paid me 50 cents a day for five years to kill Nazis, and I won't start liking them now".

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




I'm not saying a word!

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30 minutes ago, sirineou said:


They did not necessarily had to wait until tomorrow that was simply one of the options and perhaps not a good one .

they could had simply lined up the sides of their route with a sea of opposition Booooing them all the way. 

Showing the world that they are a minority opinion, and that we are better than them .

But even that is dangerous because if I was an Alt right organiser I would had placed "agent provocateurs" in the sidelines . in fact this might be exactly what has happened.

Anyway as one get's older , diminishing levels of testosterone can be liberating :laugh:


Whenever the counter protesters decided to hold their counter protest, whatever form their counter protests took and wherever they had held it—the provocateurs could have/would have infiltrated if they were so inclined.


That's why the right time to confront a hateful display is AT THE TIME that hatefulness is happening.


Testosterone is not the fuel; a sense of justice and the ability to discern right from wrong is the fuel.


I respect your opinion, and I think I get where you're coming from—that the counter protesters risked undermining their own cause.  But the time to do this was the time they did it. The way they did it could've been slightly finessed. Any finessing I can think of may not have prevented the violence, which, again, I condemn, regardless of its origin.

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My family owns a million in real estate, about 20 miles from C'ville.  Pop says he is more concerned about Bryce Harper's knee, than one dead protester, who probably was not a student.  Cops in helicopters?  Kind of like cops on steroids....usually not a good thing, but all too common.  How many were killed in Chicago this weekend?  Before Jefferson used slaves to build UVA, the colonist were forced to attend the Church of England, and faced whippings and fines if they didn't, yet every county in the State is named after some shitehole in England...perhaps those people have a more legitimate beef.

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My family owns a million in real estate, about 20 miles from C'ville.  Pop says he is more concerned about Bryce Harper's knee, than one dead protester, who probably was not a student.  Cops in helicopters?  Kind of like cops on steroids....usually not a good thing, but all too common.  How many were killed in Chicago this weekend?  Before Jefferson used slaves to build UVA, the colonist were forced to attend the Church of England, and faced whippings and fines if they didn't, yet every county in the State is named after some shitehole in England...perhaps those people have a more legitimate beef.

You are some kind of nut.

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My family owns a million in real estate, about 20 miles from C'ville.  Pop says he is more concerned about Bryce Harper's knee, than one dead protester, who probably was not a student.  Cops in helicopters?  Kind of like cops on steroids....usually not a good thing, but all too common.  How many were killed in Chicago this weekend?  Before Jefferson used slaves to build UVA, the colonist were forced to attend the Church of England, and faced whippings and fines if they didn't, yet every county in the State is named after some shitehole in England...perhaps those people have a more legitimate beef.
Your Pop sounds lovely.
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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

I respectfully disagree with you

and state again.  

You are only for free speech when you allow that which you disagree with  otherwise you engage at a different form of fascism.

I am , as we all should be against all forms of fasism

No disrespect to you, you have have being pleasant and reasonable in this little conversation we had, and I appreciate   you taking the time to engage me in this , But I don't know how many different ways I can make the same point.



I understand your point and respectfully disagree. I believe you do need to confront evil, and if you don't then you normalize it. I still maintain that anyone is allowed to say what they like, but they're in no way guaranteed either the peace/forum/venue to do so nor are they insulated from the consequences of whatever it is they say. I do believe that providing them with equivalence damages the overall quality of dialogue and makes us dumber for it.
night and good luck.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's worth noting, because many people assume a town in the south is necessarily right wing, that the good people of Charlottesville voted 80 percent for Hillary Clinton and also voted in the city council that approved the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee. So that was all legal and democratic. 

Why did white supremacist / Nazi / KKK / alt-right / trumpist invaders in Charlottesville feel so emboldened now?

Obviously ... they now have a friend in the white house.



I'm sorry, I compared in a recent post Trump with a gorilla. I beg pardon to gorillas., they have

more inner ethics than  the big Duck, oh no, no, sorry , I love ducks

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On Trump all but endorsing Nazis by condemning "many sides" when there was only one side in need of a direct rebuke:


Gady Epstein (‪@gadyepstein‬)

13/8/17, 08:26

Not many presidents could make threatening nuclear war the second worst thing he did in a week.

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