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Australia's Hanson wears burqa to parliament in bid to ban them


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6 hours ago, taffeylad said:

Pauline Hansen is right. The burka should be banned as helmets and balaclavas.

it is only the men who want their women to wear the burka it is outdated and should be banned in non Muslim countries.

Hanson's agenda is not just to ban the burka in public, which in any case a call that to date has been repeatedly rejected by Federal and State governments. Women wearing the burka would be for a number of reasons, one of which would be cultural pressure. My wife has asked one of the very few Thai women in Pattaya (no male present) wearing a burka about this issue, the answer was wearing as proud to show being a Muslim.

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Pauline Hanson is not only islamophobic but a Xenophobe as well. Any immigrant communities in Australia her and her ilk rag.

Once New Zealand and Australia were friends and Allies. people like Hanson and even the current Government and the Australian policies since 2001 have driven a deep divide between Our Peoples. The best thing Australia could do would be to drown Hanson and her cronies. The Woman is a vile hateful Racist 

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1 minute ago, Kiwiken said:

Pauline Hanson is not only islamophobic but a Xenophobe as well. Any immigrant communities in Australia her and her ilk rag.

Once New Zealand and Australia were friends and Allies. people like Hanson and even the current Government and the Australian policies since 2001 have driven a deep divide between Our Peoples. The best thing Australia could do would be to drown Hanson and her cronies. The Woman is a vile hateful Racist 

 But your desire to "drown Hanson" because you disagree with her political stance  is neither "vile" nor "hateful"??





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7 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Pauline Hansen is of the extreme right, but she is nearly always wrong.  If you ban the burqa, do you also ban judges wigs, hoodies and nuns formal head wear and so on.  I doubt the wearing of head dress is outdated, scarves seem to be making a fashion comeback.


In that Australia is arguably the most multi ethnic country in the world, in that it is mostly harmonious, in that multi ethnicity has improved the economy and especially the food habits from the former British stodge, Australia has developed rapidly since WW11 when people eager to make a new life chose Australia. The fact that now, some seem to wear oppressive head wear does not bother me . Each to his own, Aust is a free country and people are free to wear what ever  hairstyle, head gear and rings in noses and ears that they want. Australia is not a fascist country although some seek to change that.


I am not buying into the political aspect, everyone is free to express their opinion without others bagging them. However, I have to disagree with your comparing apples with oranges. The comparisons offered by you do not hide the persons identity so to suggest that should be banned is a little over the top.  If people want to wear the burqa, that is their right but I do object when the women refuse to remove them when required for security or identification reasons and site religious reasons for that refusal.


As I previously stated it is not a religious requirement to wear them, it is a cultural and is mainly enforced by the wearer's husband or partner, with some women saying that they have elected to wear them and have not been forced by anyone.  Listen to what their husbands have to say and you will understand that their reasons for wearing them is as I have outlined.


There has been cases in Australia where the courts have been shown disrespect by a wearer who has refused to take the burqa off. In one incident policemen have allowed the wearer to wear it when signing legal documents, only to have those documents later disallowed in court because he could not identify the alleged offender as the one who signed the document despite it later being proven that the woman was a liar.


In addition, a policeman, (NSW Highway Patrol) almost lost his job by the absolute liars proffered by the wearer, who alleged the officer forcibly removed her burqa.  Thank God for an in car cam that saved the officer's career and proved the woman was an out an out liar.   Yes people are free to wear what they want, but they must also adhere to to rules which govern the majority, and not use BS to hold out and do want they because they want to buck the system.  The minorities have too much to say when they feel they are above the law that governs the rest of us.:wai:

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13 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

I am not buying into the political aspect, everyone is free to express their opinion without others bagging them. However, I have to disagree with your comparing apples with oranges. The comparisons offered by you do not hide the persons identity so to suggest that should be banned is a little over the top.  If people want to wear the burqa, that is their right but I do object when the women refuse to remove them when required for security or identification reasons and site religious reasons for that refusal.


As I previously stated it is not a religious requirement to wear them, it is a cultural and is mainly enforced by the wearer's husband or partner, with some women saying that they have elected to wear them and have not been forced by anyone.  Listen to what their husbands have to say and you will understand that their reasons for wearing them is as I have outlined.


There has been cases in Australia where the courts have been shown disrespect by a wearer who has refused to take the burqa off. In one incident policemen have allowed the wearer to wear it when signing legal documents, only to have those documents later disallowed in court because he could not identify the alleged offender as the one who signed the document despite it later being proven that the woman was a liar.


In addition, a policeman, (NSW Highway Patrol) almost lost his job by the absolute liars proffered by the wearer, who alleged the officer forcibly removed her burqa.  Thank God for an in car cam that saved the officer's career and proved the woman was an out an out liar.   Yes people are free to wear what they want, but they must also adhere to to rules which govern the majority, and not use BS to hold out and do want they because they want to buck the system.  The minorities have too much to say when they feel they are above the law that governs the rest of us.:wai:

Everyone must provide proof of identity when lawfully requested, no exceptions, including Hanson. There are attempts of criminal non compliance / false claims across all groups, not just Muslim heritage people.

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17 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Everyone must provide proof of identity when lawfully requested, no exceptions, including Hanson. There are attempts of criminal non compliance / false claims across all groups, not just Muslim heritage people.

They do now, it has been brought into law, they did not at the time of the incidents I quoted.  And of course there are false claims across all nationalities but I am talking about the wearing of the  burqa and the need for its removal under certain circumstances not people's heritage and those who wear the burqa, who are mainly Muslim and who fall back on the falsehood of it being a religious garment therefore, cannot remove it under any circumstance. That's all, nothing more, nothing less.  Just watch how someone else is treated f they fail to comply with a request to remove a helmet or other items that hides their identity.:wai:

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1 minute ago, Si Thea01 said:

They do now, it has been brought into law, they did not at the time of the incidents I quoted.  And of course there are false claims across all nationalities but I am talking about the wearing of the  burqa and the need for its removal under certain circumstances not people's heritage and those who wear the burqa, who are mainly Muslim and who fall back on the falsehood of it being a religious garment therefore, cannot remove it under any circumstance. That's all, nothing more, nothing less.  Just watch how someone else is treated f they fail to comply with a request to remove a helmet or

other items that hides their identity.:wai:

As you say in the past. To repeat, current is the requirement to prove identity upon lawful request e.g. immigration control, drivers license etc etc At this stage the non PC Federal government see no reasonable need to 'ban the burka'. Does anyone seriously believe banning the burka will stop Islamist terror attacks; I agree with the AG, with Hanson it's all about vilification and divisiveness.

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1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 But your desire to "drown Hanson" because you disagree with her political stance  is neither "vile" nor "hateful"??





This woman who has for over 20 years vented her hatred for my people. And now extends her vitriol to the Muslims in Australia. I think I was being merciful. Beware the future you create with the seeds of hate

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54 minutes ago, simple1 said:

As you say in the past. To repeat, current is the requirement to prove identity upon lawful request e.g. immigration control, drivers license etc etc At this stage the non PC Federal government see no reasonable need to 'ban the burka'. Does anyone seriously believe banning the burka will stop Islamist terror attacks; I agree with the AG, with Hanson it's all about vilification and divisiveness.

Who really cares if it is banned or not, I certainly don't.  Just as long as they comply with a lawful request, which some of them seem to have trouble in doing.  The AG is an absolute goose, I suggest you check  back on some of his statements and tell me whether you think he is in the same category as you are confining Hanson to.


And please, stop with the vilification and divisiveness rhetoric, this is just all PC nonsense that is being sprouted in an effort to shut down free speech and stifle any type of debate.  If anyone wants to openly criticise anyone, then they should be allowed to, providing it is not hateful and spiteful but the way things are now anyone who is offended can sue just because they say their feelings are hurt. It's about time the children within the adults, grew up.:wai:

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2 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

Pauline Hanson is not only islamophobic but a Xenophobe as well. Any immigrant communities in Australia her and her ilk rag.

Once New Zealand and Australia were friends and Allies. people like Hanson and even the current Government and the Australian policies since 2001 have driven a deep divide between Our Peoples. The best thing Australia could do would be to drown Hanson and her cronies. The Woman is a vile hateful Racist 

Oh for goodness sake, I thought this was about the burqa being banned, not what one's opinion of another is or that Australia and New Zealand were once friends and allies.  I didn't know were were at war with each other or that there is a deep divide, I'd love you to highlight that aspect.


So there is such a divide that neither country has any travel restrictions between them and we welcome all and sundry from the Land of the long white cloud.  Many have come here and given great contributions to our country so I just wonder what you agenda is here.  The only vile thing I can see is the comments which appear to come from someone who themselves may well fit the category that they are putting another into.:sorry::wai:

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16 hours ago, gamini said:

This ex fish and chip monger,  who is totally ignorant and of very low inteligance is a hateful racist. The fact that she is supported by  quite a large number of Australians is really is sad.  And it seems that some people on this forum support her too. Fortunately most Australians despise her.

I used to have a fish and chips joint, and I have a top percentile IQ, so aren't you just stereotyping? That she is supported by a large number maybe sad for you, but it is called democracy. I would also suggest as much as she is a flawed individual, her opposition to the Islamification of Australia is in fact supported by the majority. If you want to live in a PC progressive nirvana there is always the US.

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go for it pauline coz islam does not belong to oz.


another thing from the uk city of oldham manchester the mayor a muslim have the city council opened with muslim prayer only, thats discrimination against christian/jewish religion.




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20 hours ago, simple1 said:



Hanson's economic polices are just as asinine. Thankfully it appears her support base is eroding as fast as Trump's as the spotlight is focused on her and her three Federal Senators, who include the conspiracy nutcase, Malcolm Roberts.


I dunno.... it seems her popularity is actually increasing.... she's our own liddle Donald, but funnier, and far less dangerous, unless your a fish... she cooks up a great fish fry


hansons popularity, in part, is that she says the things needing saying... like hey ,its not ok to get about in an unidentifiable costume.... and she has a valid point.


everyone in parliament was probably thinking.... don't panic, it's only Pauline in a burka.... lol... but what if it wasn't?  What if it was a real nut job with a bomb entering parliament?... what the hell was someone doing in the Australian House of Parliament, completely unidentifiable?... that point she made... that hole needs plugging... because that's just not on


then let that trickle down to everywhere


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10 minutes ago, farcanell said:

I dunno.... it seems her popularity is actually increasing.... she's our own liddle Donald, but funnier, and far less dangerous, unless your a fish... she cooks up a great fish fry


hansons popularity, in part, is that she says the things needing saying... like hey ,its not ok to get about in an unidentifiable costume.... and she has a valid point.


everyone in parliament was probably thinking.... don't panic, it's only Pauline in a burka.... lol... but what if it wasn't?  What if it was a real nut job with a bomb entering parliament?... what the hell was someone doing in the Australian House of Parliament, completely unidentifiable?... that point she made... that hole needs plugging... because that's just not on


then let that trickle down to everywhere


Hanson had to obtain security clearance for the her stunt, not as though she waked into the Chamber without being identified. Polls differ between States & National elections, last I read was her support was sinking & was being undermined by the other far right Senator - Bernardi

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Hanson had to obtain security clearance for the her stunt, not as though she waked into the Chamber without being identified. Polls differ between States & National elections, last I read was her support was sinking & was being undermined by the other far right Senator - Bernardi

The way things are going Hanson might be P.M soon with all the senators dropping like flies with their dual citizenship.  Australia might be having a clean out and putting people in power who actually want to be Australian like Pauline and not hold 50/50 card.  These dual citizens have stuffed the country.

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2 minutes ago, Thechook said:

The way things are going Hanson might be P.M soon with all the senators dropping like flies with their dual citizenship.  Australia might be having a clean out and putting people in power who actually want to be Australian like Pauline and not hold 50/50 card.  These dual citizens have stuffed the country.

Wishful thinking. I presume you're referencing the other far right Senators. However, Hanson is very spiteful and her public statements indicate she would quickly lean towards being a dictator, plus if she kept to her manifesto she would destroy the Australian economy.

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2 hours ago, farcanell said:

I dunno.... it seems her popularity is actually increasing.... she's our own liddle Donald, but funnier, and far less dangerous, unless your a fish... she cooks up a great fish fry


hansons popularity, in part, is that she says the things needing saying... like hey ,its not ok to get about in an unidentifiable costume.... and she has a valid point.


everyone in parliament was probably thinking.... don't panic, it's only Pauline in a burka.... lol... but what if it wasn't?  What if it was a real nut job with a bomb entering parliament?... what the hell was someone doing in the Australian House of Parliament, completely unidentifiable?... that point she made... that hole needs plugging... because that's just not on


then let that trickle down to everywhere


Why is it that some just tell plain porkies in an attempt to deride another.  Her popularity is far from declining, as you have rightly pointed out.  Certain groups with specific agendas are starting to do to Hanson what the nutters are doing elsewhere.  What are they afraid of when someone speaks and tells it like it really is.  It all started with the burqa now the thread has progressed to the hate school of thought, just getting a little off track I would say and even then they cannot get the facts right.


I am neither here nor there with Hanson but I do respect her for having the courage to tell it like it is.  I am just sitting here on the sidelines, laughing at those who are getting their knickers in a knot and seeing their blood pressure rise with every little bit of vitriol and bile they put out in their attempts to degrade someone that they clearly have an unmitigated hatred for.  Some should really look in the mirror and maybe then they will realise who is being divisive but I doubt it.    :wai:

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2 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Why is it that some just tell plain porkies in an attempt to deride another.  Her popularity is far from declining, as you have rightly pointed out.  Certain groups with specific agendas are starting to do to Hanson what the nutters are doing elsewhere.  What are they afraid of when someone speaks and tells it like it really is.  It all started with the burqa now the thread has progressed to the hate school of thought, just getting a little off track I would say and even then they cannot get the facts right.


I am neither here nor there with Hanson but I do respect her for having the courage to tell it like it is.  I am just sitting here on the sidelines, laughing at those who are getting their knickers in a knot and seeing their blood pressure rise with every little bit of vitriol and bile they put out in their attempts to degrade someone that they clearly have an unmitigated hatred for.  Some should really look in the mirror and maybe then they will realise who is being divisive but I doubt it.    :wai:

I am not providing misinformation on her current national support - do your research. Oh and in the fairly recent WA State elections she received what - about 4% of direct votes, a significant decline. Hanson 'telling like it is" only because you agree with her lunacy, others do not.

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28 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I am not providing misinformation on her current national support - do your research. Oh and in the fairly recent WA State elections she received what - about 4% of direct votes, a significant decline. Hanson 'telling like it is" only because you agree with her lunacy, others do not.


So it's a lunacy to believe that the burqa should be removed under all circumstances where identification and facial recognition is required?  If that's lunacy, than Que Sera, Sera.   If it's banned, it's banned, if not, than it's neither here nor there, they can wear what they want but let's just hope we do not experience that what is now happening in many other countries.  As for the decline, do some checking yourself and don't just resort to WA, do it nationally.  Oh, by the way, the percentage was 4.3 and they came in fourth behind the Labor, the Libs and the Greens.:wai:

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

I am not providing misinformation on her current national support - do your research. Oh and in the fairly recent WA State elections she received what - about 4% of direct votes, a significant decline. Hanson 'telling like it is" only because you agree with her lunacy, others do not.

Not a decline at all.... far from it. She enjoyed a 4.9 to 8.2 percent gain in popularity


so... more and more people are agreeing with her lunacy, and I for one, hope she keeps on raising issues others choose to ignore as being to hard or PC incorrect, as without these issues being raised, they will not be discussed, and they need discussing.




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39 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


So it's a lunacy to believe that the burqa should be removed under all circumstances where identification and facial recognition is required?  If that's lunacy, than Que Sera, Sera.   If it's banned, it's banned, if not, than it's neither here nor there, they can wear what they want but let's just hope we do not experience that what is now happening in many other countries.  As for the decline, do some checking yourself and don't just resort to WA, do it nationally.  Oh, by the way, the percentage was 4.3 and they came in fourth behind the Labor, the Libs and the Greens.:wai:

Well the Head of ASIO stated today Hanson's position on the burka is not constructive for national security, I prefer to listen to the professionals. To repeat it is a required to positively identify yourself at lawful request, burka wearers are not exempt. 


As of first week August, support for the LNP in Queensland has risen as Pauline Hanson’s One Nation continues to slide and Annastacia Palaszczuk records her worst satisfaction rating since becoming Premier.




Nationally I understand running at about 8%, which is a decline, but varies up & down as Hanson lurches from one foot in the mouth statement / action to another.

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2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Not a decline at all.... far from it. She enjoyed a 4.9 to 8.2 percent gain in popularity


so... more and more people are agreeing with her lunacy, and I for one, hope she keeps on raising issues others choose to ignore as being to hard or PC incorrect, as without these issues being raised, they will not be discussed, and they need discussing.




From what I recall she was estimated to win 12 - 15% in WA and fell drastically due to stupid political decisions, at least so far as Hanson supporters were concerned. However, can go around and around, personally, at the national level, as her polices come under more scrutiny I believe she will be a loser. Unfortunately some Australians still believe in the idiocy of her policies. if you listen to the likes of John Laws talk back radio, primarily due to her anti Muslim rhetoric.

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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

 To repeat it is a required to positively identify yourself at lawful request, burka wearers are not exempt. 


It's a bit of a bugger, if due to circumstances, that request is made a little late, or not at all.


call me crazy, but concealing your identity in public, is just wrong.... and there's nothing racist, predjudiced or anti Muslim in my position, I'm simply anti identity concealment.

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6 minutes ago, farcanell said:

It's a bit of a bugger, if due to circumstances, that request is made a little late, or not at all.


call me crazy, but concealing your identity in public, is just wrong.... and there's nothing racist, predjudiced or anti Muslim in my position, I'm simply anti identity concealment.

Then also ban wearing bike helmets, hoodies etc in public places

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Democratically elected minority politicians will always be pushing the shit cart uphill to get their message out to the public.


Doesn't matter one bit what I think about this burqa topic .... I applaud Pauline Hanson for having the balls to rock the Parliamentary boat to get her message out there.


Big party politicians are too shit scared to pull a stunt like this, for fear of ending up in the wilderness "backbenches" .... never to be seen again.


Whether you like her policies or not, she's got guts, and she's no political dimwit.


No .... I didn't vote for her, but I like her spunk. In an ocean full of limp dick nameless politicians, people definately remember Pauline Hanson.


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