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Syria's Assad says Western plots against him foiled but war not yet won


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Hang in there Assad. They call you a tyrant but the prescription for your tyranny is to turn Stria into a medieval country with Sunni terrorists running things.....the cure is worse than the disease. 
The West cares nothing for ordinary Syrians who are simply pawns in their game of hegemony....they don;t care how many orphans their bombs kill, or how many fathers, sons, mothers and daughters have been mutilated or slain and how many lives blighted for the sake of a bloody pipeline that the US wanted to have built to poke Russia in the eye.
I read a brilliant article which asked the question why America keeps going in for these regime changes in the Middle East which turn out disastrously and leave the country destabilized and shattered. The conclusion was that what America really wants is not to kill off the Saddams and Assads, but to shatter and destabilize these countries. The number of people killed by the Assad regime pales into insignificance next to the numbers whose live have been wrecked by the West sponsored regime change invasion.
Hang in the Mr Assad.

Can you provide a link to what in your opinion is a brilliant article, please?

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"...stalwart allies Russia, Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah..."


7 words that say it all.


"Syria's Assad says Western plots against him foiled but war not yet won "


OK, and now beginning to sound like a certain sociopathic dictator at the other end of Asia...


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40 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

"...stalwart allies Russia, Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah..."


7 words that say it all.


"Syria's Assad says Western plots against him foiled but war not yet won "


OK, and now beginning to sound like a certain sociopathic dictator at the other end of Asia...


Are you aware that the US was funding rebel groups in Syria until Trump put a stop to it? And that it's still has troops with Kurds in Syria?


 So no, Assad is not delusional. You on the other hand...

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Edit - screw it, I can't be bothered. There's no point arguing with those that believe the US can do no evil, and that have the right to overtly and covertly destabilise and impose their will on other nations.

What I will say, is that for many years I was told by people from the Middle East what a wonderful country Syria was, and how I should visit. It was renowned in the region as a peaceful and progressive country.

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25 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Edit - screw it, I can't be bothered. There's no point arguing with those that believe the US can do no evil, and that have the right to overtly and covertly destabilise and impose their will on other nations.

What I will say, is that for many years I was told by people from the Middle East what a wonderful country Syria was, and how I should visit. It was renowned in the region as a peaceful and progressive country.

Wonderful country if you were connected. Not so wonderful otherwise. Read about Assad's father's massacre years ago.


The US is far from perfect, but also not responsible for everything bad that happens around the world.  Though some try to say that.  LOL

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Edit - screw it, I can't be bothered. There's no point arguing with those that believe the US can do no evil, and that have the right to overtly and covertly destabilise and impose their will on other nations.

What I will say, is that for many years I was told by people from the Middle East what a wonderful country Syria was, and how I should visit. It was renowned in the region as a peaceful and progressive country.

The arch-conservative Muslim Brotherhood, centered in the city of Hama, was finally crushed in February 1982 when parts of the city were hit by artillery fire and leaving between 10,000 and 25,000 people, mostly civilians, dead or wounded (see Hama massacre).[48] The government's actions at Hama have been described as possibly being "the single deadliest act by any Arab government against its own people in the modern Middle East".[49] Since then, public manifestations of anti-government activity have been limited.[27]


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Since the 1950s, the United States has secretly struck up alliances with the Brotherhood or its offshoots on issues as diverse as fighting communism and calming tensions among European Muslims. And if we look to history, we can see a familiar pattern: each time, US leaders have decided that the Brotherhood could be useful and tried to bend it to America’s goals, and each time, maybe not surprisingly, the only party that clearly has benefited has been the Brotherhood.


The author Ian Johnson is a pulitzer prize winning author, previously of the WSJ, that has delivered testimony to Congress - just to pre-empt any claim of 'questionable sources'.

My point here is to highlight that the US is often involved in covert (and overt) destabilisation of other countries - in terms of the current trouble in Syria it is not a simple case of saying 'it started with the Arab spring', the roots of the spring itself need to be considered, and who was funding and supporting it. The reason why they were doing so also needs to be called into question.

I'm quite certain that the US would not hesitate to bomb its own cities were they taken over for a period of years by foreign funded armed organisations intent on destroying its existing political structure.

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8 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I'm quite certain that the US would not hesitate to bomb its own cities were they taken over for a period of years by foreign funded armed organisations intent on destroying its existing political structure.

Horrible thing to post. Crazy scenario and never happen.

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18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Horrible thing to post. Crazy scenario and never happen.

"Horrible thing to post"? Sorry for disturbing your sensitive demeanour.

"Crazy scenario"? Hardly "crazy", given it has occurred over and over again around the world - often (not always) with the US being the foreign funder of armed organisations. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/15/us/politics/cia-study-says-arming-rebels-seldom-works.html mentions a few of these instances. William Blum (https://www.amazon.co.uk/William-Blum/e/B000APW3VO/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0) has written a number of very interesting books on on this topic.

"Never happen"? In the US - indeed highly unlikely, given their strength. Unfortunate for all the other countries around the world that do not want to fall in line with the agenda of more powerful nations, ones that are willing to fund armed opposition in other, less powerful, nations.

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