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I am absolutely astounded with dealing with the Australian embassy in BKK

For some time I have been friend with a lady I med who had just finished her Uni degree in Bkk, so she was a well educated lady and not a bar girl. she had been working for Conrad's hotel for nearly 3 years at the time and my husband and I decided we would like to give her a return ticket to Australia as a Xmas present.

I wrote a letter to the Oz immigration office explaining she was to come in late October, and when she applied for 3 months noon paid work leave they said no, they could not do she would have to leave and reapply when she returned (logical i my mind) Problems at home saw the trip put back 2 months so she had been out of work with Conrad's for 2 months, so she got a part time job in a Chinese rest. during the Xmas New Year festive season

All these facts where put before the embassy, yet they cam back with the fact they had denied her application as she was unemployed and the cost of the trip way out weighed her ability to pay.

Okay hang on My husband and I where paying for the air ticket, she would be staying and boarding with us in Australia, What expense?

Her Health Insurance had been paid for so no worries here.

we also declared in the letter that both my husband and I would pick her up at the airport and deliver her back, make sure she returns on time,

We also put into a bank account a certain amount of money to show we where prepared for the unexpected

But some one in the embassy decided he could see no reason why she would want to return from Australia to Thailand, and took no notice of the letters written by us to say she will

They made up this assumption in 1 day and at no risk to themselves, where as I have know her for 3 years and know her character well enough to pay for the plane ticket

I have a responsible job in Australia but feel my word was not taken into consideration at all, and some person in Bkk has just about ruined the self confidence in what I would call one of you better citizens, remember she has 3 years of Uni behind her, has never been a bar girl and up till she left her job to travel to Australia had a good job record

What must you do to shake some light into these guys at the embassy

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OOOps forgot to add

I gave them my telephone number and email address at where I work at one of Australias top Universities, so they could contact me if they needed any more information

they never did

even send them a copy of my passport showing the day I was in Bkk when we first met

No was ever looked at

OOOps forgot to add

I gave them my telephone number and email address at where I work at one of Australias top Universities, so they could contact me if they needed any more information

they never did

even send them a copy of my passport showing the day I was in Bkk when we first met

No was ever looked at

I have had a similar experience years ago so I understand your frustration. However I also understand the Embassy's position as Thailand and the Phillines are statisically regarded as "High Risk" areas, read one of the Oz papers last week to see the article on 'sham marriages'

The solution is to go to your Federal Minister and complain and follow that up with a written complaint, then find out the name of the Australian Ambassador to Thailand and write to him direct attaching a copy of your letter to your Federal Minister and his complaint. You may be pleasantly surprised at what happens when you communicate with the Organ Griders rather than the monkey's.

I am absolutely astounded with dealing with the Australian embassy in BKK

For some time I have been friend with a lady I med who had just finished her Uni degree in Bkk, so she was a well educated lady and not a bar girl. she had been working for Conrad's hotel for nearly 3 years at the time and my husband and I decided we would like to give her a return ticket to Australia as a Xmas present.

I wrote a letter to the Oz immigration office explaining she was to come in late October, and when she applied for 3 months noon paid work leave they said no, they could not do she would have to leave and reapply when she returned (logical i my mind) Problems at home saw the trip put back 2 months so she had been out of work with Conrad's for 2 months, so she got a part time job in a Chinese rest. during the Xmas New Year festive season

All these facts where put before the embassy, yet they cam back with the fact they had denied her application as she was unemployed and the cost of the trip way out weighed her ability to pay.

Okay hang on My husband and I where paying for the air ticket, she would be staying and boarding with us in Australia, What expense?

Her Health Insurance had been paid for so no worries here.

we also declared in the letter that both my husband and I would pick her up at the airport and deliver her back, make sure she returns on time,

We also put into a bank account a certain amount of money to show we where prepared for the unexpected

But some one in the embassy decided he could see no reason why she would want to return from Australia to Thailand, and took no notice of the letters written by us to say she will

They made up this assumption in 1 day and at no risk to themselves, where as I have know her for 3 years and know her character well enough to pay for the plane ticket

I have a responsible job in Australia but feel my word was not taken into consideration at all, and some person in Bkk has just about ruined the self confidence in what I would call one of you better citizens, remember she has 3 years of Uni behind her, has never been a bar girl and up till she left her job to travel to Australia had a good job record

What must you do to shake some light into these guys at the embassy

What you must do is go about things the right way.....

The fact you changed your dates would cast some suspicion in the eyes of the Embassy....

The Embassy do not look at whether she is a bar girl or Uni Educated or not, So her employment choice is not an issue. Being Uni educated would give her no advantage over a bar girl.

Your application should have included such things as, letters written between yourselves, Photos of you all together in various locations and obvious stages of the year, ie; Christmas, Loy Kratang, Songkran etc...Any phone bills showing that you were in contact with each other. Any other proof to show that you actually have known the applicant.

Importantly, You and your husband should have been named as a sponsors on the application or as a funds providers, there is a section on the form for this. You should have included a letter or a Stat Dec stating your extent of support, Financial, medical, general living, Travel costs, etc...You then need to show that you have income to provide that support, Payslips from you and your husband...So long as she has a sponsor it doesnt matter if she is unemployed or not.

So in answer to your heading....Yes they do read the applications and determine the application on the supporting evidence....If she tries to get an unsponsored visa in the situation you have written about, then it is bound to fail.

Your only recourse now is to appeal the decision providing supporting evidence as I have mentioned above and write letters to your local MP and Immigration heads here. Or you can wait till later in the year and try again.


Sorry to hear about this. I feel that there must of been something they viewed suspicious about the applicant and their motives. I have only had very positive expereiences at the Oz Embassy in BKK. Just try again and better luck next time.


As a nebie, OP might not know that there are many threads she can research on Thaivisa covering this issue in great detail. Had OP done this before making the application she may have been successful.

The first misunderstanding expressed by OP was that she was not aware that the "burden of persuasion" rests on the applicant to convince the immigration officer that the Thai lady has a compelling reason to return to Thailand.

This "sales job" is enhanced by documentary evidence as suggested by previous posters.

Having been through this process sucessfully, after an initial turn down, I urge you to read the detailed threads and do all the work suggested.

Certainly, an Australiam MP working for you would sure help. At least that is what an Imigration Officer suggested to me as a way to get my initial turn down reversed.

Financial guarantees are almost a prerequisite, however, your own veracity, financial strength or other "Aussie values" carry little weight, unless your an MP of course.

Read the threads in the archives and you will be prepared to go foreward forewarned.

I am absolutely astounded with dealing with the Australian embassy in BKK

For some time I have been friend with a lady I med who had just finished her Uni degree in Bkk, so she was a well educated lady and not a bar girl. she had been working for Conrad's hotel for nearly 3 years at the time and my husband and I decided we would like to give her a return ticket to Australia as a Xmas present.

I wrote a letter to the Oz immigration office explaining she was to come in late October, and when she applied for 3 months noon paid work leave they said no, they could not do she would have to leave and reapply when she returned (logical i my mind) Problems at home saw the trip put back 2 months so she had been out of work with Conrad's for 2 months, so she got a part time job in a Chinese rest. during the Xmas New Year festive season

All these facts where put before the embassy, yet they cam back with the fact they had denied her application as she was unemployed and the cost of the trip way out weighed her ability to pay.

Okay hang on My husband and I where paying for the air ticket, she would be staying and boarding with us in Australia, What expense?

Her Health Insurance had been paid for so no worries here.

we also declared in the letter that both my husband and I would pick her up at the airport and deliver her back, make sure she returns on time,

We also put into a bank account a certain amount of money to show we where prepared for the unexpected

But some one in the embassy decided he could see no reason why she would want to return from Australia to Thailand, and took no notice of the letters written by us to say she will

They made up this assumption in 1 day and at no risk to themselves, where as I have know her for 3 years and know her character well enough to pay for the plane ticket

I have a responsible job in Australia but feel my word was not taken into consideration at all, and some person in Bkk has just about ruined the self confidence in what I would call one of you better citizens, remember she has 3 years of Uni behind her, has never been a bar girl and up till she left her job to travel to Australia had a good job record

What must you do to shake some light into these guys at the embassy

I understand your feeling

I am Australian guy and try to get holiday visa for my girlfriend. I have got money and a good job and absolutely no problem about me suport her in Australia.

The Australia embassy say no to us 3 times. Each time they say she is a risk to stay in Australia and not go back to Thailand. The reason they say is "not her money...it is your money therefore she not tourist so cannot apply for tourist visa".

She is the same your freind, she got degree and work very hard about english teacher for Thai children. I put money in her account but still they say no. I was very angry and complain a lot but still they say no. And I am Australian citizen that live here all my life.

Any way I marry with her and now she got permanent visa and we now live together in Australia and we are very happy.

I am very sorry about your friend. Australian visa is the hardest in the world now, even harder than USA.

Only way to get tourist visa is if she can show a good job that put the money in the bank and show that she save the money herself.

I wish you good luck

Only way to get tourist visa is if she can show a good job that put the money in the bank and show that she save the money herself.

Not true....If she is sponsored then her employment and savings are not an issue. My fiance has had 2 visas issued and both times we stated she was unemployed and she had no savings in the bank. I supplied supporting documents as I mentioned before and she got her visas with no trouble. other friends have done the same.

LIE, your information could be a little dated....the rules and guidelines change all the time.


attitude hasn't changed has it.

australia has racist immigration and visa policies,

this is undeniable.

- all asian women are prostitutes.

- all asian women want to stay in australia, get residency then bring their families as well.

these are the absurd starting premises a visa officer starts with.

few years ago my burmese female friend was rejected for a tourist visa,

thats normal and expected.

many phone calls to yangon embassy,

got a federal minister i know personally to verify my good character.

got a review and it was granted.

BUT i shouldn't have to do that,

e.g. the qualities of the staff.

talking to a young woman in the melbourne immigration office about regulations etc.

she said to me "yeah , they all want to come here"

i was stunned and speechless.

talking to an aus male from hanoi embassy just arrived in yangon,

all he wanted to know was where to find prostitutes and can they stay in his hotel.

well known aus journalist married a burmese woman and actually had an immigration officer say to him,

"so you married a prostitiute?"

yes its racist and makes me wanna puke and i would be ashamed to be an australian if i

believed i was, i have rejected my "australianess" in my my own mind,

i have the passport and 150 years of family history there, but as a country to align my beliefs with i find it impossible.

fight the idiots all the way.

i believe there is something psychologically very deep in the aus mind set ,

its a strange fear of single asian women.

when i was young and the american war in vietnam was going on

there were unbelievable and unfounded stories going around like the prostitutes

would put razor blades in their vaginas to cut the foreign soldiers' penises to shreds.

the type of irrational fear that generates a story like that still exists in my opinion.

aside from that it would be enlightening to see real figures on visa overstays in aus.

i bet young english folks would be number one.

i don't care, let them stay, crikey we need population.


Put her on an indonesian fishing boat with no passport and she will be able to stay for-ever, better still say she was being persecuted because she was one of saddams bodyguards, she will probably get a big compensation payout as well!!!

Genuine tourist and visitors to aus are being persecuted whilst illegal immegrants can do what ever they like; Australia land of the free?

attitude hasn't changed has it.

australia has racist immigration and visa policies,

this is undeniable.

- all asian women are prostitutes.

- all asian women want to stay in australia, get residency then bring their families as well.

these are the absurd starting premises a visa officer starts with.

Some countries are considered high risk but this is due to the people who have abused the system not because of Immigration.

few years ago my burmese female friend was rejected for a tourist visa,

thats normal and expected.

many phone calls to yangon embassy,

got a federal minister i know personally to verify my good character.

got a review and it was granted.

BUT i shouldn't have to do that,

Why not ??...do you believe that Australia should just let anyone come here

e.g. the qualities of the staff.

talking to a young woman in the melbourne immigration office about regulations etc.

she said to me "yeah , they all want to come here"

i was stunned and speechless.

She is entitled to her opinion...did you point out that most want to go the US and many live in Europe

talking to an aus male from hanoi embassy just arrived in yangon,

all he wanted to know was where to find prostitutes and can they stay in his hotel.

Relevence please...not only to the topic but also to the point of your post ??

well known aus journalist married a burmese woman and actually had an immigration officer say to him,

"so you married a prostitiute?"

Good grounding...although unprofessional....he will cop a lot more than that in the general Oz population.

aside from that it would be enlightening to see real figures on visa overstays in aus.

i bet young english folks would be number one.

Yes the English do account for the majority of overstays...but as we are aligned to them in a different way to Asia then this will continue.

i don't care, let them stay, crikey we need population.

No we dont.....

Put her on an indonesian fishing boat with no passport and she will be able to stay for-ever, better still say she was being persecuted because she was one of saddams bodyguards, she will probably get a big compensation payout as well!!!

The policy now is that only those determined to be genuine refugees will be granted entry to Oz

Genuine tourist and visitors to aus are being persecuted whilst illegal immegrants can do what ever they like; Australia land of the free?

The US is the land of the free....we are girt by sea.... :o

oh boy!!!!

well i thank mr. gburns57au for illustrating exactly the insular ,ignorant and xenophobic nature of many australians.

It was my pleasure entirely.....


oh boy!!!!

well i thank mr. gburns57au for illustrating exactly the insular ,ignorant and xenophobic nature of many australians.

Its just too bad for you that your vision is so bad that you cant see that its mr. gburns57au who is actually correct.....................

Australia "Like it or leave it"

oh boy!!!!

well i thank mr. gburns57au for illustrating exactly the insular ,ignorant and xenophobic nature of many australians.

Its just too bad for you that your vision is so bad that you cant see that its mr. gburns57au who is actually correct.....................

Australia "Like it or leave it"

oh boy.....

another one...

now we know where the embassy finds its staff

oh boy!!!!

well i thank mr. gburns57au for illustrating exactly the insular ,ignorant and xenophobic nature of many australians.

Its just too bad for you that your vision is so bad that you cant see that its mr. gburns57au who is actually correct.....................

Australia "Like it or leave it"

oh boy.....

another one...

now we know where the embassy finds its staff

welcome to thaivisa.com :o

attitude hasn't changed has it.

australia has racist immigration and visa policies,

this is undeniable.

- all asian women are prostitutes.

- all asian women want to stay in australia, get residency then bring their families as well.

these are the absurd starting premises a visa officer starts with.

Some countries are considered high risk but this is due to the people who have abused the system not because of Immigration.

few years ago my burmese female friend was rejected for a tourist visa,

thats normal and expected.

many phone calls to yangon embassy,

got a federal minister i know personally to verify my good character.

got a review and it was granted.

BUT i shouldn't have to do that,

Why not ??...do you believe that Australia should just let anyone come here

e.g. the qualities of the staff.

talking to a young woman in the melbourne immigration office about regulations etc.

she said to me "yeah , they all want to come here"

i was stunned and speechless.

She is entitled to her opinion...did you point out that most want to go the US and many live in Europe

talking to an aus male from hanoi embassy just arrived in yangon,

all he wanted to know was where to find prostitutes and can they stay in his hotel.

Relevence please...not only to the topic but also to the point of your post ??

well known aus journalist married a burmese woman and actually had an immigration officer say to him,

"so you married a prostitiute?"

Good grounding...although unprofessional....he will cop a lot more than that in the general Oz population.

aside from that it would be enlightening to see real figures on visa overstays in aus.

i bet young english folks would be number one.

Yes the English do account for the majority of overstays...but as we are aligned to them in a different way to Asia then this will continue.

i don't care, let them stay, crikey we need population.

No we dont.....

Sory Burnsie , but i think you are out of order on this issue.

I find it somewhat perplexing that migrants such as yourself now want to padlock the gates.

There are around 70,000 overstayers in Australia and 90% of these are from Western countries. What is Australia doing about this? Nothing.

In many ways we have not come that far from the " two wongs dont make a white days".

OOOps forgot to add

I gave them my telephone number and email address at where I work at one of Australias top Universities, so they could contact me if they needed any more information

they never did

even send them a copy of my passport showing the day I was in Bkk when we first met

No was ever looked at

I have had a similar experience years ago so I understand your frustration. However I also understand the Embassy's position as Thailand and the Phillines are statisically regarded as "High Risk" areas, read one of the Oz papers last week to see the article on 'sham marriages'

The solution is to go to your Federal Minister and complain and follow that up with a written complaint, then find out the name of the Australian Ambassador to Thailand and write to him direct attaching a copy of your letter to your Federal Minister and his complaint. You may be pleasantly surprised at what happens when you communicate with the Organ Griders rather than the monkey's.

His Excellency William Paterson is the Oz Ambassador.

OOOps forgot to add

I gave them my telephone number and email address at where I work at one of Australias top Universities, so they could contact me if they needed any more information

they never did

even send them a copy of my passport showing the day I was in Bkk when we first met

No was ever looked at

I have had a similar experience years ago so I understand your frustration. However I also understand the Embassy's position as Thailand and the Phillines are statisically regarded as "High Risk" areas, read one of the Oz papers last week to see the article on 'sham marriages'

The solution is to go to your Federal Minister and complain and follow that up with a written complaint, then find out the name of the Australian Ambassador to Thailand and write to him direct attaching a copy of your letter to your Federal Minister and his complaint. You may be pleasantly surprised at what happens when you communicate with the Organ Griders rather than the monkey's.

His Excellency William Paterson is the Oz Ambassador.

you need to contact immigration, not patto, he cant intervene really.

I used the MP approach and that worked in our case.

oh boy!!!!

well i thank mr. gburns57au for illustrating exactly the insular ,ignorant and xenophobic nature of many australians.

I've given up on them Mark, I've payed more than my share of taxes in that country and contributed as much as most to it's society and culture and people like gburns57au have finally got me living in Thailand 11 months of the year. He and Pauline Hanson are welcome to it and the most tragic part is they can't see the harm that they do to Australia as a member of the global community.

Sory Burnsie , but i think you are out of order on this issue.

I find it somewhat perplexing that migrants such as yourself now want to padlock the gates.

There are around 70,000 overstayers in Australia and 90% of these are from Western countries. What is Australia doing about this? Nothing.

In many ways we have not come that far from the " two wongs dont make a white days".

I think you fellows need to re read the past few posts....

It is a fact that Immigration have a list of countries that are considered high risk for immigration purposes, Thailand is on that list. These countries are on the list for 2 basic reasons....terrorism and visa abuse....England is not on the list because of the different alliance and ties that we have with the UK

Mark seems to think that because a friend of his was denied a visa initially that he shouldnt have had to assist in overturning the decision. He wanted her here so he did what he had to do. to me he is saying that because his family have had ties here for 150 years and he pays taxes that any friend of his should be able to come here....what a lot of rot....Immigration screening is in place for good reasons...to keep undesirables out of the country...this has to be applied to all people who want to come here and that includes my fiance who will be applying for a spouse visa in the coming year.

Marks comment was to let overstays stay here..."I dont care, let them stay, crikey, we need the population"

What rubbish!!.....why should they stay...they are here illegally no matter where they are from. If people want to live here there is a proper way to go about it and that is the way that should be followed. We dont need a population of illegal immigrants when we have people waiting to come here who are prepared to do so in the proper manner. Very few illegal immigrants pay tax or contribute to this country.

If you read Marks post I think you will find that it is not me who has a chip on his shoulder.

oh boy!!!!

well i thank mr. gburns57au for illustrating exactly the insular ,ignorant and xenophobic nature of many australians.

I've given up on them Mark, I've payed more than my share of taxes in that country and contributed as much as most to it's society and culture and people like gburns57au have finally got me living in Thailand 11 months of the year. He and Pauline Hanson are welcome to it and the most tragic part is they can't see the harm that they do to Australia as a member of the global community.

I think you and Mark need to read through many of the migration topics here...you see I have for the last 12 months or so been offering advice to many people who have been seeking to bring their friends and loved ones here for a visit or to stay here. I would like to think that I have actually assisted some of them with their success in doing so...

I guess this makes me insular, ignorant and xenophobic then.

I re-iterate...There is a proper way to do things and that is the way it must be done....People who come here on a tourist visa and overstay their visas are entering the country illegally...these people contribute little to our society. And they are also avoiding things such as medical and character screening...this puts us all at risk....

I am all for migration, as I said I hope to bring my fiance here in the comiing year....and we shall be doing it according to the policies and procedures as laid down by Immigration.


Burnsie I know you give some good advice here and mark shouldnt be shooting the messenger, but I for one have had nothing but trouble with the immigration people in BKK, possibly because I had intervention by a federal Polly.

I still think it's the luck of the draw, there are some good case workers and there arnt.

Gemma Jackson to me is a ghost and have never been able to contact here as previously posted, but a mate of mine got her first call and had a decision reversed so lucky him.

I have no faith in these people whatsoever, thats only my view.

talking to an aus male from hanoi embassy just arrived in yangon,

all he wanted to know was where to find prostitutes and can they stay in his hotel.

Relevence please...not only to the topic but also to the point of your post ??

well known aus journalist married a burmese woman and actually had an immigration officer say to him,

"so you married a prostitiute?"

Good grounding...although unprofessional....he will cop a lot more than that in the general Oz population.


Burnsie I know you give some good advice here and mark shouldnt be shooting the messenger, but I for one have had nothing but trouble with the immigration people in BKK, possibly because I had intervention by a federal Polly.

I still think it's the luck of the draw, there are some good case workers and there arnt.

Gemma Jackson to me is a ghost and have never been able to contact here as previously posted, but a mate of mine got her first call and had a decision reversed so lucky him.

I have no faith in these people whatsoever, thats only my view.

Yes there are people who have had a bad experience with immigration, I think though that these days and judging by the posts here, they are in a minority. More often than not (and I am not saying that this is the case with you) the problem lies with the applicants and sponsors and the quality of the application. Some people do not understand what is required and put in sub-standard applications or they put in applications that fall well below the required standards and then expect the world to move for them. There are times though when it comes down to an over zealous case officer or even a personality clash between the case officer and the applicant or the sponsor.

Part of what MM. myself and others do here is to help people understand the requirements and hopefully, if they listen, to submit complete applications so that they dont run into problems. Sometimes it is hard because there are many variables...we dont know the parties involved or if we are receiving truthful information from them.

Personally I have had no problems with the staff in my dealing with them, I like to tell the story of my first GF's application for a tourist visa in 1995....

I went to the embassy with my then GF...we got a Thai form from the guards at the gate and she filled it out there and then. When the office opened we went in and waited about 45 minutes to lodge the form....I took a briefcase full of letters, photos, phone bills etc...and just handed the lot over...actually handed it around as the case wouldnt fit through the slot so I had to give it to her through their door. A couple of questions were asked of the GF....waited about 5 minutes and got the visa. At the same time an older guy and Thai lady were applying for a visitors visa...It was obvious that he had not known her long and that he was still drunk from the night before....he had no documentation, just the application form. He was shunted from level to level and office to office. As we were leaving he asked if we got our visa....when he heard we had, He started abusing the staff...of course that didnt help his case...wonder if he ever got the visa...I very much doubt it.... :o

talking to an aus male from hanoi embassy just arrived in yangon,

all he wanted to know was where to find prostitutes and can they stay in his hotel.

Relevence please...not only to the topic but also to the point of your post ??

well known aus journalist married a burmese woman and actually had an immigration officer say to him,

"so you married a prostitiute?"

Good grounding...although unprofessional....he will cop a lot more than that in the general Oz population.


But true....

The officer had no right to say such a thing but the journo will have to put up with anything from snide remarks to outright hostility. That is part of the price we pay when we bring the girls over. And may I say it is not just Oz...but even in the US and UK it happens....

Mail order bride, asian whore, how much did you pay for her, dont it bother you that your wife has slept with thousands of men, Hong Kong mattress...etc...these are just some of the comments I have heard and received from people here.


I agree Burnsie, the application must be spot on, but I know for sure that applications are rejected by CW on their impressions, not on the facts.

I have a Neice who is quite well off has 2 properties in the Khonkaen region, is a qualified Civil Engineer, but has never worked in that profession.

She has worked as a teacher and book keeper.

Her application for tourist visa in 2004 was rejected by the CW because her current employment status was as a bookkeeper. The CW argued that she was a qualified person she should be carrying out that profession.

The paperwork was spot on, I had the sponsorship form and stat dec with it for back up.

So yes it wasn't a case of lax application, it was a case of a lax case worker.

I rang gemma jackson and have called several times and emailed since, but am yet to receive a reply

So while I agree that things might be better, it's still not a bed of roses and the staff there are not all up to scratch

I agree Burnsie, the application must be spot on, but I know for sure that applications are rejected by CW on their impressions, not on the facts.

I have a Neice who is quite well off has 2 properties in the Khonkaen region, is a qualified Civil Engineer, but has never worked in that profession.

She has worked as a teacher and book keeper.

Her application for tourist visa in 2004 was rejected by the CW because her current employment status was as a bookkeeper. The CW argued that she was a qualified person she should be carrying out that profession.

The paperwork was spot on, I had the sponsorship form and stat dec with it for back up.

So yes it wasn't a case of lax application, it was a case of a lax case worker.

I rang gemma jackson and have called several times and emailed since, but am yet to receive a reply

So while I agree that things might be better, it's still not a bed of roses and the staff there are not all up to scratch

Good grounds for an appeal....it is not the case workers job to determine what sort of employment your niece should be doing...many people work outside of their qualified field, maybe they dont like that work after studying for it, maybe they is a lack of employment in that field...these are not concerns for the Embassy staff. Their primary concern is that the applicant has funds available either on their own or through a sponsor to cover the trip and anything that may arise during the trip.

As I said an over zealous rather then lax case worker....Did you eventually get her a visa ?? It maybe worth another go at it...going through the VFS office reduces the chance of this sort of thing as the Embassy staff dont see the applicant and can only recommend on the strength of the application rather than a personal viewpoint.

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