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Kind Gestures From Thai People

Jet Gorgon

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In the 70's I made my first visa run to malaysia. When I got to the Thai official who stamps people out of Thailand. He looked at my double entry visa and showed me I had misread it, was a day late and would need to go back to BKK to fix it before I could cross the boarder! Then he smiled and stamped it anyway and handed my passport back to me! I taught at AUA CM and whenever my motorcycle broke down I would just stand next to it for about 5 min.until one of my students parents saw me and stopped to help.

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Ok, a quick one.

My brother and his gf went to the rock festival concert in Bangkok last year. His gf had twisted her ankle drunk at a party a few days before, but even with the pain of having to walk a lot they had bought the tickets so went.

Getting back was a bit of a nightmare because surprisingly no taxis were around, so they set off on a long trudge his gf hobbling along and a police car cruises by them once before disappearing round the corner. 5 minutes later the police car comes round again, pulls up beside them and gives them a lift up to the main road. He drops them off, gets out, hails a taxi for them, tells the taxi where they are going and wishes them on there way.

I suppose theres some kind of police service there but I think it was above and beyond the call of duty myself. An act of kindness. :o

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We ran out of petrol about 20 miles north of Krabi a few years ago. Hadn’t seen a petrol station anywhere! There we were parked at the side of the road wondering what to do miles from anywhere. We had been there for about fifteen minutes when two young Thai guys on a motorcycle stopped and asked what was wrong.

On finding out we were out of petrol they volunteered to go get some.

After 40 minutes or longer we had given up on them thinking they had not bothered. At that moment we saw them coming back down the road with a can. They would take no money for themselves only for gas. They must have travelled miles to find a garage. And they were travelling to Phuket on this motorcycle!!!!

Yes there are some good people! :o

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We ran out of petrol about 20 miles north of Krabi a few years ago. Hadn’t seen a petrol station anywhere! There we were parked at the side of the road wondering what to do miles from anywhere. We had been there for about fifteen minutes when two young Thai guys on a motorcycle stopped and asked what was wrong.

On finding out we were out of petrol they volunteered to go get some.

After 40 minutes or longer we had given up on them thinking they had not bothered. At that moment we saw them coming back down the road with a can. They would take no money for themselves only for gas. They must have travelled miles to find a garage. And they were travelling to Phuket on this motorcycle!!!!

Yes there are some good people! :o

I had the same experience on the road one night between Huntington and Newport Beach but I was the person in a mobile car. Went and got sum gas so that they could fire up their motor again...no biggie but that stretch of the highway is long and lonely. They wanted me to take money and I refused...just said that if they were able to help in similar circumstances then think about this one...hi, ho, Silver...!

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being a shopping tragic, then eating something sloppy at MBK with the kids, other customers ferrying extra napkins over, picking the shopping bags up, helping order the right food...

being invited to restaurants and social functions all the time (that really have nothing to do with me)

lots of small presents including home cooked thai food from people I barely know

security guards chasing away touts and making sure taxi meters are turn on and instructions followed.

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I haven't been on here lately, but I had to respond to this thread. Many, many incidents of sharing food, and looking after me when I've been sick on a plane or in public.

One time I was upset after a disturbing phone call from home, and I walked out of a 7-11 without collecting over 900 baht in change. The counter clerk came running after me on the street to give me back my change.

Recently in New York, I visited a Thai restaurant that has expanded since I visited it last. I went in with a little bit of pocket change, because I was too lazy to walk the few blocks over to the ATM that I use. I had just enough to cover a meatless and plain Phad Thai. The waiter, who had just arrived in New York a couple of months ago, asked me if I liked chicken. I said I did. They included chicken in my dish and told me not to sweat the extra charge.

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I haven't been on here lately, but I had to respond to this thread. Many, many incidents of sharing food, and looking after me when I've been sick on a plane or in public.

One time I was upset after a disturbing phone call from home, and I walked out of a 7-11 without collecting over 900 baht in change. The counter clerk came running after me on the street to give me back my change.

Recently in New York, I visited a Thai restaurant that has expanded since I visited it last. I went in with a little bit of pocket change, because I was too lazy to walk the few blocks over to the ATM that I use. I had just enough to cover a meatless and plain Phad Thai. The waiter, who had just arrived in New York a couple of months ago, asked me if I liked chicken. I said I did. They included chicken in my dish and told me not to sweat the extra charge.

say, babe...welcome back...

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Hmm I wondered about posting here but thought what the hel_l! As a member of rotary here in pattay we collected money and food etc over a four week period in Foodfland and Carrfour in Pattaya, it has to be said that over that period over 99% of people that gave money and food were Thais and of the farangs most that gave were from their were from their partners or children. The worst was four men of middle eastern appearance who gave ONE BAHT each. We were also subjected to comments from farangs who said things like "why should I give when the bxxxxxx want me to leave every 30 days etc. draw your own conclusions

Edited by JohnC
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Thanks Tutsi, but I'm not staying long. I just wanted to tell the story of how this Thai kindness has followed me to New York :o Speaking of which, I can't get too distracted by anything right now because I have my work cut out for me in transitioning back to a full, responsible, working life here.

Will check in again soon, I hope.



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Thanks Tutsi, but I'm not staying long. I just wanted to tell the story of how this Thai kindness has followed me to New York :o Speaking of which, I can't get too distracted by anything right now because I have my work cut out for me in transitioning back to a full, responsible, working life here.

Will check in again soon, I hope.



dont get any of that stuff on ye...it's toxic and evil...

all the best...

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I once forgot to buckle my seat belts. Soon enough at a red light there comes this police man and knocks on my window. I roll it down. He gestures towards the seat belt. I say sorry. He: No problem, have a nice trip. AND I got a smile.


I have never lived in a country where I actually get a tip FROM the taxi driver who refuses my small change. I LOVE Thailand and its people, despite everything.

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cricky's dave,

i hope the mods read this as i might get a bit of a discount on my warnings.

but seriously mate,

if you keep talking me up like that i'll have every frigging katoey on rambuttri street heading my way.

but thanks for that mate,



Big Bald Head,,,,, Big Hose,,,,Katoeys Chasing You,,,Hmnnn You Sexy Thing You... :whistling:quote]

thanks for that duck,

must be the bald head and big hose that sends them nuts. :o:D :D

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Stop the PRESS!!!

Tutsi was doing a kind deed. He does have blood running through his veins.

Not an ogre afterall.

yes tutsi is alright,

he's just a very naughty boy sometimes and needs a big smack from his mommy. :D :D :D

cheers tuts. :o

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Not Thai, but very close;

I was crossing into Burma at Maesai. Left my passport with Myanmar immigration, handed over 500 baht for a 250 baht border pass fee, and walked into town. The girl working there went looking, and found me in the market to give me my 250baht change.

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Hey Fireman haven't you got a boyscouts camp fire to keep an eye on ??

Had to put a new back tyre and tube on the 2nd bike (little 100ccWave)

turned out the rear brake was stuffed as well so all done B570..

I gave him B1,000 he gave me B450 and said B20 tip to me and smiled..

Mind you I was in some old clothes I wonder ????? :o

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There are so many...

First trip here and lost my money bag on Surat Thani-Samui ferry. Told a travel agent on board who said "oh, upstairs". I searched and searched amidst the backpackers. I found the agent again and said I couldn't find it. He laughed as I was ready to cry. He took me to the captain's cabin, where several staff were gabbing. My bag sat intact on the dash.

The wonderful Big Buddha resort (now Nara Garden) owner waiting at the Samui pier when horrid monsoons caused one Surat-Samui ferry to sink in November 1995. Our ferry just made it, several hours late. He approached us like a tout, but was so honest. Drove us to his resort, gave us a room at discount, opened the restaurant to feed us, and drove us to the Haadrin ferry pier the next day.

Lost my keys down a roadside drain. A kid fished them out with a coathangar and then took off. I was distraught. He came back five minutes later with the keys. He took them away to wash them.

Question?? To wash them or to make DUP to use LATER, BEWARE my friend!!

Neighbours taking care when I had dengue and for sure I was gonna die, methought.

Grocer who wrote chits when I had no cash because a power outage zapped the ATMs.

Please add your experiences. :o

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Dear Big Snake,

Question?? To wash them or to make DUP to use LATER, BEWARE my friend!!

I thought so, too, for a mo, but nothing ever happened. Five years plus. Unless he was the guy who ran over, killed and ate my dog, but nothing stolen from my home in that whole time.

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Dear Big Snake,

Question?? To wash them or to make DUP to use LATER, BEWARE my friend!!

I thought so, too, for a mo, but nothing ever happened. Five years plus. Unless he was the guy who ran over, killed and ate my dog, but nothing stolen from my home in that whole time.

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That's incredible. How old was the samaritian out of interest? I take it you paid them back in the end?

Once a stranger took me to the best hospital in Bangkok when I was very sick with booze and drugs, vistited me every day and paid the bill. Years later, now a very good friend. Simply- this act of kindness saved my life.

In my experience - the worse off I've been, more acts of kindness.

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Never thought the police cared about seat belts in Thailand!!


I once forgot to buckle my seat belts. Soon enough at a red light there comes this police man and knocks on my window. I roll it down. He gestures towards the seat belt. I say sorry. He: No problem, have a nice trip. AND I got a smile.


I have never lived in a country where I actually get a tip FROM the taxi driver who refuses my small change. I LOVE Thailand and its people, despite everything.

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Seeing and commenting only on kindness is just as bad as seeing and commenting only on 'bad' deeds and ripoffs IMHO.

I have had many more people trying to rip me off etc than I have had ppl doing kind deeds to me. The kindness shown though, has sometimes been quite big and very unexpected.

Seems to me Thailand lives on the extremes. I find less middle-of-the-road people here who do neither bad nor good things to/for me than I have found anywhere else.

Here's hoping that the kind, gentle people that I fell in love with many years ago get to reverse the trend of greed and dishonesty that seems to afflict this country increasingly.

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