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Stormy weather, again...?


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Predictably, the "Yingluck"-Matter is at a boiling point (again) in the Thai-News Forum.

Possibly, some Expats, for a change, can agree on ONE common denominator:

- During the "Thaksin-Reighn", for the first time in 150 years, some "Bangkok-Money" has trickled up into the Isaan. No kidding!
Unfortunately, the price for Rice took a dive on international markets, just at the time. the "Rice-Scheme" was implemented. If the price of Rice would have risen during "the Rice Scheme" on international markets, I am sure that coins displaying the face of "Thaksin" would be in circulation and he would still be sitting pretty in Thailand.

Good intentions, but bad timing, costing the Thai-Treasury plenty.

Of course, "commissions" were paid out along the way. But no Thai would find this "unusual", regardless if a "small-deal" or a "big-deal" is in the making. Without "commissions" Thailand would come to a standstill, among with another 100 countries.  
In the meantime, the Isaan Rice Farmer, (left in a bit of confusion), being told that he is (indirectly) "resopnsible" for this debacle wonders why there is still enough money in the treasury to buy Submarines, Anti-Ship-Missiles and High Speed Trains to China.

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