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  1. Kasikorn used to do a K-Web Virtual Card for online shopping. They changed it last year. I'm not sure what they have now.
  2. She got off lucky if she meant it. If she had done that at home, she would be facing a far harsher punishment.
  3. I'm just waiting for a report of a big Lottery winner, who had a vision to put the whole THB10,000 on certain numbers. That will really start a craze.
  4. If it was him, hopefully modern DNA techniques will shut down his denial and any doubt of guilt, and then they can nail him to the wall.
  5. Not sure how it works so will ask: Do the supermarkets and wine merchants all pay their tax up front to the Thai gov't after importation? Because if so, they might have to sell their old stock first before they drop the price.
  6. Maybe ask here on AN for recommendations for a good dentist in your area first, pick one, then go and discuss with them your options.
  7. Egg mayonnaise, roast chicken salad, Avocado and crispy bacon, chip butty, steak with mustard, roast turkey and pickled red cabbage, corned beef with HP sauce, boiled egg and tomato. fried egg and bacon,
  8. I wonder if dog's owner be held responsible and punished in any way for the poor lady's death. I doubt it. She would probably get worse here for writing a bad restaurant review.
  9. Probably more than just alcohol. Wait until he sobers up and make him clean it up.
  10. So it took someone's death before the owner decided to do anything with what was obviously a dangerous dog.
  11. Are you only connecting over wireless? What about a LAN cable from the Huawei to the TP-Link if possible?
  12. You could possibly try buying on amazon.jp If it is like their other sites, they will pay all the duties in with the price. I just had a quick look here at the following page, and they do indeed have air con units. Whether they are what you want is another matter. https://www.amazon.co.jp/s?k=air+conditioner&__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&crid=3NNREMMXQRWD6&sprefix=air+conditioner%2Caps%2C349&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
  13. I was talking about an app from your VPN provider, specifically for your tv. e.g. Have a look here for more info in setting up a VPN on TV: https://www.expressvpn.com/vpn-download/vpn-smart-tv
  14. Have you downloaded the specific VPN app for the TV onto the TV? Or as others have said, you can install on your router.
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