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Gweiloman last won the day on October 12 2015

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  1. Free democratic elections… like cancelling elections in Romania when the wrong candidate is in the lead? Like trying to ban the 2nd most popular party in Germany? Like electing a President who has effectively divided his country in two and threatening to militarily, if needed, to embark on a land grab of what are supposedly allies? Not to mention that keeping the conflict going means continuing martial law = no elections = staying on as President indefinitely. What a great system for dictators.
  2. Mm… Russia’s inflation rate has fallen from about 18% 3 yrs ago to single digit today. Seems they’re managing well despite a rising GDP.Oil and gas revenues have returned to pre-conflict levels so lots of income coming in. Depreciation of the rouble has also helped exports.
  3. 3 years ago, if Zelensky had agreed to the Istanbul deal, he would have kept his lands AND minerals and most of his men. Now, a lot of that is gone and Ukraine still won’t be in NATO. And these people are supposed to be leaders? No wonder the west is in decline.
  4. Except that this time, the defenders of the free world won’t have the ghost army to help them repel the orcs. They marched to Mount Doom (Kursk) thinking they have a cunning plan to destroy the ring (the Russian economy) but it turned out that the ring was a Chinese ripoff and the real ring was with Sauron (Trump) all along. I think Zelensky fancies himself more as a Aragorn than a mere steward.
  5. From the OP; She argued that firms such as Centrica and Norwegian-owned Equinor, the UK’s largest gas supplier, are capitalizing on high prices while millions struggle. “It is therefore crucial that the government presses on with plans to fix this broken system and boost our energy security by rapidly increasing our supply of homegrown clean energy to free us from expensive gas and bring down bills for everyone for good,” she said. Tim Jarvis, Ofgem’s markets director general, acknowledged the difficulties consumers face, calling the rise “very unwelcome.” He explained that the regulator was forced to act due to substantial increases in wholesale gas prices. I wonder why that is. Last time I checked, China and India were buying gas on the cheap from that gas station masquerading as a country. I also heard that the Baltic states are recently paying double for their energy bills, much to EU’s delight.
  6. I may be hilarious but you are just plain sad. I never ever bothered about how many EVs were sold compared to ICEVs nor do I care (or believe) in the second coming (actually, a case can be made that if JC was an alien, then it’s conceivable that one of his kin might visit Earth a second time). All I can say is that having owned many ICEVs in the past, ranging from a claptrap like the Daihatsu Charade to premium European (German) cars, my current (very affordable) EV and PHEV suits my requirements to a T as well as providing excellent comfort and performance and technological advancements. I’ve never been on an oil rig; I would never comment on what the conditions are like. It’s clear you’ve never driven an EV; yet you criticise them. Sad…
  7. What behaviour in Africa and Asia? Surely you are not referring to the debt trap myth? BRICS IS set up to promote the values as I stated. It might not be perfect nor get it right every time but that’s the underlying objective. Why else would so many countries want to join it? I don’t see many countries rushing to join any western economic bloc. You are missing a key point in all of these. A country’s political persuasion or system is irrelevant when it comes to BRICS. Communist, socialist, nationalist or democratic, it makes no difference. It is apolitical, non interference. It’s about trade, equally and fairly.
  8. To quote @josephbloggs, literally no one on here who drives an EV cares…
  9. Highlighted text above. Exactly. Western countries concerned. What are they actually concerned about? Other than losing their hegemonic status?
  10. The other group voted for Harris. I guess their IQ was not any higher lol.
  11. You are beginning to see the light… well done.
  12. BRICS is the beginning of a new world order that promotes equality and fairness among all nations. Some of the world’s most populous nations and fastest growing economies are members and many more want to join up. It promotes multipolarity and multilateralism and is trying to do away with hegemony and has many western economies mightily concerned.
  13. And yet, over 70 million voted for him to be their leader. What does that say about the majority of Americans? And of this “democratic” system?
  14. Predictably, right on cue. So indebted that Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are all in BRICS now…
  15. There was a plan that involved Ukraine not losing their territories in the first instance. Unfortunately Bojo scuppered that back in March 2022.
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