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    Where there is plenty of girls.

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    Phichit province

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  1. I was a right womaniser from my twenties to my fifties especially probably with above average looks and playing in professional bands. But I imagine being back in these times today, being one who would not have dated girls with tattoos. What sort of life would I have had with very little girls to choose from?
  2. Do people with tattoos have even as much as an average IQ?? I don't think so. How many university graduates, doctors etc have tattoos?
  3. What is the distance? I think maybe about 50 Ks? 800Bt does seem a bit excessive.
  4. Yes, I was never good at shaking hands.
  5. Do you ever read any UK newspapers? You will read of plenty of knights "Sirs" there. Have you ever been in a UK court, you will see plenty of lawyers wearing wigs there. So yes!! I do believe what I write.
  6. Not as far as the UK. They still have knights, dating back to the 12th century, all these "Sirs", even the present PM. Then there is the lawyers in UK courtrooms wearing wigs and prancing about like transvestites dating back from a few centuries ago. Thailand doesn't even come close to that in any shape or form.
  7. I remember in America buying a glass of orange juice and the glass was so full of ice I only got a couple of swallows, so next time I asked for a glass of orange juice, I asked for no ice (the drink was cold anyway) and I was handed the glass half full, I asked for the glass to be filled and I was told no! So I just walked away.
  8. A few mornings ago when on my new desktop, my Wifi completely cut out. I thought it was just my BB internet connection. I switched on my laptop and the Wifi was fine, so that told me it must be something else. I bought my desktop from my local computer shop, so got the guy in the shop to come to my house to find out what was wrong. He fixed it very quickly but cannot speak a word of English, so could not tell me what was wrong. Every morning since when I switch on my computer (I keep it on sleep overnight) the wifi does not come on, so I tried all the normal things then eventually I manage to get it on. Can anyone tell me what could possibly be wrong? Why can the Wifi not come on along with my computer? Could the fact that I keep it on sleep overnight have anything to do with it?
  9. I don't drink coffee at all and always drink my tea without milk. I love drinking milk but in my village there are two 7-11s and a Lotus mini mart and none of them sell skimmed or semi skimmed milk, only full cream so I have to reduce my milk intake to maintain my normal weight for my height.
  10. I actually meant having any interest in the working class after being elected as MP's, government ministers etc.
  11. I am a non drinker and do not frequent bars, but that is a full days pay being lost to employees and owners, all just for religion. I think it is way out of order.
  12. I would doubt if any country could be any worse to it's expats than Thailand. Many decent people who have taken Thai families out of poverty and made great contributions to the Thai economy and still being treated like a criminal having to do these ridiculous 90 day reports.
  13. In that case there would hardly be any politicians left.
  14. I cannot say whether you are right or wrong here, but I cannot imagine countries jailing former PM's for things they did while still in office. Look at Blair in the UK, if any PM deserved to be jailed it is him, does WMD and Iraq not spring to mind? I cannot believe that Yingluck has done worse than that, and don't forget the soldier who led an illegal coup and stayed in office here for nine years, protected only by soldiers, guns and tanks. Neither Yingluck or her brother have done worse than that either.
  15. I did not see any of the other replies until after I posted this.

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