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robblok last won the day on January 13 2019

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  1. Impossible when you vape, no open fire. No real combustion as it just heat the stuff. So no total burn. Still not healthy but better then smoking it for real. Plus why would one set the bed on fire when you vape at a desk and then go to bed. Canabis never caused as much trouble as alcohol.
  2. Too bad havent slept so good since smoking cannabis. Improved my sleep a lot. Its stupid they ban this. Dinosaurs. Nothing wrong with cannabis just apply the same rules as alcohol and dont sell it to minors and near schools. But too bad its done can't stop it. I hope i can still get a supply as i dont go out much i would risk it. Or try to get a medical card or something. Wonder what compromises will be made.
  3. Indeed, paying for books i do (i read a book a day or so on my kindle like device a4 size paperwhite). I pay for them. I would love if it was free. But writers need to make money too else supply dries up. I have less problems downloading movies as big companies are behind it. As for drinking and driving.. all that do that are just irresponsible putting others at risk for their own gain. I am against it. I can break rules but only if they just impact me and not others. I am no angel, but would not do stuff like drinking and driving and making a nuisance of myself.
  4. I never was one for American politics but seems its quite rotten over there. No wonder they score lower then Western Europe corruption wise. But it seems to be mainly the Republicans that are corrupt / bad. (been looking at fox and normal news im amazed how fox twist things). If you watch to much FOX your liable to think Trump deserves sainthood. They are just too afraid to lose the election so they will support no matter what Trump does. There are only a few integer Republicans that voice out against Trump his crimes.
  5. No she was not but it was a clear weaponization of the DOJ against her promises to go after him. Biden keeps well away from these cases. Totally different. The reason why he has been indicted so many times is because of the things he did. These crimes are first shown to a grand jury to see if there is some evidence to support it. So there are grounds for these inditements. For Hillary they just could not find grounds that past the B.S. test.
  6. Ah they really are here die hard Trump supporters who don't want to see the evidence in court and let a jury decide this. I mean if he is innocent he will walk free. Judge influencing is not done that much in the US and if its done its mainly the Republicas (justice Clarence anyone). Its sad times that people still defend this guy. IMHO he is guilty but lets wait for trial.
  7. I would include Americans to be sure. ???? But seriously i just moved homes AGAIN unfortunately. But you got good tenants and bad ones. People who rent out property and expect it to stay new are delusional. Part of living somewhere means wear and tear especially over a longer time. Sometimes the persen renting out keeps money just for wear and tear. That is unfair. I have a property i can rent out but probably could only get 10k a month. But i think the potential headache would be bad. So i don't and keep it for storage or a place to return if a relationship goes wrong. But if a tenant goes out early and expects money back... tough luck honor the contract and don't do damages because YOU think its not fair. Often read on this forum about people suggesting damaging a home over a dispute. So there are a lot of vengeful people here.
  8. Other damages. So you did damage something and you don't want anyone to know because then they might not all agree with you.
  9. I am a drug user (cannabis and alcohol at times) and I do understand the risks. I have used other drugs too in the Netherlands. I know the risks and if something happens its 100% my fault. I totally agree with you. People should stop shifting blame @Goat Yes probably what was mixed with it or just stupidity. Back when I was young a lot of XTC was used during these festivals. Problem was that some people just took too much or did not think about drinking enough. (XTC makes you sweat like crazy if you dont hydrate it could do damage). Most drugs are safe if you use them responsibly.
  10. He is not hurting anyone but himself. I dont see the problem. Different people like different things. Just a submissive guy getting of on being denied. Not my thing but he is not harming anyone.
  11. Only if you can do that.. i know im an idiot but i have to have people do things for me. Because of communication its always a problem. Not everyone is good with their hands.
  12. I did not know Trump posted here (could not resist either)
  13. True statement however right now there is enough proof that the earth is round that is no longer something that is debated in science but accepted as fact. Those who still dont accept this are just oddballs (and that is stating it mildly)
  14. Trump does not care about the Truth all the evidence against him he denies and lies about it. Finding some dirt on someone else without proof is good enough for him. The guy is a liar and still people in the US vote for him. The worst president of the USA ever.
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