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About JetsetBkk

  • Birthday 04/15/1949

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    . ราไวย์

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    - Rawai

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  1. I've still got Perplexity on my phone but prefer Chatgpt or Google. I ran out of free audio searches on Perplexity so tried Chatgpt and prefer it because you can edit your search question before it gets processed. But Chatgpt is not perfect. It didn't know who Aaron Bushnell was. Wikipedia did so I let them know. Now Chatgpt knows!
  2. I know exactly what you mean, unfortunately. 😱 🤢 😂
  3. I haven't been following this topic, so sorry if my solution has already been suggested My problem was the opposite - very loose stools. I thought it might be irritable bowel syndrome or diarrhoea. But there was no pain, just a bit of bloating. After 2 or 3 weeks, I realised it was probably the prunes that I had started having for breakfast. So I stopped eating them three days ago and now I'm OK. So maybe eating some prunes every day may fix your problem.
  4. In case the Chatgpt link expires, here's a screen shot:
  5. I have no medical training, but I take 450 mg before breakfast. Here's what Chatgpt says: https://chatgpt.com/share/9d467ad0-1b97-4957-a871-ea4e71fec1f3
  6. I met a similar group a few days ago while shopping in BigC: a dozen or so, half of them kids, totally blocking the aisle, too absorbed in their own world to notice others trying to get past them. 😖
  7. Wish I could help. I learned at Inlingua Bangkok decades ago. Forgotten most of it, except for nid noi. 😉
  8. I recently had a major checkup at Bangkok Phuket hospital - their "Emporer checkup program". One curious result was that my testosterone level is 50% higher than the top of the normal range. My doctor explained that Dutasteride, which I take for BPH, prevents an enzyme from converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). He recommended changing to saw palmetto, which I have done.
  9. I've been in it only once and it sure was small inside. But it was very quick and cornered well - it had to, as he was driving it like a boy racer. 🙄
  10. The nearest I had to that shape was a Ford 3 litre Capri. Although the Mustang was pretty close. 🙂
  11. I had to ask the salesman where the key was to my new ICEV Toyota. It was hidden in remote. Just to clarify. 😉
  12. I had the same trouble with my new ICEV Toyota. A couple of days ago I pushed the start button and then realised I had already started it. 🙄
  13. Exactly what my even older mate with a Mini Cooper thinks!
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