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  1. Bill97


    Oh lord the people who are coming to CM now.
  2. Longwood you are just imagining problems for your self . Can’t you understand the difference between you hiring a contractor and you hiring a bunch of workers with hammers and shovels?
  3. Yes it would. It is one of many things you could do or not do that would reduce the quality of the job. Really if you can’t do it right then don’t do it.
  4. There are Airnub rules , government regulations and social constraints to be complied with. Meeting one does not clear the others
  5. Can you imagine the differences between a residential neighborhood and a resort cluster?
  6. What does the rental agreement say ?
  7. Not at all impossible, actually easy to find quiet restaurants. You must have some unique issues.
  8. PO delivered overseas box today no charge for vat.
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