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About billd766

  • Birthday 05/23/1944

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    Klong Lan Pattana Central Thailand

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  1. No words on this track by Acker Bilk to get in the way of the music. My one real regret in my life is that while I enjoy good relaxing music, unfortunately I have all the musical skill of a warthog on heat , with none of the airs or graces that the animal is known for. In my music classes at school I lasted 3 weeks starting with a violin and ending up playing the triangle, and I couldn't even get that right.
  2. I enjoy the music and I can relax to it. I also the big band music of the 1930s and 1940s as well as traditional jazz. I am not so keen on modern jazz from the 1960s though.
  3. One way to end the problem is to drastically cut back on tourism and spend the LOCAL governments money on improving the garbage disposal, the water and sewage facilities along with improving the electricity supplies. If they as so short of money, then go to TAT and demand that they chip in to pay for it. Please do NOT go to the central government with your ever open begging bowl. It is a local problem, so spend local money to fix it.
  4. Claims are NOT proof, and the majority of the information from Trump are lies and false information. Could that be one reason that Trump is known as a serial liar? He hates being fact checked and proven to be wrong and a liar.
  5. It is NOT compulsory to like or dislike either or both sides. I detest convicted felons, convicted sex offenders and serial liars, especially when they are all wrapped up in the same person. I also dislike people who snip posts and change their content meaning completely. AFAIR the rules on AN state clearly that if you quote anybody's post, then you quote the complete post. It is what most normal posters do.
  6. This was my post. "AFAIK Kamala Harris is not a convicted felon, a convicted sex offender nor a serial liar as Trump is, and YOU seem to truly believe that Trump would be a better leader of the USA. I can only feel pity for you." This was yours. Can you see the difference?
  7. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2019/07/30/lawyer/ He who will take no-Advice, but be always his own Counsellor, shall be sure to have a Fool for his Client. Alternatively there is this https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-phrase-a-man-who-is-his-own-lawyer-has-a-fool-for-a-client-mean#:~:text=The phrase "a man who,can lead to unfavorable outcomes. The phrase "a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client" is a time-honored adage emphasizing the risks of representing oneself in legal matters. Essentially, it suggests that taking on the role of your own lawyer, rather than hiring a professional, is unwise and can lead to unfavorable outcomes.
  8. If you are going to quote my post, then quote it ALL and don't just snip out the bit that YOU want.
  9. How can that be, especially as Kamala Harris has not been elected, YET.
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