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  1. We can definitely tell this site is Western run.. Probably why actual citizens of ASEAN countries avoid it
  2. Actually I just checked it out. France alone has more then twice the amount of 3 Michelin star restaurants than the entirety of the Americas. Damn.
  3. No I cannot accept this. You just had some meals without animal products. Eating 'vegan' is part of an ideology. A BS ideology, but an ideology. They will sit in London in January having their 'plant based food' transported thousands of miles from South America or Africa causing lots of harm to animals and the environment along the way not to mention the insects/rodents/birds killed by pesticides and deforestation to grow their produce. If you're a vegan, a real one, be in a rural environment at least attempting to do genuine organic plant based foods for your diet. You will fail but at least you're not a hypocrite. Also I have no idea what 'Californian-Asian' Fusion is being from Europe. The language you type in is from Europe, which also has a mega tonne of Three Star Michelin Star restaurants (I think France has more alone than the entirety of the Americas). But anyway continue. I am sure myself and the recent influx of North Americans will have lots of arguments ahead of which I wish you the best of luck.
  4. Well I know the people running this site are not so connected with Europe. That stuff is all over. There are Asians and Africans being degenerate. I'm talking murder and rape and things of that magnitude from people who are not being disciplined. Only random losers care about what you are taking about.
  5. I am currently soured on the West due to the clown fiesta that is Modern Liberalism. HOWEVER. People taking about BRICKS.. Not countries I or many people I know would want to live in. If you think the West is bad, then take a look at the countries that make up that acronym. It's not far off picking a bunch of countries that are a living nightmare for different reasons.
  6. I have been hearing similar things for 15+ years, although 'premiere SEA destination' is a new one I believe. I almost spat my coffee out. I will say that I hope they clean up the place and the 'mini Pattayas' that exist across many tourist areas. Also the full moon party degeneracy.
  7. Oh dear I scanned through the recent comments and it seems Trump and Biden have taken over the discussion. The thread may as well be closed at this point as they are just actors and about as relevant to what is actually happening in the world as Tom Cruise and Jackie Chan are. I am just noticing liberals (when I say that I am referring to the cheerlearders of Modern Western Liberalism) are starting to flee the crime scenes they helped create in search of lands far afield such as Thailand which are less infected by their ideology. Very parasitic and evil behaviour. I don't think it will work out too well for them for a couple of big reasons and I may have to make another post about it in a couple of days.
  8. So I scanned through the typical cluster of losers you expect when calling out liberals looking for someone who stands on their ideology, admits that there are inconsistencies/faults but actually attempts to reason why they still choose to reside or spend significant time in Thailand and sadly but not surprisingly I didn't find one. I did come across some posters who seem like decent people who didn't quite understand the characters I was directing my post at, I don't attack decent people, it's not in my style. OHHHH WAIT! I have just worked it out! These liberals have aided in turning places in Western countries into such unlivable messes that lack in joy that even they have escaped, but they can't stay in unruined areas in their own countries as they know they will be called out/possibly targeted so decide to hide in a society where they can masquerade as a reasonable stand up person. Makes sense now. However that's still not going to work. Lots of foreigners know what you're about and most Thai people are sharp, they will work you out. Could be a lonely life, that's too bad. At least you guys can still make thousands of posts a year on forums. A poor substitute for a life, but a substitute nonetheless.
  9. So I notice on these boards a number of people hailing from the West bringing their liberal talking points to Thailand, but still being very scathing of where they came from regarding human rights and the general level of acceptance of 'various groups' the West has from the State to the people. This wouldn't present a problem to me, if not for the obvious hypocrisy. For instance it seems unchecked migration into Western Europe is fine, but the same people will remind you that you are a migrant/expat/tourist in Thailand. When it comes to sexual relations, female employment opportunities, transsexuals and gender identity, both Thailand and the Western world are somewhat aligned, so being an honest person I will not argue on those points. Ok then lets look further. Immigration options are heavily restricted for foreigners in Thailand. Employment options are lowered to 'jobs that Thai people cannot fill', a stark contrast to migrants in the West who cannot be discriminated against and have the same rights as life long citizens on arrival, and in some cases are favoured for employment opportunities. Now let's look into citizenship. For someone born in Thailand for them to obtain automatic citizenship at least one of their parents must be a Thai citizen. In every western country I know of, citizenship is available on birth. Again Thailand is showing a much more right wing society that these Western liberals have voluntarily migrated to. Obtaining citizenship as a migrant, in Thailand this is quite rare. In the Western world it is very common. Again exposing a much more right wing country these Western liberals are deciding to reside in. Then we look at the patriarchy. In Western Liberalism 'equality' has been preached for decades, and at this point if anything women have more rights then men when it comes to certain situations in the legal system. In Thailand whilst women have as many opportunities in the workforce as Western women do respectively in their society (and actually Thai women are more instrumental and integral to their society than Western women are to theirs, something I give huge props to Thai women over) Thai men still wear the trousers in a household. They are the boss, In the West it's the State who is the boss. Yet more inconsistencies of a Western liberal choosing to move to a country such as Thailand. Domestic violence, this is actually somewhat accepted in Thai society, it's very common. A wife being beaten on a street corner by her boyfriend/husband is unlikely to be stopped, nevermind if it's happening behind closed curtains. Certainly not in the West, domestic voiolece has been clamped down on for decades... Anyway I think people who have integrity and a brain know what I am pointing at with these points. I am not condemning Thailand, I actually like the country and people overall and have done for a long time, and whilst I don't like certain aspects of Thai society, being right wing I am definitely more compatible with Thailand than a Western Liberal will ever be to the point where I know without large doses of hypocrisy you cannot exist in Thailand. So how do you guys cope? Denial? Low IQ? Sheer sociopathy? Maybe you guys are just lost? Explain.
  10. Ok I will dumb down the point I was trying to make regarding your hypocrisy: You are arguing that immigration into the UK is all fine and dandy, and you seem very vocal about that, and actually protecting the migrants more than the existing citizens pre-Modern Liberalism era, which is when nationalities such as 'British' was still racially and culturally coherent. Which is fine, but you are on a board mostly regarding the country of Thailand primarily (guessing you reside or frequently visit the nation) which is a country that has some very notable right wing polices involving non-nationals and obtaining citizenship. The stuff that if is was proposed is say the UK or Sweden would have many blue haired people spiting out their Starbucks coffee. You are intelligent enough to open this site, make an account and post, so you aware you are being a hypocrite. At least admit it. Oh yes and another poster just above you quoted some passages from the Quran and/or the Hadiths and presented how Muslims are a genuine documented threat to other groups. I am sure you read it but instead of addressing that you went into a work of fiction talking about the NF (a docile right wing group who had a few instances of violence in the past) and other nonsensical arguments.
  11. That was actually quite simple stuff... I guess sneaky hypocrisy and being a parrot/repeater is where your intellect maxes out. Anyway I am sure you have other kinds of hypocritical things to waste your time on, such as 'Queers for Palestine', whilst berating straight White Christian males in the West as 'bigots' πŸ™‚ Oh and don't forget your 12th booster jab. The actors... I mean scientists on the TV are saying a new strain of the c00f is coming back. At least the actors on the TV get compensated for indoctrinating double digit IQ people and making themselves into untrustworthy scumbags, what are you getting out of it? Real men will look down on you, and women will not be attracted to you, especially moreso in Thailand than in Western Europe. Thai women will really walk all over a weak man like yourself. Seen it happen many times. You should definitely go back to a Western city..
  12. The ideology being pushed in the West (which is worldwide at lower levels) is Liberalism, Modern Western Liberalism in fact, which is actually just promotion of the weak, and ultimately used for some very sinister goals that I will not into. Conservatives (actors) talk of conserving Liberalism from 20 or so years ago, and Labour are at a more advanced stage of this ideological pipeline. I am guessing you live in Thailand or spend a lot time in Thailand (?) If so you're a hypocrite to talk on this subject as your stance is very different to how Thailand addressing non-citizens and foreigners compared to the UK and BTW I am in defense of Thailand. Citizenship should be very hard to obtain and what it is to be Thai is still fairly coherent. I respect that. The thing is I also think it should be similar in European countries and I will not change my opinion based on talking on another race or nationality. You need to stick to the UK, Canada, Sweden etc. At least you will have company in your hypocrisy in those places, and if you live a few more decades you can witness a genuine right wing turn πŸ˜‰
  13. Opposite to what I experienced.. Always had good experiences in Don Mueang (prior to 2006) and I am not going to lie the overall experience in Thailand was so much better then that maybe I do have some negatives I gloss over, but also I do tend to remember notably negative events and places.. and my land border crossings experience which is only Poipet and Mae Sot-Myawaddy were very drab and not worth talking about. Not sure why you would go into comparing minor land crossings with international airports but hey I guess we all have different ways of reasoning. Actually I went away for a little while and still struggle to remember many hiccups or delays back then... Did I and everyone I know get lucky or was there similar problems back then with arrivals and departures? I must admit my memory is not the greatest.
  14. i don't know my guy, just my term for describing how people are treated more and more thesedays, like farmyard animals..
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