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  1. I see that the Farang Expat Temperance Union is out in force in Pattaya and beyond! "We never eat fruitcake because it has rum, and one little bite turns a man to a bum. What's the sorriest sight in the whole human race, Is a man in the gutter with crumbs on his face."
  2. Of course, they'll build SMR and then sell most of the energy to Big Tech Data Centers and the native population is still screwed.
  3. Nuclear is an option to carry a country over to the time when fusion is commercially viable, somewhere in the 2050 range. I don't know why they say gas is in short supply. It's not. Plenty of natural gas if you're not afraid of Uncle Sanctions.
  4. Don't let the door hit you in the butt Guardian. No great loss.
  5. The vocal majority are binary ideologues. In the case of Trump: One side - Anything Trump does and anything associated with Trump is 100% bad, and if you hate Trump you're good. The other side - Everything Trump does is good any anything associated with Trump is good, and anyone who criticizes Trump is bad. It actually boils down to, everything you like is good and everything you don't like is bad. Binary ideologues simply can't see past one side of an issue. This is why the term, disinformation, is embraced. Anything that doesn't agree with how you see things is "disinformation and should be censored. In my own humble opinion, binary ideologues are a danger to humanity as a whole.
  6. Pensioners living aboard are less of an economic burden on the UK than those living in the UK who need additional assistance to simply heat their homes and pay the rent.
  7. I have gay friends in the US who have been married for quite awhile. Gay marriage in the US has been legal since 2015. Thailand is actually well behind the curve. Personally I don't care who marries who as long as they are humans. Whatever trips your trigger.
  8. It's amazing that there are a subset of people on this forum who can make everything, even events in Thailand, about Trump. Why don't you people get a life?
  9. That's thoroughly F'ed up.
  10. In the day and age of extremely high-resolution cameras it always seems that UFO videos are grainy and blurry. Always. It's bunk to frighten the same people who fell for killer Covid.
  11. Dear Global Peasants. Be afraid - The Martians are going to get you!
  12. UNESCO names Suvarnabhumi one of the world's six most beautiful airports If you like sterile post-modernism.
  13. So you lose your job and are bankrupted with legal costs. Mission accomplished. They don't have to send you to prison - just ruin your life.
  14. It is looking like Orwell's 1984 is here in 2024. Wait until 2025 and the UK totalitarian government may make the transition complete. "Newspeak" "'non-crime hate incident' (NCHI)" and "Thoughtcrime" are now realities.

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