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    Northern Thailand

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  1. Is this Whose LINE Is It Anyway? The poll where "where everything's made up and the points don't matter." I'm thinking so!
  2. I hear plenty of farang guys refer to Thai women as whores all the time. But a Chinese guy says that? "Grrrrrrr!!! Bad Chinese!" 😁 That's rich.
  3. Of course she does...unless she doesn't. Heck, Hillery Clinton was beating the pants off of Trump according to the polls in 2016. "She's beating Trump by a landslide!" Ah-huh. I've decided that I'd like to see Trump win for no other reason that to watch a whole bunch of unstable people triggered. "I Hate you MAGA people." I'm not voting for either Trump or Harris. But I find the hysterics around Trump to be really tiresome.
  4. And after you first 90 day in person, your second (and future) 90 days may still be rejected online. It's convenient when it works, but it totally sucks when it doesn't.
  5. I've been told by numerous ophthalmologists over the years that I have very misshapen eyes (high myopia -11) and very thin retinas which make cataract surgery relatively difficult and a high risk procedure. I don't particularly want to end up blinded in order to get the necessary surgery that I'm going to need in the next couple of years in order to be able to adequately see. As such I really am looking for the best ophthalmologist (and probably a full professor at Chiang Mai University Medical Department) in Chiang Mai to do the operation. Who would that person be? @Sheryl If you have an recommendation I'd appreciate your input. Thanks.
  6. I hear there is flooding in Chiang Mai city. Anyone know where the River Ping is coming over the banks and what roads may be closed?
  7. This time of year? I barely use it at night. Cool the room before going to bed then turn it off. It's called acclimatizing. Live here long enough and you'll get use to the local weather conditions and adapt.
  8. How many cars in Thailand are for sale and have clean titles - and you subject yourself to this? Your next post next month will be how your got scammed. Walk away, find a different car.
  9. Start off your proselytization with a lie. Grand way to begin to bring "Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior" into the lives of those "pagan, idol worshiping, Buddhist heathens who are all 'damned to Hell' for sure if they aren't immediately fooled into learning English Christianity and getting dunked into the nearest river." Anyway, what's the "tell?" A Burmese man and Thai woman "teaching English" should set off the red flags. It never occurs to these self-righteous Christians that copious warnings about the evils of "deception" is at that absolute heart of their own religion - and then they use deception in an attempt to create a schism and inject doubt into the hearts and minds of young Buddhist monks - deceptive proselytization. That should be an object lesson for these "naan": Deception is amoral.
  10. Nah - they'll just burn down American cities in "fiery but peaceful" protests ala 2020. Really - what's the difference between violent protests by the Left and violent protests by the Right? Now the Leftist main-stream media shapes the narrative. Whether that aligns with reality or not is completely irrelevant. Regardless of who wins in November (or December, or January.....if there are elections), I'll be happy to be living in rural Thailand and nowhere near America.
  11. Is Civil Unrest Inevitable If Trump Harris Loses? As the political climate intensifies, many are wondering what could happen if Trump Harris were to lose the upcoming election. His Her fervent base is known for its passionate support, but could this lead to civil unrest? With tensions rising over issues like election integrity and governance, what do you think the reaction would be? Could we see widespread protests, or will his her supporters accept the outcome? 👆 It's an equally pertinent question. 👆
  12. Well, that's stupid. Enjoy your stay in prison before being deported.
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