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  1. We just gonna let that "humanized mice" comment slide?
  2. Correct. No impact on the election. Trump is set to win by a landslide. Nobody wants Kamala as President.
  3. Unfair poll - taken at 8am to 10am Saturday - all the stoners were still unresponsive
  4. What a vivid imagination. The family whose "dad is ok" are not even from Thailand. Must be very strange living in fear.
  5. One thing. I did speak to the father of the boy that had his scholarship revoked (we spoke b4 the scholarship was revoked). He promised his kid would have his devices taken away - but the kid was still on social media. The kid even sent social media messages saying "my mom is angry but my dad's ok".
  6. Another boy is suspended. This is the lad that touched her in the pool. I spent a lot of time on the phone with his dad, who genuinely appears disgusted with his son's behaviour. He detailed the punishment his son will suffer over the long summer holidays - it is tortuous enough to believe his parents are putting in best efforts to prevent it recurring. He even told me "if you go to the police, we wont stand in your way" they told the kid the same thing.
  7. Back to topic. Daughter is still shaken. Spent yesterday watching movies with her. One boy has had his scholarship revoked and wil not be back at school. Meeting with school in a few hrs.
  8. As succint a description as possible, I'd wager. Edit: sorry, was reading Dickens and got carried away
  9. What would you do in this situation, if you were a grown-up?
  10. Ok I get it now. I am so scared that I am handling this issue myself. If I was brave like you, I'd ask an influential figure to sort it out for me. Typical spineless behaviour.
  11. You mean why would I fight my own battles? I dunno - I think it's to do with those 2 round things between my legs. One of the things that's been pointed out a lot here is that the parents of the boys themselves may be rich and influential. This is true - it's an international school - the parents are not poor. There is a flip-side to that. The parents of the assaulted girls are equally likely to be rich and influential. 3 sets of Thai parents have this weekend found out that their daughters have been assaulted at school. What do you mean by "sort it out"? This isn't the wild west - I'm not gonna have a 14 year old boy kneecapped am I? FFS. When my daughter was assaulted at school - the boys were suspended. I did not reach out to other parents at the time as the school gave me no indication the boys had done it before. So - we thought it WAS sorted out the first time - and of course - at the time we gave allowances for the fact the offenders were just 13. I hadn't imagined for a second it might be so widespread. So last time - reported to school, they punished the boys and I thought that would be the end of it. Had I been given more information - I would obviously not let it go.
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