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  1. The only time I have a problem is having drank to much beer. No brewers droop but prolonged non ejaculation.
  2. I understand what you are saying. However my wife has had a number of Schengan visa's. First one was on the back of a recommendation by yourself to use the Netherlands embassy in Thailand. We never went to the Netherlands but entered first France and then Spain. Second was from the Swedish embassy, we went to France first before Sweden. Third we got again from the Swedish embassy but only went to France and Italy. At one time I wrote to one of the embassies in the UK and they replied with a process to get from the UK that we ended up not doing, so it is possible and not always has to be done in Bangkok. Also in my experience they do not check what country in the Schengan area issued the visa.
  3. I don't know where you drink, it must be Nakon nowhere. In Pattaya and Jomtien people drink either from bottles or have draught beer. A very few people have a bottle with a glass and no ice. The only time I have ever had someone try to top up the beer or add ice is in a Thai barbecue where it's an accepted part of the service. Elsewhere in a bar I have never seen or experienced it. Maybe you are one of the cheap Charlie's who irritate me. Bagging the best seat with the best Seaview and spending an hour over drinking a small bottle of beer with a glass. Maybe they are topping up your glass to get you to buy another beer or to move on.
  4. Don't comment if you don't know. It is possible to obtain a schengan visa direct from some embassies direct as long as you contact them first to ask. Those that do will inform of the process. I suggest you email a few ie Spain, France, Portugal etc and see. A schengan is valid across the EU although you are supposed to get a visa from the first country you visit or if visiting a few countries, the country where you will be spending most time. This is rarely enforced.
  5. I see this on BBC app a few days ago. The tablets don't even look like Xanax. Long square white ones. The ones I know are oval and blue. I wouldn't use them.
  6. New profile. Obviously a wind up. You are probably one of the idiots who post rubbish like Bob Smith or georgegeorgia or even Bignok under a different profile
  7. Simple. My Thai wife of 10 years is 31. If I was looking for a farang woman I would have to settle for a fat old woman in her 50,s, no thanks. My ex wife is 70 now. It's obvious don't you think.
  8. Thanks Charlie it's not the paid for ads but normal content.
  9. I think he is talking about the same post being repeated in successive newsletters. It seems to happen daily.
  10. Well you got that wrong, this happened at 10pm. Read the first few posts.
  11. The UK government website has now changed back to 30 days. Obviously everyone has jumped the gun.
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