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  1. Can you blame them with the state of things as they are ? Not many positives but plenty of negatives.
  2. Well done ! Can we expect a : ' Kicking the caffeine habit ' thread anytime soon ?
  3. Maybe not. He could volunteer to mop the floors of the local clinics and hospitals so as to make new friends , avoid boredom and keep his hand in at his chosen profession. Win win all around.
  4. I have never been on the receiving end of crime either here or in the UK . However , I did experience a strange event in the UK that could have proved fatal to either myself or my father when I was about 14. ( now 66 ) On that evening we were both sitting on the sofa watching ' it's a knockout ' or some such thing when suddenly the lamp standing in the window shattered. Strange ? Dad went to investigate but couldn't see what caused it. It was only about 10 minutes later when one of us went to the kitchen and noticed a splinter hole through the adjoining dining room door. Further investigation found a hole in the thick dining room curtain at the back of the house and a dent in the wall. On the floor was a spent bullet. Police were called but obviously nothing further discovered. Except that the trajectory of the bullet passed about 18 inches in front of our heads.
  5. Yea , they get it from those pesky monks. Never turn your back on one , especially when armed with an alms bowl.
  6. Actually , that comment could be construed as being somewhat racist .
  7. Go on a diet of baked beans rhubard and beer for a few days. That should fix any unwanted attention. Might get you thrown out too though......the gamble is yours.
  8. Seconded. I stayed there a while and liked it. I was young then so found it easy to hook up with the local women who showed me a great time taking me around the city. I then went on a 1 week tour of the island with a Chinese waitress visiting Taroko gorge , the East coast and the highlands which were really beautiful. Must be some great hiking there if you have the time. On the other hand , if you are a boring person who just wants to sit on a bar stool ogling women then you will get bored. None of that there. Weather is cooler and less humid too. I walked miles all over Taipei ending in the suburbs and by the time I got back exhausted to my hotel I realized I had not seen another foreigner all day. Same on the coach tour. Very few tourists back then.
  9. Car keys , car keys .Now where did I put them ? Anyway, seems unfair to arrest Eat. After all she has already been penalized once.
  10. I think Ray Velcora has a good method. To the OP. One thing you could try is to buy your daughter a spy cam to record the assaults. This would be useful evidence to present to the authorities. These come in all sorts of styles. Spy pen for example although there are many others. To back this up you can get pocket alarms that emit a really loud noise to attract attention.
  11. This will thin out the number of applicants a bit. No longer the stand out place for visa applications if you live in Bangkok or further away.
  12. The whole Boss case is completely ridiculous.. Had Boss just manned up , admitted his guilt and paid a decent lump in compensation to the victims family it would all be done and dusted. Instead we have this farce that drags on and on with the monotony of Cornation Street and smells to high heaven.
  13. I got mine at the local tessabahn when our house was finished. !0 years ago and my memory not good but if I remember correctly I needed my passport plus a translation of the relevant page, the chanote of the land and pictures of the completed house with the address which came from the land office ( I think ). Since these requirements might have changed over time, and each district might have different requirements , it would be best to go with your wife when she gets her new blue book ( tabien bahn ) then at the same time , ask exactly what is needed for you to get a yellow house book. Some places are more friendly and co operative than others. Mine was ok but where we previously lived in Bangkok they were unhelpful and corrupt and basically tried putting a lot of unnecessary obstacles in my way. It will help if you keep your cool no matter what and be friendly and polite as possible. Better to dress with long trousers in my opinion. Some might baulk at this obsequious behaviour but for me it was being normal. If you get the yellow house book getting a pink ID card is easy. Is it worth having this ? Well, I find it useful at the bank when they want ID as it fits in my wallet and saves carrying a passport around although a Thai driving licence is also accepted.
  14. Nothing to smoke tonight. Man that's rough. Hope you can score tomorrow. In situations like this I would go to the ashtray, break open all the roaches and manage to get a spliff...sore throat too but hey...better than being irritable.
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