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    Living on Pattaya's Darkside

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  1. If I had this problem, I'd visit the shop on Pattaya Nua, a few shophouses from the Roung Reung bus station, they repair lawnmowers, pumps, weed wacker/strimmers, etc.
  2. If you're on the Darkside, there's a metal shop on Soi Nern Plab Wan, at the intersection near Aqua Dymie bar. I've used them for years, they've made my front gate & fixed a busted chair. If you visit and the shop is closed (the owner has a 2nd shop in the city) either call or visit the glass shop around the corner of the same building. https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9285227,100.9321551,3a,48.9y,241.01h,81.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1scpgmv3mW-yGr2PQ7gTPDAg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dcpgmv3mW-yGr2PQ7gTPDAg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D241.01208935769824%26pitch%3D8.01458344277735%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu
  3. In related news, I got married about 17-18 years ago and got my very first marriage visa. For some silly reason, I thought it was good for 1 year, so for 1 year I didn't do any border runs, 555. When my one year visa was up for renewal and I went to Pattaya immigration, they said I was on overstay, they told me do a border run and expect to pay 20k, which I did, back then there was no blacklisting.
  4. I'm an American and I used to drink Lipton, then I tried Twinings Earl Grey, now I know why some people say Lipton is just brown water. Twinings is my favorite, available all over Thailand.
  5. Time to go to a local Big C food court and sit for several hours to avoid the heat.
  6. To quote your words; Oh the irony, 555.
  7. While I'm far from being fluent in Thai, I do know many words (a couple thousand?) and always trying to learn more. The words I remember, it's the high/falling/low/mid tones that mess me up. I like those farangs that live here for many years and can't muster the basics, they make me look like a linguistic genius, 555. Even the Thais say "Oh, you speak very good".
  8. If you mean to ask is it ok to drive Pattaya to Bangkok on motorway 7 with a 160cc motorbike, that's a No. Small bikes are not allowed on #7. You can however use motorway 3, I've know people that drive their motorbike from Pattaya to places 5 hours north.
  9. I also use the cement tub filled with water for my dogs, also when my old air conditioner was sold for scrap, I took out the blower motor/wheel and have it outside for my dogs, they love it. If it's super hot, they come inside.
  10. Rehab centers all over the world will have folks that have trouble "being normal".
  11. There is an actual prison, I remember seeing it north of town, from what I read they can hold about 4000 people.
  12. I did and it was successful for many years, if you're smart anything is possible. OP, I ran a legal business (not a bar/hotel/restaurant) with my Thai wife as the owner, but it was me that set it up and maintained it, no work permit, no police payoffs, no "mafia" extortion money. I don't know about the US/Thailand amenity workings, but I don't know we went to city hall on Pattaya Nua to get our business license. DM me if you want other info.
  13. If they even eat at all, most of the farangs I see at the food court are they just to sit and chat with other farangls like them for hours, no food trays in front of the lot. As for the food, it's ok for a quick cheap clean meal, not off some filthy street food cart. As for the farangs, I'll sit towards the center or back of the court of/when I eat there (almost never) but I do bring my 4 y/o nephew to the playland about once a week. Old guys on a pension want to sit in a clean air conditioned place to chat with others? They don't bother me, I just won't sit near them.
  14. I don't know about this particular school, but all the different schools and extra classes my 16 y/o son has attended here in Thailand over his lifetime have accepted monthly payments.
  15. Yet you admit you use them twice a day for 30 days, 555.
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