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How Much Can U Drink?

Wes Turner

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Last night I drank 16 bottles of Tiger beer and 3 gin and tonics and still made love to my wife.

I want toknow if anyone here can beat that. :D

I can also drink 8 bottles of beer before having a piss. :o

This is just a post for fun. :D

Edited by Wes Turner
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Last night I drank 16 bottles of Tiger beer and 3 gin and tonics and still made love to my wife.

I want toknow if anyone here can beat that. :D

I can also drink 8 bottles of beer before having a piss. :o

This is just a post for fun. :D

Didn't drink as much but I did ride your wife too.

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One day I drank 30 bottles of large singha beer - don't know if that's a record but I remeber counting the empties.

I can drink 2 large bottles(kuat glom) of whisky a day plus a few large changs - I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, and it took years of abuse .

I sure don't want to do it again!!!

Very stupid boasting about how much you can drink - just saying you are an alkie.

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One day I drank 30 bottles of large singha beer - don't know if that's a record but I remeber counting the empties.

I can drink 2 large bottles(kuat glom) of whisky a day plus a few large changs - I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, and it took years of abuse .

I sure don't want to do it again!!!

Very stupid boasting about how much you can drink - just saying you are an alkie.

You're right Neeranam, better off not counting...

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Last night I drank 16 bottles of Tiger beer and 3 gin and tonics and still made love to my wife.

I want toknow if anyone here can beat that. :D

I can also drink 8 bottles of beer before having a piss. :o

This is just a post for fun. :D

How drunk/desperate must someone be, to do his own wife?? :D

:D :D :D

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years ago when i worked in a bar in ireland one fella drank 72 bottles of guinness in 12 hours and didnt eat a bite,i gave him a lift home and he wasn't too bad.

i got there the next day to open up and he was waiting to get in,i asked him how he was feeling ,he said"i'm a bit stiff from sitting down all day yesterday"

btw these were warm bottles off the shelf

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Last night I drank 16 bottles of Tiger beer.

That's nothing !!!

The mods drink double that every day whilst regulating the posts in this forum, then pound the beer bottles to a fine dust and next morning sprinkle the dust over their breakfast corn flakes. :o

I'm on low carbs lately, so it's mostly sprinkled over fruit & yogurt. :D


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I presume it's 16 large ones, otherwise there's nothing to boast about.

2 bottles of whiskey by Neeranam is cool, but usually people die of alcohol poisoning if they drink that much very fast.

There's this tequila in Foodland, I can drink a bottle and be as sober as a priest. I forgot the brand but at 800 baht it's not the cheapest, and the bottle is square, and there's an indian face on the label. I wonder if there's less alcohol in it than it claims to have.

Is it possible to send a complaint to a consumer protection agency over this?

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years ago when i worked in a bar in ireland one fella drank 72 bottles of guinness in 12 hours and didnt eat a bite,i gave him a lift home and he wasn't too bad.

i got there the next day to open up and he was waiting to get in,i asked him how he was feeling ,he said"i'm a bit stiff from sitting down all day yesterday"

btw these were warm bottles off the shelf

I reckon thats pretty ###### impressive.I bet the guy must have been a big guy coz I dont reckon my stomach can manage that much.I drank a carton of mixed spirits cans on christmas day and one on boxing day in around 9 hours without being drunk but I felt quite bloated.I prefer to drink spirits out of the bottle.I reckon I still hold the record in Angeles city for drinking Johnnie Walker.I dont know how many bottles but I would hazard a guess at 4 in 36 hours maybe more.I lost count once I reached 3 figures and left many marines lying in their own vomit.They just dont make those boys like they used too.I was much younger then and slimmer and better looking.These days if I have had 4 cans my wife thiks thats enough because she doesnt drink.I reckon I can still down a bottle of Johnnie in 3 hours and not be too crooked.2 In a day isnt a problem but these days I have too many things to do than drink all day as much as I like to.

At my local they have happy hour and my record is 30 scotches in 90 minutes but was a few years ago now im married im not allowed to go to the pub.You boyz know how it is.

Edited by crazydrifter
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Didn't drink as much but I did ride your wife too.

You wouldnt be the first. :o

I reckon I still hold the record in Angeles city for drinking Johnnie Walker.I dont know how many bottles but I would hazard a guess at 4 in 36 hours maybe more.I lost count once I reached 3 figures and left many marines lying in their own vomit.They just dont make those boys like they used too.

I can drink 2 bottles of 100 Pipers in 12 hrs, (with soda and on a gutfull of rice) so yeah, i guess they dont make boiys like they used to. I can always do the business but i can't always complete it, know what I mean gals? But hey i never said I was perfect. :D

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Last night I drank 16 bottles of Tiger beer and 3 gin and tonics and still made love to my wife.

I want toknow if anyone here can beat that. :D

I can also drink 8 bottles of beer before having a piss. :o

This is just a post for fun. :D

I can drink as much as i like but get the old brewers droop after say 10 pints!! hence i dont drink that much anymore............................ :D

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Last night I drank 16 bottles of Tiger beer and 3 gin and tonics and still made love to my wife.

I want toknow if anyone here can beat that. :D

I can also drink 8 bottles of beer before having a piss. :o

This is just a post for fun. :D

I used to spill more than that.. :D

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You drank so much that you didn't notice that you were wearing your underpants outside your trousers! :o Or is that gear intended to allow the surgeon to get to your liver more quickly? :D

he's the guy who voted "yes" on the codpiece poll...

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I always worry myself by the amounts of those evil Sangsom buckets you get on the islands I manage to drink when I go down there - it seems that suddenly my capacity increases ten-fold when I start on them. I remember once I was on Koh Lanta drinking with some Canadians and we would get four of us round a bucket, with a straw each, and finish the whole thing in one sitting. I shudder to think how many I consumed that night...

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As everyone knows i have been known to enjoy the odd tipple. :D But i'm not gonna get on here and i say i can drink X amount of beer, X amount of whisky, X amount of gin etc etc. But what i will say to the OP. Was it a quiet night? :D Do you have to get oiled to screw your missus? :D:D:D:o:D:D:D

Edited by Jockstar
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As everyone knows i have been known to enjoy the odd tipple. :o But i'm not gonna get on here and i say i can drink X amount of beer, X amount of whisky, X amount of gin etc etc. But what i will say to the OP. Was it a quiet night? :D Do you have to get oiled to screw your missus?


What areyou talking about??? Speak english dude, your not in Scotland now.

If you mean do we apply oil on ourselves then sometimes yes, but that s none of your god damned business. I will say as a clue that it is baby oil made a by a company called Johnson & Johnson which is kinda ironic. :D:D:D

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