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Thai Welcomes Everyone That ...


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:o Just want to tell you, foreigners (not only farangs), that the mentality of Thai people towards foreingers has never changed. It is as it has been! "Everyone is welcome", VERY welcome as long as you have good wishes for the country. As a Thai, I am sorry for the fact that it could probably be a little more difficult with rules, regulations and things of that sort for living in the country.

Having lived abroad I do face always difficulties...so those of you who think Thais living in your country get equal rights..forget it! There is hardly racism against farangs in Thailand but there is alot of that towards Asians (other races as well) ..and Thais are of course Asians. Let's not mention what countries...

Since the HEAVY economic crisis in 1997 Thai people have been more aware of what can happen if the country is not well protected. There are now at least 12-15 million Thais living under poverty line (who earn less 100 baht or so --> it is not enough for lives in BKK, Chiang Mai, Phuket ... ). So please do not be surprised if the authority seems to need more money! But you should know that Thailand "certainly" benefits from "good" foreigners living in the country, and Thailand hopes that you benefit also in whatever way it is. I think that whatever rules/regulations etc that may be (or maybe not at all) imposed in the future will just make Thailand a better place for us Thais and you guys. Deep inside of every Thai, he/she loves to sanook (enjoy) and smile but the modern (money) world and globalization have made it harder to do so ...

Don't worry, be happy! This is always that Thai attitude and we love to live and love to be happy and love to have you be happy with us.

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Deep inside of every Thai, he/she loves to sanook (enjoy) and smile but the modern (money) world and globalization have made it harder to do so ...

Don't worry, be happy! This is always that Thai attitude and we love to live and love to be happy and love to have you be happy with us.

And of course, every Thai rejects the modern (money) world and it's evil inventions, imposed on it by those non fun-loving farang, who go and spoil the party. :o:D

Don't you just lurve the absolutes by this ambassador extrordinaire. (Gi'us an Elite card, matey B) )

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Having lived abroad I do face always difficulties...so those of you who think Thais living in your country get equal rights..forget it! There is hardly racism against farangs in Thailand but there is alot of that towards Asians (other races as well) ..and Thais are of course Asians. Let's not mention what countries...
tasa, do you realize how wrong you were to have said that? If that is the case, HOW COME it is never mentioned here?
There is hardly racism against farangs in Thailand
ARE YOU KIDDING? Haven't you read on the internet about racism in Thailand?

Next time, if you don't know anything, keep your mouth shut! Anyway, I'll leave it for other forum members to teach you your lesson!

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Tasa, on the chance that all my cohorts are wrong. Thank you for a kind message.

Meemiathai, you keep your mouth shut. What the h*ll the matter with you? Hey misguided the message may be, but no excuse for your reply. And people wonder why foreigners are hated.

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Tasa, on the chance that all my cohorts are wrong. Thank you for a kind message.

Meemiathai, you keep your mouth shut. What the h*ll the matter with you? Hey misguided the message may be, but no excuse for your reply. And people wonder why foreigners are hated.

I'm with you SoCal. There was no need to jump down the guys throat.

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it is changing very quickly, everyone seems to be craving that television lifestyle....

I am sure shin corp had no problems with most of the money that went to village grants being spent on mobile phones...

television the drug of a nation --- disposable heroes of Hiphoprisy


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Why do some farang or foreigners that obviously don't like the Thais, why do they want to live in los? Why do they post negativ about our hosts in this forum?

There are some people that love to live in Thailand, even if some things are changing, it's not getting easier for me also!

But I really love to live here, I love to comunicate with my many thai-friends in thai, I love to raise my son here in a country with friendly/harty people!

So if you don't like it here, take a break, go to where you come from and see how it's there! :o

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Why do some farang or foreigners that obviously don't like the Thais, why do they want to live in los? Why do they post negativ about our hosts in this forum?

So if you don't like it here, take a break, go to where you come from and see how it's there! :o

Absolutely no idea why they do it. Less idea why they stay here. Your point is valid Aitit. :D

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yop, thanks tasa B)

hey, what's wrong with you guys ...

tasa is not responsible of anything in the new rules that bother you to the bones!

give him a break!

I do believe that most of Thai people think like him B)

only a few stupid ones like in any country would think we are a pain in the A## !

we are welcome ... we know it, we live it everyday B)

we love Thai people for so many reasons ... and for so many other reasons that belong to daily life .. and this is the main reason why we live here, isn't it?

put your anger after the governement in your pocket and sit on it, get a nice smile,

and please don't take a single poster for scapegoat!

this is unfair :o ... and far too easy ...

why did you get down hard on him?

I love to live here with all these nice people around us B)

if you don't, why do you stay?

cheap sex, cheap beer? ... go back to your H### and live your nightmare alone!

cheers Socal, Dr, and to you tasa B)

I wait for a reaction from ###### ...

guess ... is he going to like this?

don't think so :D

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Why do some farang or foreigners that obviously don't like the Thais, why do they want to live in los? Why do they post negativ about our hosts in this forum?

So if you don't like it here, take a break, go to where you come from and see how it's there! :o

Absolutely no idea why they do it. Less idea why they stay here. Your point is valid Aitit. :D

No it isn't Dr P. It is the usual nonsense that the "rose tinted specs brigade" come out with when they are part of the "everything Thai is so wonderful" club, and their only answer, repeated here so often is "if you don't like it...leave"

So you would prefer the many well informed and knowledgable regular posters here to be muffled and not able to impart their experiences of the bad things about this country to the other less informed ones, who are seeking to make a decision about living here???

If you have a forum about Thailand, it will be totally pointless to do so unless you allow ALL sides of the story to be told, and then newcomers can make up their own minds.

And to all those whose only contribution is to say "if you dont like EVERY aspect of Thai life" dont post about it.....go home........please...Get A Grip on reality!

ON BALANCE. Thailand has more good things than bad about it--at the moment! Give it time, and maybe that balance will shift, and the exodus that has already begun will accelerate. Until then it will be to everybodys advantage if the whole picture is given, and when replying to topics, that a balanced view is allowed.

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come oon ....

put beside good things here and bad things here (at least what you don't like)

and do the same for your home country ...

and tell me about :D

don't you see an enormous difference?

I do B)

Thais are Thais, I like them the way they are, even with some bad sides ...

anyway far to be as many as in Europe, don't you think? :o

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KenUdon:"So you would prefer the many well informed and knowledgable regular posters here to be muffled and not able to impart their experiences of the bad things about this country to the other less informed ones, who are seeking to make a decision about living here???"

Ken,did any of the "regular posters" came up with something constructive?

Insulting Tasa like this is totally unnecessary. People doing like this show total unrespect for Thai's and their country.

I personally had no bad experiences with racism in Thailand the past 10 years, only when israely nationals want to know mine, it's german,then it's real !

But I could tell you about racism in germany, I didn't notice so much against asians, but myself, I was married to a black(real black) african, the racism we had to face, from goverment side and population,man, to get in more details waists my valued time and is obviously just boring you.

You guys are living in a dream land (grip on reality? ha), the racism farangs face in los is nuts.

I say most problems you have are selfinflicted!

I don't wont to take my wife and son to live in germany with fear for my life.

A farang doesn't have to fear life in los, do you?

The exodus you mentioned will hopefully clean a wee bit out!

This from a regular reader. :o

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Having only lived here a year, I had many lessons to learn and I had to pay for them, yep when you are being stupid people take money from you, here and everywhere else in the world.

I'm amazed by farrangs and what they expect here, three friends in the past year have tried to move Mia Nois in with thier wifes and are amazed when the wife didn't like the idea, come on lets get real here women are women no matter where you go.

Another who has been here for two years, can't even say hello, in Thai, then gets angry when people don't understand him. Heaven forbid that he should learn to speak at keast a bit if english. This guy is like me from Southern California and cusses Mexican people out becasue they can't speak english. He still hasn't figured out he is the Mexican here and Thai's are not stupid becuase they don't speak english. I have seen a lot more Thais trying to learn english, then farrangs trying to learn to speak Thai. If Thai's took the same attitude that we take toward foriegn people in the states things would be a lot harder for us here. Try to find a tourist Police Department in the states, good luck.

I'm from Los Angeles and I guarentee anyone with any knowledge of the area, knows that are very few places you can walk alone at night safely there. I assure you the chances of getting killed in a driveby, is much higher then anywhere in the world. There are more people killed by random violence on a dailey basis in Southern California, then those being killed in Iraq today. I know I'm a retireed cop.

I live in Udon now and I feel comfortable anywhere at any time of the day. The Thias worry more about me then I do. If I'm out walking someone always stops and asked if I'm Ok, or if I need something.

Yes I have had bad things happen to me since I have been here but nothing life threatening and everything that happened that was negative I did to myself.

Most of the unhappy guys I have met here are the ones that try to make this like thier home country instead of making an effort to fit in. Lets face it guys some people just want to complain no matter what is happening in thier lifes. Show up every ninety days and tell them where, now that is a tough one with this busy schedule I have. The truth is I have all the time in the world to do what, I need or want to do. I can spend that time finding things to complain about, or I can find the things that enjoy doing here. It's up to me, not anyone else how I live here.

The only discomfort I experience here is if something comes up that may cause me to have to leave. I have no desire to go back to the rat race that's why I came here. I don't feel like a guess by any means I l've here this is my home, will it always be my home I don't know, life is full of surprises.

I know one thing how my life is lived, the joy or anguish or pain that I find in it, will more then likely be a direct result of my actions, no one elses.

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ON BALANCE. Thailand has more good things than bad about it--at the moment! Give it time, and maybe that balance will shift, and the exodus that has already begun will accelerate. Until then it will be to everybodys advantage if the whole picture is given, and when replying to topics, that a balanced view is allowed.

I can live with balanced comment. Some simply post total negativity, and anti Thai sentiments. Those are the one's who should give thought to relocation. IMHO to call some people leaving an exodus is a bit over the top.

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Ray23-well spoken, a lot of truth in your words

Dr_Pat_Pong- you are right, as ever

Also I want to apologize to those, I hurt their feelings with my former, probably a bit to aggressive post, that was actually not my intention, ###### hot blood!

I don't want that any of you who really loves Thailand has to leave, and I believe that this is probably not neccesary.

Right now I don't qualify for the new regulations, but I decided to take the opportunity and kick my a##,to do more, to try it, I came so far, so why should I not be going further and succeed. There is still half a year to get there!

And please don't think I have nothing to criticize in my beloved Thailand, guess that country must be created first, but when I compare to where I come from, then I know that I want to be here!

When criticizing we should carefully choose our words, incl. myself.

Btw. Did we chase away Tasa already? In my opinion it would be nice if more Thais participate in the forum, could be for everybody's benefit :o

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Did you see my post "Unseen in Thailand" :o:DB)

I do my little bit for a Country that I Love.

To all the rest:-

I have a Farang Tree in my garden, as my Palaya loves them. B)

Love you all lots


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I have a Farang Tree in my garden, as my Palaya loves them.  B)

B)  B)  B)

Kan do you actually grow little farangs ?............................................. B)

I have a Farang Tree in my garden, as my Palaya loves them.  B)

B)  B)  B)

Kan do you actually grow little farangs ?............................................. B)


Fruit (Guava) of course, only little at this time :D


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Guest IT Manager

We also have a farang tree, well I bought one and the lasy gave me a second to prevent it being lonely, she said.

So now at my house there are two farang and a farang tree for making little farang but we hope it will make big farang eventually becasue right now they are not very aroi as my son says in house patois. That's when he isn't saying mai delicious papa, why tamai?

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Hi tasa,

thank you for your friendly and courageous words. You are right as far as the treatment of foreigners in many other countries is concerned. It is rather to be ashamed.

And I agree with you that, if we respect your countries rules and furthermore try to get in touch with the Thai people (language!), most of us do find what we are looking for. Those guys who come here just for the sexlife will most probably never explore the other faszination of your country.

Just do in Rome as the Romans do! That`s it all about.

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Everyone is welcome", VERY welcome as long as you have good wishes for the country.

Thank you Tasa,

This is the exact attitude that I find as I wander around my little town in LOS.

I have found quite a lot of racism in Thailand and sometimes it can be emabrrassing, reverse racism that is.

Everyone wants to talk to the farang, say hello and ask what the time is because that might be the only english they know.

I go to the hairdresser with my wife and I get all the attention, I use my limited Thai skills and have everyone in stitches.

My wifes extended family members drop in with two bottles of chang because thats all they can afford, they give me one and share the other between them.

We go out to dinner and I order Heineken for everyone, they change the order to chang, my wife tells me they worry about my money and don't want to cost too much.

I have a Farang Tree in my garden, as my Palaya loves them.

My wife loves eating farangs, and the local fruit seller loves it when I go buy them, she finds it very amusing to sell a farang a farang, or she loves to joke with my wife about why she wants to buy another farang when she already has one. :o

Tasa's attitude is the reason why most of us love living in the LOS, who are you to knock him/her? please don't give the rest of us a bad name.

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Thai's are not stupid becuase they don't speak english. I have seen a lot more Thais trying to learn english, then farrangs trying to learn to speak Thai.


There are more people killed by random violence on a dailey basis in Southern California, then those being killed in Iraq today. I know I'm a retireed cop.


first, I want to live in Thailand, with my wife. I adore the contry, I dont care if I have to pay or apply or do what ever. I like it because of the sun, weather, food, people beaches, etc etc. Do put effort in trying to learn the language, Every thai I have met, and that I try to understand, and speak thai with, are then very passionate and listening, or try to help you. I dont speak much, but I pick it up faster if I put effort in it. But I need a job, I cant stay there yet, so we stay in my origin.

But I am young, what do I know....

I just save my money. :o

beside it all:

Second. the killings in US? well, with all the weapons around, yes. and all the paranoia that they spit out on the local TV, thats not strange... (USA)

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