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A friend of mine and I decided to make a move to Thailand (Pattaya) this past September. We would like to stay on a somewhat permanant basis, basically because it's so much cheaper to live here.

We only have 30-day passport stamps, and have already made one visa run to Poipet for an additional 30 days. There are however, problems with doing that over and over again:

1) Cost (B2300 per run)

2) Time

3) I can forsee problems with loads of 30-day stamps when applying for other visas.

4) Cambodian visas use up an entire page in the passport - you would run out of pages and have to return to the USA (where we are from) to get a new passport book

So we have agreed that we really need to spend some time doing research on getting some kind of non-immigrant visa. When looking at the descriptions of the NI visas, I see none that cover our situation:

1) We both own small internet-based companies in the US for financial support.

2) Neither of us are over 50. We are both in our late 20's.

3) We both have no real intention of getting married to a Thai citizen.

4) The bottom line is -- we would like to live here, period.

I would think that any foreigner supporting the economy (and I've pumped a LOT of baht into the Thai economy), it wouldn't be much of a hassle to obtain some sort of visa to allow us to continue to do so.

Does anyone here have any suggestions as to what type of visa we could appply for with the highest probability of getting accepted?

Thanks for any help!

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This is quite difficult, and not particularly encouraged by the Thai government.

Your present status on 30 day visa's and visa runs is precarious,

as you will probably have seen from recent posts in this section.

The Immigration dept is clamping down on this approach.

Now what to do.

1. Get a triple entry tourist visa and then your border runs will be less frequent.

The triple will allow you a stay of almost 9 months, with careful use of extensions and visa runs.

2. In the US you may get a multi-entry Non Imm O visa from a helpful consulate, like Houston. That will last you 15 months, with visa runs every 3 months.

3. Bring in 10m baht and get an investment visa. (each of you would need 10m!!)

4. Start you own business here and get a work permit and a Non Imm B visa.


This is quite difficult, and not particularly encouraged by the Thai government.

Your present status on 30 day visa's and visa runs is precarious,

as you will probably have seen from recent posts in this section.

The Immigration dept is clamping down on this approach.

Now what to do.

1. Get a triple entry tourist visa and then your border runs will be less frequent.

The triple will allow you a stay of almost 9 months, with careful use of extensions and visa runs.

2. In the US you may get a multi-entry Non Imm O visa from a helpful consulate, like Houston. That will last you 15 months, with visa runs every 3 months.

3. Bring in 10m baht and get an investment visa. (each of you would need 10m!!)

4. Start you own business here and get a work permit and a Non Imm B visa.

I believe that the 3 million investment amount is still on offer ( but there are conflicting views on thart Astral )


problem is, no country in the world lets any foreigner just go and 'live' in that country. Thailand is no different.

Looks like the only way is if you pump lots lots more baht into the Thai economy (and create a few jobs for Thai citizens while you are at it) by going down the operating a business route.

problem is, no country in the world lets any foreigner just go and 'live' in that country. Thailand is no different.

Looks like the only way is if you pump lots lots more baht into the Thai economy (and create a few jobs for Thai citizens while you are at it) by going down the operating a business route.

Be nice Chris. The poverty packers think their economic contribution to booze and tarts maintains Thailand.

Be nice Chris. The poverty packers think their economic contribution to booze and tarts maintains Thailand.

That assumption is a generalization, and a harsh one at that. Don't be quick to assume that everyone who comes to Thailand or intends to stay a while is just here for your "booze and tarts".

To me, opinions from those who make rude and hasty judgements on others weigh nothing.

For thsoe who had something positive and helpful to say, I thank you.


There is no problem getting extra pages in your US passport.

You do not need a new passport.

If in the US, find the extra page request form and send it to the proper address (there is only one address in the US to send for this).

The service is free.

If applying for a new passport, request extra pages at the time of application; again, the large passport is free.

In Thailand, you can visit the US embassy in Bangkok and get the extra pages put in same day and also free.

As far as staying awhile, I agree you could start with tourist visas, but if you are serious about really staying for good, starting a business in Thailand sounds like the way to go.


Come back to the U.S. and get a non-imm B visa. If you look at the requirements I am sure you can figure out how to meet them. If you have any questions feel free to message me- I just got my non-imm b this week.


Be nice Chris. The poverty packers think their economic contribution to booze and tarts maintains Thailand.

That assumption is a generalization, and a harsh one at that. Don't be quick to assume that everyone who comes to Thailand or intends to stay a while is just here for your "booze and tarts".

To me, opinions from those who make rude and hasty judgements on others weigh nothing.

For thsoe who had something positive and helpful to say, I thank you.

Have a wander through the threads and see how many claim ( like you did ) vast cash injections into the Thai economy and believe that it'd fail without their help. Arriving on a 30 day permit and planning a long stay wasn't the brightest thing you'll ever do.


Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met

Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met

And a waste to your fellow nationals and other westerners.

I would think that any foreigner supporting the economy (and I've pumped a LOT of baht into the Thai economy), it wouldn't be much of a hassle to obtain some sort of visa to allow us to continue to do so

I think that this assumption is the one that gets peoples backs up.

To put it in perspective, Thailand isn't some tin-pot backward country that necessarily needs every buck it can get its hand on (though some may disagree).

What Thailand needs now is the type of migrant who is willing to invest money, paying taxes and employing locals. If you came in this capacity you will be welcome visa wise.

Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met

This is why immigration is clamping down on visa runs.

Spending 20% of your income on visa runs does not sound like financial security?

You should get out an about and see how the rest of the expats really live.

I would think that any foreigner supporting the economy (and I've pumped a LOT of baht into the Thai economy), it wouldn't be much of a hassle to obtain some sort of visa to allow us to continue to do so

I think that this assumption is the one that gets peoples backs up.

To put it in perspective, Thailand isn't some tin-pot backward country that necessarily needs every buck it can get its hand on (though some may disagree).

What Thailand needs now is the type of migrant who is willing to invest money, paying taxes and employing locals. If you came in this capacity you will be welcome visa wise.

Well said Samran. Their own country wouldn't permit such action for a moment. Swill.

Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met

Ho Hum....Actually, I think you're much more representative of the borish trolls that one must wade through here while trying to read legitimate and real posts....


I would recommend you getting Tourist Visas in your home country for a few years and decide you really want to be here.

Make no investments or grand plans.


samran: What Thailand needs now is the type of migrant who is willing to invest money


Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met


Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met


You picked him in a single word SAS :D

  • 1 year later...
Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met

Mono's struck it RICH :o

What a nostalgic trip this is. Croc has far too much time on his hands

I think you're right! :D

I even remember a post of yours where you claimed to be a multi millionaire!! :o

What a nostalgic trip this is. Croc has far too much time on his hands

Your credibility is taking a hammering.

Only one person to blame for that. :o

To be a good liar, you have to have a good memory.

Obviously, your memory is <deleted> :D

Hey, I'm a poverty packing defacto resident of Thailand also. I came here 7 years ago for booze and tarts. I make 28 day visa runs for 2000 baht. I am on a 10k monthly budget. I don't ever pay for girls or booze cause I cant afford them. I mooch my way from day to day. I think I'm pretty representative of many expats in bkk that i've met

that's odd, today you told us

"I spend 120K in BKK monthly for 2 people"

in the general topics about how much to live in LOS

as I said Croc, you desperately need a life. do something with yourself

Why, because he outed you as a pathological liar? :o

as I said Croc, you desperately need a life. do something with yourself

Maybe these "what's your budget" questions can become tiresome, but most are genuinely seeking guidence for their own futures in Thailand.

When a ###### like you invents scenarioes, and tells outright lies, for your own twisted amusement you are potentially stuffing up the plans of some individual who is just looking for assistance.

You're the one who needs to admit to your real life and stop inventing more glamorous ones. (unless of course your name is Cameron) :o

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