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American Embassy Issues Health Warning

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Interesting...no mention of Korean restaurants.... :o


Bangkok ACS <[email protected]> 11:16 am

Warden Message March 15, 2007

This message alerts American citizens living in or visiting northern Thailand to the need to take appropriate health-related precautions due to the unhealthful air quality northern Thailand is currently experiencing. Air quality experts report that excessive trash burning, brush clearing, forest fires and other factors have resulted in severe air contamination in the areas surrounding Chiang Mai. According to the Pollution Control Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, air pollution levels in Chiang Mai have exceeded the maximum acceptable level since the beginning of March. On March 14, the level of particulate matter in the air exceeded the “emergency” level. Measurements at or near the “emergency” level are expected for at least the next several days.

Health professionals warn that during periods of unhealthful air quality, people with respiratory or heart disease, smokers, elderly persons, and children should avoid prolonged exertion and stay indoors when possible. In addition, everyone should limit activity and prolonged exertion, both indoors and out. This includes exercising in air conditioned fitness centers, since any additional strain on the respiratory system during periods of unhealthful air quality should be avoided.

Medical professionals also note that cloth masks or bandannas are generally ineffective in reducing smoke inhalation. In order for a mask to work, it must filter fine particles. More functional masks are available at pharmacies, such as the N95 respirator mask available for about 50-55 baht per mask. One size does not fit all. Please choose a correct fit and follow all instructions to ensure proper effectiveness. The recommended maximum use time for most respirators is 7-8 hours.

Day-by-day particulate matter (PM 10) and air quality statistics are available in English on the Pollution Control Department website at http://www.pcd.go.th/AirQuality/Regional/Default.cfm and at the consulate’s website, http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/consulcm/index.htm.

Contact Us

American Citizen Services (ACS)

U.S. Embassy Bangkok

95 Wireless Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Tel: 011 (66) (02) 205-4049 Fax: 011 (66) (02) 205-4103

E-mail: [email protected]

Home Page: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/embassy/acs.htm

U.S. Consulate Chiang Mai

387 Witchayanond Road, Chiang Mai 50300, Thailand

Tel: [66](53) 252-629 ext. 2104 or 2138

Fax: [66](53) 252-633

E-mail: [email protected]

Home Page: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/consulcm/services/acs.htm


Well, this is what they are supposed to do. They have to keep busy, and have the obligation to inform the citizens of what's going on. Given, I think the CDC advisories might give you unwarranted fears that travel to Thailand will give you Japanese encephalitis, and take that stuff with a grain of salt. But this Embassy warning is justified - if you read the CM forum chat, or live here, you'll knwo the problem is real. Thank goodness for a couple days of breezes, and air so clear (??!) that you can see down the road, or the big mountain less than a kilometer away. I'm kind of stuck in CM for the time being, but even I was contemplating running away to the South as many others were advocatiing. At least for a week or so. This place has been miserable.

Hoping the rain predictions for next Tues / Weds come true !!

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