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Fahrenheit 911 Too Hot For Bangkok


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Fahrenheit 911 too hot for correspondents' club

BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) on Monday cancelled a planned screening of "Farhenheit 911" - Michael Moore's scathing documentary on US President George W. Bush - after receiving an unofficial warning from the US embassy.

The FCCT, in a note distributed to members, said the screening, scheduled for Wednesday, had been cancelled "due to circumstances beyond our control."

A private screening of the same film planned in Hong Kong, organised in a pub by the Democrats Abroad, was also aborted after an anonymous caller warned the group it could face legal problems if it showed a pirated version of the controversial documentary.

FCCT sources said they had received a phone call from US American Chamber of Commerce executive director Judy Benn raising similar objections to their programme.

"All I did was pass on a message from the US embassy and American Chamber of Commerce - which was unofficial from the US embassy, of course - saying that we were concerned whether the Farhenheit 911 movie to be shown on Wednesday was a legitimate copy or not," said Benn.

She noted that intellectual property rights (IPR) violation was an important issue for both the US embassy and AMCHAM.

--DPA 2004-08-18

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If I'm allowed to view it here in LOS, unless some "unofficial warning" keeps me from doing so, I will then see if it's cr@p or not.

Will they also buy them all of the shelves at Panthip? :o

Then again, why bother... let's see if I can download it right now. :D

P.S. The screening was rescheduled an hour later, Das BOOT was shown! :D

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good film, how can u call it a load of <deleted>?

Certainly opened my eyes to a few things :o

I agree totally. Particulaly, the dumb-founded look of Bush as he sat idly in a grade school reading class while Americans, under attack, were dying by the thousands at the WTC. Absolutely a horrendous reaction by an alledged Commander-In-Chief. Truly reflected what an imbecile he is.

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I agree, pretty pathetic move by the US Embassy and US Chamber of Commerce.

The FCCT has been showing movies -- many of them pirate -- weekly for years and years. This is the first time anyone complained. No politics, right? Are they trying to say it was a complete coincidence that this is the week they decided to ask the FCCT not to show pirate movies?

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That is such a load of crap by the US Embassy. I don't know how they have the nerve to ban a showing of a documentary. If the issue is pirated DVDs, then they are going to have to ban other films. None of the theaters in Thailand wanted to show MM's film because they said Thai audiences in general don't like documentaries (according to their reasoning).

This doesn't really suprise me about the US Embassy after some of the conversations I've had with some of the people who work there. I am seriously starting to wonder "Dude, where is my country?" Oh, it's been pocketed by oil and defense industry tycoons.

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The FCCT sent out an explanation to its members today -- I'll post it tomorrow.

Basically, it said that the Thai distributor of the film had threatened (via the US Embassy and Amcham) to have them charged with unlawful public performance of the film -- whether or not the DVD was genuine (the genuine DVD would be legal for personal viewing in the home only).

I understand that the film is due in Thai theaters on August 26, at least according to an earlier post on this forum.

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good film, how can u call it a load of <deleted>?

Certainly opened my eyes to a few things  :o

I agree totally. Particulaly, the dumb-founded look of Bush as he sat idly in a grade school reading class while Americans, under attack, were dying by the thousands at the WTC. Absolutely a horrendous reaction by an alledged Commander-In-Chief. Truly reflected what an imbecile he is.

Where are you guys getting this movie from? Are they selling it on the street or what?

I wanna see georg's face at that truthful moment.

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good film, how can u call it a load of <deleted>?

Certainly opened my eyes to a few things  :D

I agree totally. Particulaly, the dumb-founded look of Bush as he sat idly in a grade school reading class while Americans, under attack, were dying by the thousands at the WTC. Absolutely a horrendous reaction by an alledged Commander-In-Chief. Truly reflected what an imbecile he is.

You got that backwards, buddy. the Lumbering Lying Liberidiot Lardass (aka The Michigan Moore-on) is the one who's an idiot. For example:

"White people scare the crap out of me. … I have never been attacked by a black person, never been evicted by a black person, never had my security deposit ripped off by a black landlord, never had a black landlord … never been pulled over by a black cop, never been sold a lemon by a black car salesman, never seen a black car salesman, never had a black person deny me a bank loan, never had a black person bury my movie, and I've never heard a black person say, 'We're going to eliminate ten thousand jobs here - have a nice day!'"

Michael Moore From his Book Stupid White Men

He calls his book "Stupid White Men." I guess that's who he expected to buy it! Maybe all those self hating whites like he himself seems to be. :o

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I saw his expression and to be honest I think most would have been dumb founded! If anyone said prior to 9/11 that someone just rammed a jumbo jet into a skyscraper you would have laffed at them and called them lunatics. Probably didn't believe it and was in shock. He acted appropriately after and that is what counts!

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I saw his expression and to be honest I think most would have been dumb founded! If anyone said prior to 9/11 that someone just rammed a jumbo jet into a skyscraper you would have laffed at them and called them lunatics. Probably didn't believe it and was in shock. He acted appropriately after and that is what counts!

LOL... you can attempt to rationalize his behavior any way you want, but the fact remains that it was one of his top aides that informed him, so hopefully Bush didn't consider him a "lunatic" and hopefully Bush considered him "believeable". The point is he just sat there like a bump on a log and looked moronic doing it... and Bush's explanation that he didn't want to scare the school kids by leaving abruptly is pathetic. So he's more concerned about 20 kids being puzzled by his quick departure rather than going to deal with a national emergency of historical porportions? Kwai Bush is a moron and an embarassment to Americans, but thankfully he will finally be replaced soon.

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I don't like Bush, and I take pleasure in exposing his faults, but people are unfair about his supposedly inappropriate reaction.

EVERYBODY in America reacted in ways that are hard to really understand now that much time has passed.

I noticed most men crying at some point in the days following. You'd be watching the guy on tv trying to complete his little weather brief and he'd just bust out crying and he'd have to wrap it up. It was that extraordinary to everybody, so imagine if you had the additional weight of being where the buck stops.

It didn't help the fact that he has an alcohol addled brain with a soft grasp on rational reality in the first place, but still.

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I guess I suppose I would HOPE that as commander in chief, he would have taken a pro-active response.

I do understand about the mixed reactions people had later on... after SEEING the tv footage or after witnessing it first hand, but Bush had JUST been informed of the attack...and didn't know if there were further attacks coming or who was involved... and to watch him sitting there and seeing how he didn't seem to know what to do next.... oh wait... yes he did.... He read a book to some youngsters. How presidential....

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Good move 'cause that "movie" or "documentary" as Moore calls it is a right load of <deleted>! :o

luckily Most people can distinguish that Not all americans are patriotic Morons in despite of their Leader.

But some make it difficult Boon, Some make it difficult :D

maybe you could take the glasses of your nose , i think they need a wipe so you can see clearly again .....

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I guess I suppose I would HOPE that as commander in chief, he would have taken a pro-active response.

I do understand about the mixed reactions people had later on... after SEEING the tv footage or after witnessing it first hand, but Bush had JUST been informed of the attack...and didn't know if there were further attacks coming or who was involved... and to watch him sitting there and seeing how he didn't seem to know what to do next.... oh wait... yes he did.... He read a book to some youngsters. How presidential....

Great, another jackass telling us how we should act. I don't know how we get through the day without you.

Listen tough guy, every American was stunned by what happened. If W acted like the rest of us, then nice to know he is human.

You should thank god that a 747 isn't rammed up the arse of your country, so we don't see the stupid look on your face, and those of your countrymen.

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The point is he just sat there like a bump on a log and looked moronic doing it... and Bush's explanation that he didn't want to scare the school kids by leaving abruptly is pathetic. So he's more concerned about 20 kids being puzzled by his quick departure rather than going to deal with a national emergency of historical porportions? Kwai Bush is a moron and an embarassment to Americans, but thankfully he will finally be replaced soon.

What size of a brain do you have, to think that he should be leaving immediately to deal with this national emergency of historical porportions? How is it that you would expect him to react, you clever ass? Run to the scene of the twin towers and start directing the rescue work? Is that the kind of work of a country's president you have in mind?

There are extremely stupid and clever people in this world. And that's why Bush is in the White House, and you and I are here talking bullocks! :o

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MM just likes to run his mouth off about a bunch of fantasized consperiacy goblygook just to listen to himself talk. listen to him go on and on about stuff that has been in the news for years like it was some secret. like we didnt know that GB was at a school when the first plane hit the tower. Yea he sat there and acted like not much was going on, he didnt panic, and most important he didnt scare the bejeesus out of a bunch of kids and run around like chicken little screaming the sky is falling. anyone that believes MM's load of hype has not got the braincells that it takes to keep onesself from falling off a bicycle informed and will probably buy into his next load of manure. No Im no GB fan but if you want to go digging up conspeiracys on the man there are bigger ones than a MM cinimatic anti-revelation. Skull and Bones, Florida cocaine, they are all over the internet and you are welcome to go for it.

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I guess I suppose I would HOPE that as commander in chief, he would have taken a pro-active response.

I do understand about the mixed reactions people had later on... after SEEING the tv footage or after witnessing it first hand, but Bush had JUST been informed of the attack...and didn't know if there were further attacks coming or who was involved... and to watch him sitting there and seeing how he didn't seem to know what to do next.... oh wait... yes he did.... He read a book to some youngsters.  How presidential....

Great, another jackass telling us how we should act. I don't know how we get through the day without you.

Listen tough guy, every American was stunned by what happened. If W acted like the rest of us, then nice to know he is human.

You should thank god that a 747 isn't rammed up the arse of your country, so we don't see the stupid look on your face, and those of your countrymen.

The poster is an American.

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Moore has said "if you can buy a pirate movie of this film, buy it" or words to that effect. He has given permission to screen it and copy it, so what is the problem?

BTW - would you sit in a classroom for 7 minutes after being told your country is under attack? :o You would if you knew about it before hand!, you would if you had no leadership qualities, you would if you were George Bush, as it could of taken him that long to work what was said.

Not long before he is ousted by a massive margin! Unfortunately his replacement is not much better, but at least he can count. :D

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