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Where Did You Meet The Missus (2)


I met my spouse/long term partner in life at/in:  

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As a follow up to the topic with the same title, I thought I actually WOULD attempt to list everything.

If the venue where you met your wife/long term partner is not listed then please don't vote but rather put it in a post, then I'll add it so you can vote. (Because you can't change votes after you've voted). :o



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As a follow up to the topic with the same title, I thought I actually WOULD attempt to list everything.

If the venue where you met your wife/long term partner is not listed then please don't vote but rather put it in a post, then I'll add it so you can vote. (Because you can't change votes after you've voted). :D



There really should have also been an option included saying that one has not met "The Missus" yet. Believe it or not, not everyone here has the good graces and oppurtunity to have a Thai wife or Girlfriend like 99.9% of the guys here! :D:o:D

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Current wife - at a hair salon where she was (and still is) the owner.

We're moving premises soon, but need to stay near the night-spots as her main business seems to be comb-outs for the girls before they start work - and gossip.

Met previous wife on the Hash. (If you don't know, don't ask :o )

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Nothing wrong with meeting your wife in a bar where she was working as a BG, I have now been happily married to an EX BG for 12 years, and it has been 12 good years.

This goes to proof that not all BG's are the same, they are lovely, loving girls. :o

i have nothing against where a man meets his GF but all i said was i thought the pool would be lower for that catagory A Bg can't do it forever I hope unless she really likes something about the job and i'm sure there are good bargirls out there according to you You found one!!! :D

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> on Ko Samet. Around the Kings birthday. She was there with

> her friends for the weekend and so was I. What would that

> come under?

That's under

"In the street, public transport, (theme) park, other public place"

I put the 'theme' in '(theme) park' in brackets especially so that it would include other parks, including the National Marine Park that Ko Samet is. :D

(Seriously! i'm not making this up on the spot! :o )



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Nothing wrong with meeting your wife in a bar where she was working as a BG, I have now been happily married to an EX BG for 12 years, and it has been 12 good years.

This goes to prove that not all BG's are the same, they are lovely, loving girls. 

It is interesting to read that most of the partners of the people who replied to this post come from the entertainment/ hospitality industry as we call it. It seems that where Thai women are exposed to farangs they are far less shy about being with them. This would appear to be obvious except many people still say that you should never trust a B.G. Many of the Thai women in the hospitality/tourist businesses have been propositioned at one time or another by farangs and they are more comfortable around foreigners. The highest percentage come from beer bars/gogo bars which is not surprising really as they have the best opportunity to meet farangs. Many of these girls are good hearted,kind,and are often working in the bar purely out of desperation for money to support a kid and not because they enjoy the work and want to make a career of it. Most have already produced a child or two by a Thai man who "fled the scene"

No doubt many farangs on this board have success stories of their relationships with these good women. I know, I am one of the lucky ones who met a good,hard working , loyal woman, got married and have had a good relationship for the last four years.

Still there are just as many nightmare tales out there too no doubt.

Just remember Spears, Lopez, Aguilera and Madonna etc. are all in the entertainment biz. Are they virgins?

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Hey, Heng- long time no spar- was she your target or were you hers?


Hola Steve. Kind of mutually pushed together by ourselves and our classmates. Her family businesses should mesh well with mine (I make toothpicks, they wholesale ribs to restaurants).


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Met her at the Mall.

At first we just exchanged English lessons for Thai lessons, but she was a really horrible teacher, no patience for it. Plus her English is near perfect, so it was just too easy to talk in one language.

Had no intention of looking for a girlfriend when I came to Thailand since I came here with an American girl. But after she moved back home (couldn't handle the culture shock and she got a great job offer), I was left "single in Thailand", a prospect I did not enjoy and had not wanted.

Fortunately, I had relatively few "misses" in my search (ever take a girl out to a movie--no sex, no kissing, no hand-holding, just a first-date dinner/movie thing--and have her call you the next day and say that she loves you? Ugh.... I HATED being single in this country).

It was pure random luck, but one day I was walking through the Mall when suddenly I saw the hottest woman I have ever seen. After nervously stalking her for a bit :o, I finally got up the courage to approach her and against all odds I struck gold and found a truly decent human being.

Sometimes you just get lucky.

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met at dunking donuts in the mall bang gabi. i was with my two friends and she was waiting there for them.. after that we went upstairs to daidomon for my friends birthday dinner.

after that, it was a few dates with the epxeriences of the previous writer. however, I enjoyed being single in thailand and was growing impatient after three or four dates.

but my patiece held out (things soon got better!) and she eventually saw so much of me that I lost contact with all the others and its been around two years now of dating seriously and exclusively.

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