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Yet another movie to disrespect another religion from a country where they talk about extremist believes in Islam.. and respecting others..

Who are extremists? Picture is getting clearer day by day and unbelievable most of the Americans support these actions..

Having posters of its so called director sitting on the head of a Buddha statue.. Unbelievable!!!

I wish more and more Thai people take this stand, forget about economic benefits and chase these extremists out from this Buddhist Country.. They can not be allowed to act here like they are respecting Buddhism here..

Shame on all of you people who support these evil acts against other religions and other races..and then going on pointing figures at others...

Now don't tell me that majority of Americans do not support this movie and it is an act of individual.. or don't tell me Hollywood have done movies about Jesus as excuses..

Tell me if any director has ever put a poster sitting on the head of Jesus..?

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I can appreciate your outrage at the movie poster, but I would suggest it comes purely from ignorance. While you may think it is a universally known affront to portray the Lord Buddha is such an admittedly derogatory manner, I assure you it is not. Most non-Buddhists would be completely unaware of it. The other issue I think here is the content of the movie which after reading the synopsis is NOT about religion at all. I don't think the director is an extremist anti-Buddhist or evil, more likely just uninformed. He has apologized and has agreed to change the image on the advertising poster. Don't want to make excuses for his ignorance, but hopefully we can see it for what the situation is and not make more of it than necessary.


This is not the first time this has happened. Also this Director is not a kid.. The pictures have been taken by professional photographers..reviewed..edited and probably discussed within the team.. then given to ad agencies or what ever to distribute them.. then those individuals..publishing them..

What an innocent mistake this is.. ?

It's like Abugrave abuse.. no one knew..only individuals involved.. formal apology..no need to take it up or talk about it so much.. .. It's America..so just forget about it..

This is not the first time this has happened. Also this Director is not a kid.. The pictures have been taken by professional photographers..reviewed..edited and probably discussed within the team.. then given to ad agencies or what ever to distribute them.. then those individuals..publishing them..

What an innocent mistake this is.. ?

It's like Abugrave abuse.. no one knew..only individuals involved.. formal apology..no need to take it up or talk about it so much.. .. It's America..so just forget about it..

not sure what your point is kwiz.

are you saying that the director of this movie purposely had this picture taken and then published?

for what?

was he hoping to enrage all of those bad buddists??

and cause terror in the states?

does this topic have a point?


You're going to "shame" all Americans for the ignorance of one stupid Hollywood movie maker? I don't "shame" all Thais when I encounter a rude, ignorant, offensive Thai -- I just "shame" that individual.

This is not the first time this has happened. Also this Director is not a kid.. The pictures have been taken by professional photographers..reviewed..edited and probably discussed within the team.. then given to ad agencies or what ever to distribute them.. then those individuals..publishing them..

What an innocent mistake this is.. ? 

It's like Abugrave abuse.. no one knew..only individuals involved.. formal apology..no need to take it up or talk about it so much.. .. It's America..so just forget about it..

not sure what your point is kwiz.

are you saying that the director of this movie purposely had this picture taken and then published?

for what?

was he hoping to enrage all of those bad buddists??

and cause terror in the states?

does this topic have a point?

Oh yes..this topic may not have any point or meaning to you.. coz you must be an American here..

But this topic matters to my religion and all other religions. Also this matters to Thailand and all other Buddhist countries..

One time Marks & Spencer printed a bikini with Buddha in it... now this fellow sitting on top of Buddha.. what next?

If you want to do a movie like this..you put a picture where the director sit on top of Jesus and see the reactions you get..

One side, you'll are going to Mars and on the other side your values have gone down to the era of Apes..

Why can't you people learn to respect others and live in this world peacefully without harming, cheating, stealing what belongs to others?

You're going to "shame" all Americans for the ignorance of one stupid Hollywood movie maker? I don't "shame" all Thais when I encounter a rude, ignorant, offensive Thai -- I just "shame" that individual.

When America go to war and win..who will be proud of it?..all Americans.. When you guys became the super power.. who got proud of it?..all Americans.. When one wins an Olympic Medal.. who got proud about it?.. all Americans.. If one American discover new science.. who will be proud of it? all Americans.. One guy first went to moon..who is proud about it? all Americans..

For one leader in Iraq..who is suffering.. All Iraqi's..

So when one do a s hit job like this.. then who should be Shamed of? Ask yourself..


A newspaper article from my country....


A Thai foreign ministry official told reporters film director and writer Philippe Caland had promised the Thai Consulate in Los Angeles he would also remove the photograph of the poster from the film's Website.

Screenings of "Hollywood Buddha" in U.S. cinemas would be preceded by a message of apology for any unintentional offence, Kiattikhun Chartprasert quoted Caland as saying.

The poster shows Caland, who also stars in the YBG Productions film, sitting atop a Buddha's head. To Thai Buddhists, the head is the most sacred part of the body and is not to be touched, let alone sat upon.

Caland's feet - the least holy part of the body to Thai Buddhists and never to be pointed at anyone - dangle by the figure's eyes. "The Thai embassy has lodged a formal protest and the Thai consul has talked to Mr. Philippe Caland, who offers his apology for the unintended offence," Kiattikhun said.

The ministry's action followed a public outcry raised in Thai newspapers that published the poster on front pages and captioned it "Buddhism Humiliated".

Thai politicians joined the uproar this week, urging people of all faiths to bombard Caland with emails with their grievances and calling on the government to ban the film in Thailand.

The film's Web site, www.ybg.com/hollywoodbuddha, says the film is about an independent Hollywood film producer who struggles to keep his head above water as everything falls apart around him.

Earlier, our Kandy Correspondent L. B. Wijayasiri in a report states: The most Ven. Mahanayaka Theras of the Malwatte and Asgiriya Maha Vihara Chapters in a joint communique addressed to President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga have requested her to protest against a film produced in the United States titled "Hollywood Buddha" reportedly scheduled to screening in Los Angeles for the first time on October 23, which they believe is highly insulting to the Buddha and the Dhamma.

Most Ven. Thibbotuwawe Sri Sidhartha Sumangala Mahanayaka Thera of the Malwatte Maha Chapter and the Most Ven. Udugama Sri Buddharakkhitha Mahanayaka Thera of the Asgiriya Maha Vihara Chapter have signed the letter in which they have expressed their shock and astonishment to read a story about this film and to see a picture of an actor seated on the head of a Buddha statue.

They have expressed that a Sinhala daily on September 9, had made a revelation of a film produced in the US which appears to be highly defamatory and insulting to the Buddha and the Sasana revered by the people of the world as well as this country.

They had urged that steps be taken to avoid this type of disastrous anti-Buddhist campaigns. If no effective steps are taken, serious repercussions would follow.

The Mahanayake Theras have requested the President to take up this matter with the relevant authorities by informing the permanent Sri Lankan Representative in the United States with the assistance of the Buddhist world.


Don't forget that the US is a country whose government, through the National Endowment for the Arts, subsidized an art show featuring an image of Jesus submerged in urine. Buddha is not the only religious figure that is not treated as sacrosanctly as many "believers" would wish. God forbid if you're a Muslim in the US these days.

Personally, I think that all holy rollers -- Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, whatever -- should focus more on their own personal relationship with their God than worrying about how others may or may not be relating to or respecting Him.

Don't forget that the US is a country whose government, through the National Endowment for the Arts, subsidized an art show featuring an image of Jesus submerged in urine.

Oh dear.. I was not aware about it.. So you'll put Jesus in Urine.. Come on.. !!!

That's why I said..shame on you people.. Do you have any values left to respect other people, religions, cultures?

If you draw Jesus submerged in Urine and call that as an Art..

All I can say is, God Bless you people for your own cultures,values and believes..

I do not respect this type of people and people who encourage this type of actions..

Sorry to say like this.. my dog knows how to respect others better than this..


In America, we respect the values of freedom of expression more than we do tiptoeing around so as not to "offend" people. We have our people, like the Moral Majority, who are offended by every "dammit" uttered on television, but thank goodness our laws allow us to choose not to respect their sensitivities if we don't want to.

By the way, what country do you come from that is so respectful of each and every religious, philosophical, and moral subgroup's sacred cows?

By the way, what country do you come from that is so respectful of each and every religious, philosophical, and moral subgroup's sacred cows?

Does this point justify sitting on Buddha's Head

or even for that sake putting Jesus with Urine..?

Now you can enjoy reading all Buddhist forums or any other related website, papers, countries how the people feel about your country and your people..

Your excuses, justifications won't work..


A Thai rfiend was asking me earlier this week about British people wearing underpants/socks with their country's flag on them. I know about this, but I never knew about some brand of shoe which is made in Australia, called Budhha,and has a picture of the Budhha on the shoe. Anyone ever heard of this?

She seemed really confused as to why someone would do this.

She asked if farangs would wear a cross on a chain around their ankle. I said I had never seen that.


Just answer the question, Kwiz...what country do you come from? Is that so difficult?

Do you wear leather shoes? Don't you know that to do so offends some animal rights people? Do you eat pork? Do you use shampoo that was tested on little bunny rabbits? Have you ever watched a Madonna video or an R-rated movie?

Do you wear socks with sandals? That sure as ###### offends me!

How do you possibly get through life without EVER offending ANYONE?

God forbid if you're a Muslim in the US these days.

Why?? I have heard on the news attacks against muslims but that was after 9/11 happend. I have had heard nothing recently and if someone is so full of hate that they need to attack muslims then that person needs to go to jail.


Something tells me that Mr. Kwiz does not like America or Americans....

I guess freedoms of speach and thought is just too scary a concept for some people... :o

No, I do not at agree with the whole sitting on Budda head fiasco thing, And I respect and honor Religions, even though I am an Agnostic myself -_- ... But I am proud and glad that I live in a country that has the First Ammendment... Where one does not have to worry about what they say regarding hot button topics, like religion.... ( Well, usually :( )

( You don't even imagine the things that has been done with images of Jesus Christ here! :D)

Unlike Thailand, and most other non - Western countries, America is not , as known in Anthropology, a "collectivist" type culture....

In America, we have the Freedom to think for ourselves...It may not always be the right thing,or the right choice, but we are free and have the freedom to make that choice.... Most people in most countries can not even do that... :D

Maybe that is why other countries fear , hate, and ultimately envy us... :D

Mr. Kwiz, I do seem to feel that you have a personal vendetta against America and Americans. I do hope that you and most people from other countries posting on Thai Visa won't generalize the whole of a people by the actions of a few or a one.... :wub:

But I'm afraid that there is nothing further that I can say to you to make you understand.... :D

(Narachon gets off his soapbox.... :) )


I'm not talking about attacking Muslims, just about disrepecting them and their beliefs. It is open season in the US on anti-Arab, anti-Islamic jokes and sentiments. There have been many times watching something as innocuous as Jay Leno or Saturday Night Live where I have thought, you know, if I were a Muslim I would be really offended by what was just said. And it long pre-dates 9/11.


PS: just for the record, I agree that the movie poster is offensive to Buddhists. I also think that Life of Brian was offensive to Christians, and that the recent Mel Gibson Christ film was offensive to Jews. Do I think that any of them should be banned, though? Of course not. We all have the right not to watch what offends us, but that's about as far as our rights go in a free, secular society.

I'm not talking about attacking Muslims, just about disrepecting them and their beliefs. It is open season in the US on anti-Arab, anti-Islamic jokes and sentiments. There have been many times watching something as innocuous as Jay Leno or Saturday Night Live where I have thought, you know, if I were a Muslim I would be really offended by what was just said. And it long pre-dates 9/11.

ahh i have nothing against anyone but who does all these attacks sir!!! Muslims.

sure it predates 9/11 because this terrorist problems are long lasting. So how about the jokes against all other nationality's?? should they stop them also? if muslims were being targeted and attacked in the US that's wrong but jokes cmon everyone should be able to laugh at themselves. Chris Rock makes fun of black people and he's still walking around!!!! :o


PPS: Life of Brian was made by Brits, and The Passion of Christ was made by an Australian. Why don't we lambaste Britain and Australia while we're at it?

(Still want to know what saintly place Kwiz comes from...)

PPS:  Life of Brian was made by Brits, and The Passion of Christ was made by an Australian.  Why don't we lambaste Britain and Australia while we're at it?

(Still want to know what saintly place Kwiz comes from...)

they are movies someone's vision they were able to get it on the screen it's up to you to go see it or not!!! How about the movie bulletproof monk?? i think that came out sometime last year 2003 does this offend you also if you did hear of the movie


I'm sure the kid is just upset and surly did not mean "all Americans" first off, what he meant was United States citizens, not Americans, what did Mexico, Canada, Central America, South America have to do with this, they are "all Americans".

It's good to let him blow off some stream, he is upset and hurt, and you and I know he did not mean what he wrote.

by the way, in the 60s I saw Jesus Christ Super Star on Sunset Bl. in Hollywood. Now that was a tad disrespectful to Jesus, but hay, I'm not much for organized religion anyway.

The divine is the sea, All religions are rivers leading to the sea. Some rivers wind a great deal. Why not go to the sea directly?

ahh i have nothing against anyone but who does all these attacks sir!!! Muslims.

sure it predates 9/11 because this terrorist problems are long lasting. So how about the jokes against all other nationality's?? should they stop them also? if muslims were being targeted and attacked in the US that's wrong but jokes cmon everyone should be able to laugh at themselves. Chris Rock makes fun of black people and he's still walking around!!!! :o

Well...duh! Perhaps you missed my point, but I am NOT in favor of censoring any form of expression that might cause "offense" to some group or another!(*) If we did, there would be no expression possible! I was pointing out that EVERY group can find something to be offended about, but that is just tough titty in a free society.

(*) Naturally, I would never endorse hate crimes. As long as we are speaking of expression, though, go for it.

they are movies someone's vision they were able to get it on the screen it's up to you to go see it or not!!! How about the movie bulletproof monk?? i think that came out sometime last year 2003 does this offend you also if you did hear of the movie

Dude...how thick is your skull? I am arguing FOR the right for movies like this to exist, not AGAINST them! They don't offend me in the least, and if they did, I just wouldn't go see them!


they are movies   someone's vision  they were able to get it on the screen  it's up to you to go see it or not!!!    How about the movie bulletproof monk??   i think that came out sometime last year  2003   does this offend you also  if you did hear of the movie

Dude...how thick is your skull? I am arguing FOR the right for movies like this to exist, not AGAINST them! They don't offend me in the least, and if they did, I just wouldn't go see them!

sounded to me movies like that were offensive to you and also sir no need to be defensive and insult someone


One thing I love about Buddhists and many Thai people is their ability to "live and let live", and dont get into a state about the "wrongdoings" of others.

Look into your reaction to these events- are you feeling "sabai jai" at the moment, or getting yourself into a worked up resentful mode?

Take it easy.

PPS: Life of Brian was made by Brits, and The Passion of Christ was made by an Australian. Why don't we lambaste Britain and Australia while we're at it?

(Still want to know what saintly place Kwiz comes from...)

Quoted from "The Guardian":

"Thai authorities have expressed outrage over a poster for Hollywood Buddha, an award-winning independent picture by a French filmmaker. Thais believe the head, particularly that of a Buddha, is almost sacred and should not be touched. The poster shows Philippe Caland, the film's writer, producer, director and star, sitting on the statue's head. "

Sounds like Kwiz's missives are misdirected at Americans.

The filmmaker, writer, producer, director and star are all the same person--a French man. :o

PPS:  Life of Brian was made by Brits, and The Passion of Christ was made by an Australian.  Why don't we lambaste Britain and Australia while we're at it?

(Still want to know what saintly place Kwiz comes from...)

Quoted from "The Guardian":

"Thai authorities have expressed outrage over a poster for Hollywood Buddha, an award-winning independent picture by a French filmmaker. Thais believe the head, particularly that of a Buddha, is almost sacred and should not be touched. The poster shows Philippe Caland, the film's writer, producer, director and star, sitting on the statue's head. "

Sounds like Kwiz's missives are misdirected at Americans.

The filmmaker, writer, producer, director and star are all the same person--a French man. :D

I am getting tired of Americans being the Bad Guy like the thread starter said shame on all americans now we have a new thread saying it is a french man so who is it americans or french?? are you going to say shame on all french people or shame on the director!!! :o

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