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Thailand File Sharing


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A few of us have set up a small filesharing community (nothing technical done by me...lol). The great thing about this is that it's only for people in Thailand!! This is great beacuse as most of you know, we have a bottleneck problem when downloading from international sites/servers. This is THE solution(other than Thailand upgrading) as far as I'm concerned. The hub's been active for a few days now and the host is now confident to take a few more guests onboard and broaden the share files. I am currently downloading at 51KB/s and will have the movie in about 3 hours :-)

The adress yof the hub expathub.dyndns.tv . NB! You need a special program to access this address, your regular web browser will not work. The system of file sharing we have chosen is called DirectConnect. The environment looks similar to the IRC environment, only DC is more specifically designed to share files. The newer DC clients like StrongDC++ and PeerWeb DC++ allow for multisource downloading, this means you can download pieces of the same file from more than one user at a time. Obviously this increases your transfer speeds.

If you want to get in on this just do the following :-

Step 1. download PeerWeb DC++ from Softpedia Then install the program.

Step 2. get the current IP address from www.whatismyip.com . Hilight the IP address and press Ctrl + C to copy it to your clipboard.

Step 3. In the DC client click on the yellow star (favourites) then on the NEW button.

Step 4. In the address field type expathub.dyndns.tv and make sure there are no extra spaces included.

Step 5. NICK and PASSWORD are disabled. You can use any nick you like, but it would be good with one which is easy to remember and write, in order to make chatting easier.

(However, to get in you must share at least 5 Gigabytes of desirable files. Please do not try to be clever. Your Windows folder, installed programs or any such things are not OK and you will be found out if you try to fake your share. Share movies, TV programs, mp3 or other files you would want to download yourself. Click OK.)

Step 6. Now right click on your new favourite hub and choose CONNECT!

Step 7. Once inside you will automatically be told your own I.P address. If not you need to type in +myip and press Enter. Goto File / Settings / Connection Settings and enter this into the IP field (if you do not do this you can't download) near ACTIVE.

Step 8. Any more help needed will be sorted out on the hub. Just ask for help in the main chat window. You can also type +faq and press Enter for answers to most of your questions.

P.s. You have to make sure you have 2 slots open in Settings and also sharing AT LEAST 5 gig of files. To stay in the hub permanently, you will need to share at least 20 Gigabyte, but you have time to do this once you are inside.

Have fun!!

And remember, the address is expathub.dyndns.tv !!

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Really, really sorry, Size15, I seem to have banned you through a strange setting in the hub rules. I'll get on to H90 to change the rules. Should be able to get straight back in though, with no problem. We are all getting used to the software still.


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due to a little bit strange setting Size15 got baned, and this was not easy to remove as the hub told it does not know user Size15, but Size15 was banned :o

anyway finally I could repair that and login should now work again :-)


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My true slowed right down yesterday and is still irracible.

H90, the problem is that is one kicks a user there is an automatic ban. I think this can be changed, so 1 kick does not = a ban. I too tried the #unbannick option but was told Size was not listed. How did you get around this?

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My true slowed right down yesterday and is still irracible.

H90, the problem is that is one kicks a user there is an automatic ban. I think this can be changed, so 1 kick does not = a ban. I too tried the #unbannick option but was told Size was not listed. How did you get around this?

Isn't the automatic ban only temporary, and will be lifted within a certain space of time.

I can't seem to get onto the IP you specified h90 - have you banned me too? :o

Message: Connection refused by target machine.

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If you have not been entered as a user yes try guest1, guest2, guest3 etc with the password the same as the user name. You can chnge the password once in. Make sure you use ACTIVE mode. They will tell you how to do that once you are in. GL

BTW I am BTing right now, will join you all later.

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Thursday November 4, 3:01 AM

LIVEWIRE - File-sharing network thrives beneath the radar

By Adam Pasick

LONDON (Reuters) - A file-sharing program called BitTorrent has become a behemoth, devouring more than a third of the Internet's bandwidth, and Hollywood's copyright cops are taking notice


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Thursday November 4, 3:01 AM

LIVEWIRE - File-sharing network thrives beneath the radar

By Adam Pasick

LONDON (Reuters) - A file-sharing program called BitTorrent has become a behemoth, devouring more than a third of the Internet's bandwidth, and Hollywood's copyright cops are taking notice


thanks for that link! Did not know that supranova is in Slovenia. Slovenia is now in the EU, that might be a problem for them. But Serbia is not far....

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I have dc++ open at the moment and I'm downloading from jonboy, however in the main window I cannot connect. What's going on?

*** Connecting to

*** Connection timeout

*** Connecting to

*** Connection timeout

*** Connecting to

*** Connection timeout

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Sorry to disturb you guys, I downloaded the ++ software and tried to join.

Why do they make it so bloody complicated? I used Kazaa and WinMX in the past, worked OK, but this is quite heavy software to understand...

Any better software around?

Pls advise.

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Here are step by step instructions for how to join the hub:

1. Install the latest version of the DC++ client which you can find here.

2. Make sure all necessary settings are ok as follows.

You need to make sure you are not running two firewalls simultaneously, for example.

You have probably already set yourself up with another firewall than the one provided in XP. If so, just make sure the XP firewall is totally deactivated.

Ways to turn off Windows XP firewall:

- Click Start

- Choose 'Network Connections' in the Control Panel

- Right click on 'Connection to local network' and choose 'Properties'.

- Click on 'Advanced' and uncheck the checkbox next to firewall.

- Click OK


Then configure your other firewall. The following parameters are guidelines taken from my firewall's settings. You should be able to figure out how to set it up even if the interface and wordings are different in your own version.

Port direction: Incoming / Outgoing Connections

Protocol: UDP and TCP

Action: Allow internet traffic

Choose the type of computers allowed access: all IP addresses

Choose the types of ports that are allowed access: Specified ports

Use port 1512, only as an example (which should work). There are guides out there which are more specific than these instructions. Use Google to find them.

Ok... Now we should be done with the external settings.

3. Set up the right parameters inside the DC++ client.

Open the client.

Then open a separate web browser window and enter the address


Your IP address will appear in the web browser window.

Copy and paste the IP address into

File / Settings / General / Connection Settings / Active / IP

in your DC++ client.

Next to where you pasted your IP address, specify which port you opened in your firewall.

This should be enough to make sure you are in active mode.

Next step is to set a download folder.

This you do under File / Settings / Downloads / Directories .

Also set up a temporary download folder in which the files are stored until they are finished. This prevents spreading half-finished files. One of the major drawbacks with Napster was the mp3s that ended 16 seconds before the actual end of the song....

Ok, further, you have to set one or more folder(s) in your computer as share folders. It is good if you organize your shared files into easy to read categories as other users will be browsing the structure before they download from you.

You must share at least 2 GB, this is the minimum requirement of the hub. Please do not share indiscriminately, and absolutely do not share installed programs or system files. Thailand related files are nice but not necessary.

Your client will "hash" the files you put in your share, a process that takes a while - if you have a slow computer, a long while.

The hashing serves to tag your shared files with unique codes. As they get spread and their names might change, the original hash tag will still make them easy to find.

You can do other things during the hashing and do not risk the client crashing because of this. Your system will be working slower than usual though.

Ok. Now you should set up the parameters to enter the Thai / Farang hub :

Click on the yellow star in the tool bar of your DC++ client. Click on the New button to the left of the toolbar below the largest window. A pop-up window appears.

The only fields are ADDRESS, NICK and PASSWORD. You can name the connection whatever, "Thai hub" should work, but if you feel naughty, you could name it "Reginald" or "Zrrgbett" as well. Just don't tell us.

In the Address field, use the latest IP address for the hub which is always posted in this thread.

You can try to log in with any username between guest1 - guest4 and your password should match your username exactly.


Username: guest1

Password: guest1

Hope that helps! :-)


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