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Emule, Torrent Or Kazaa Lite?


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Without doing a TV search and going through tonnes of posts, which is the most reliable and safe? I hear that Kazaa's losing out and the other two are getting more popular? Basically doing music, movie and maybe a tad of software downloads.


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reliable and safe? can you be more specific? Safe in terms of viri or net cops? reliable in what sense? With BT, you usually know what your getting if that's what you mean.

BT is definately the best IMO... if you don't mind tinkering and have some computer knowledge.

If you want one-click and go stuff the use Kazaa/eDonkey etc, though you won't catch me there.

There is also a DC hub used by members of this forum, do a search an check that.

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Each network has its own merits. Winmx is good for leeching small, popular files (mp3s) or for trading bigger, more exotic files. Bearshare is good for general purpose loading, as is emule. Kazaa... I don't know. BT is great for loading popular (more ppl=faster) big files.

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DC++ is a great share client and definitely the one I would recommend before any other systems. BT is popular but I am not convinced it is such a great system in comparison to DC++.

The Kazaa lite license agreement reserves the right to a (small) portion of your bandwidth and sells it for a profit.

You can download the DC++ client at Sourceforge

and then connect to expathub.dyndns.tv once you have installed the client software. The hub is growing day by day, and the mIRC-like chat interface is very simple. There is almost always somebody else monitoring the chat channel to help you if you have any questions. If not, just stay connected to the channel and make yourself noticed every once in a while.

There are a few settings you need to make to make everything run smoothly. Please read up on these in this thread:

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  • 9 months later...

In the small print of tt&t they say they don't support torrents or voip.

I tried torrents for a while with them and all i can say about the speed is Cheated.

packet filtering.

Don't know about other providers but steer clear of tt&t if your interested in torrents.

Really disapointing that service.

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I have the brochure from TT&T Maxnet offerings, and it is clearly stated that on the Maxnet4home package VOIP and P2P is unsupported.

At 790 Baht/month for 512/256 they have to share so heavily that allowing p2p would slow the system even more than it is already.

Remember, TT&T is a private company and as such they have to pay around 13000 Baht/month for 512kbps of international speed to the Communications Authority of Thailand (CAT, which is a government monopoly)

It is not only TT&T doing that, most of the ISP's will do packetshaping on most ports apart from the normal ones (80:http, ...) on their cheap packages...

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I have the brochure from TT&T Maxnet offerings, and it is clearly stated that on the Maxnet4home package VOIP and P2P is unsupported.

At 790 Baht/month for 512/256 they have to share so heavily that allowing p2p would slow the system even more than it is already.

Remember, TT&T is a private company and as such they have to pay around 13000 Baht/month for 512kbps of international speed to the Communications Authority of Thailand (CAT, which is a government monopoly)

It is not only TT&T doing that, most of the ISP's will do packetshaping on most ports apart from the normal ones (80:http, ...) on their cheap packages...


Based on that I now do belive I am getting the Maxnet4life at the Maxnet4home price by Mistake as I can and do use Limewire with out and problems. not that I never believed you but just seemed strange they would make a mistake like that.


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A big bittorrent vote from me. I enjoy getting new, underground albums before they are released in the US. Great speeds with TT&T/Ji-NET. If anyone uses a Mac or Linux with a XAVI router and wants to get into bittorrent PM me as I wrote a very useful port forwarding script...

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just downloaded limewire this afternoon and have started downloading stuff. but the download speeds are total rubbish 1,2kbps at best, even from people that are shown as having a t1 line.

i have had a look at the download settings and they seems to be ok. is there some small trick to getting faster speeds? Most of the files seems to have only 1 source ( and what does need more sources mean? surely if there is 1 onlne thats all the system needs. )

i have got the 1mb package from true if that helps.

( Iif you think this question is stupid, just wait until i try bit torrents :o )

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I initially had Limewire, but dumped it as it was making the pc run like a dog and would often freeze. After using it for a week, some spyware found it's way onto the machine, although I spose that could have come from somewhere else - coincidence though. I now use Shareaza which has a much better user interface, runs like a beauty and never had a any problems.

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I'm totally in the Bit Comet and torrentspy camp, but will give limewire a go at some time. I'm not that great on computers and bit comet just seems simple and quick for me and can get a lot of different stuff, whether it be tv, music or films.

Wouldn't mind a tip on a place to get some more obscure films though, any idea?

edit: just wantred to say, went onto limewire and the sign for showing english language is an american flag, how f.ucking annoying is that. :o

Edited by bkkmadness
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I'm totally in the Bit Comet and torrentspy camp, but will give limewire a go at some time.  I'm not that great on computers and bit comet just seems simple and quick for me and can get a lot of different stuff, whether it be tv, music or films.

Wouldn't mind a tip on a place to get some more obscure films though, any idea?

edit: just wantred to say, went onto limewire and the sign for showing english language is an american flag, how f.ucking annoying is that. :o

Didn't you get the memo? The Empire is dead!. :D

I am a big Azureus user. Dumped Limewire 3 times due to terrible download speeds and trojan files. My average download speeds with Azureus is around 200-300 kbps and have around 100GB of downloads over a few months. I have a big list of torrent sites if you are interested and what "obscure films" are we talking about :D PM me if you are interested in my list of sites. Will have to wait until Monday since they are on my office computer.

Edited by tywais
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I'm totally in the Bit Comet and torrentspy camp, but will give limewire a go at some time.  I'm not that great on computers and bit comet just seems simple and quick for me and can get a lot of different stuff, whether it be tv, music or films.

Wouldn't mind a tip on a place to get some more obscure films though, any idea?

edit: just wantred to say, went onto limewire and the sign for showing english language is an american flag, how f.ucking annoying is that. :o

Try this great source for horror flicks from all over the world.They are all linked to EDK2 links,which most P2P use,edonkey,shareaza,not sure about limewire


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I've been using Limewire Pro and Kazaa Lite K++ for long time, but only in Bangkok (True HiSpeed 1M/512K) max I can get only 4KBps :o(

Tried DC++ to expathub, but sometimes the files I'm looking for are not there.

Are they blocking all P2P?

Edited by xty
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I used to swear by Bittorrent

Now however I'm having problems. Another true user must have gotten himself banned from my fave torrent site.

They not only banned his account but also the IP. The banned individual must have tried repeatedly to get back on and kept renewing his IP each time. Now it takes me 5 or 6 IP renewals (clearing the cookies each time) before I can get onto my fave BT site.


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