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Beer Bars?


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I like to try different beer bars when i go Sunee Plaza,but i notice a lot of them are sort of rundown. I like the different themes of some such as Memories,Sammys,Robs,etc,but later im getting hooked on GO gO BARS which for 1 drink i could have 2 or 3 in a bar.

The only thing i donnt like about a bar is sitting there with a drink by yourself and no boys around like what happened to me in Boy E SAn bAR recently,where the mamasan sat at the end of the bar with a beer bottle in his hand staring at me.

Has anyonne heard of DUKES BAR in Sunnee plaza? I was told its pretty good,in terms of what i dunno.I Especially like red lion bar nnext to Blue SkY GO go.

The thing is does anyone here frquent beer bars,do u only stick to your regular or try different ones. Do u eat in them,such as Memories who have great pork sangas,or do u only look for boys?

Whats your favourrite beer bar and why?

"You know Billy I have nedder met a farang as bad as you,you are not rice"

Edited by billyboy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, not a lot of response... Never been to Sunee Plaza.. (where is it?).

Stick to Silom personally.

I guess that us guys don't go for the Boy-Beer Bars that much...!

Prefer a nice G&T myself.... :o


Edited by ChrisP
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If you're looking for a long term relationship, gogo bars and male beer bars are all the wrong places.

Those of us who wh-re around (or used to) don't usually discuss the details here. That doesn't mean we think we're better than the guys who do that, just that we don't brag about it in certain circles. But there was this one guy who....and then he....and after that we....and....oh, never mind. It always cost a lot.

Edited by PeaceBlondie
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I'd also like to add that despite my best efforts as above, a lot of subtle types do slip through my screening... I've gotten pretty good at deflecting obvious MBs, but gold-diggers, sponges, liars, and other tricksters still get through on occasion- I just prefer that there's the CHANCE people I date aren't thinking too much about financial stuff- and as PB says, that puts the gogo places right off my list.

I've also gotten pretty good at deflecting the "stealth" MBs, but they're ... they lie to you on the date, lie with you at night, then screw you in the morning...



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And, if it's not slightly hijacking the thread itself- but who would care?- I think there's an argument to be made that in virtually any and every venue in Bangkok where gays are officially welcome or unofficially welcome and anyway routinely present, you'll also get a large following of shifty, undesirable types. By "venue," I also mean all of the electronic gay forums and so forth, along with the usual bars, discos, clubs, restaurants, coffee places, etc. And I'm not only talking about the "farang" zones, but also the clubs and places dotted around the city which are almost exclusively frequented by Thais- which are better in this respect, admittedly, than the ones where farang have become a common site.

In a weird sense, the gogo places et al are at least somewhat more *honest* than these other ambiguous venues- because they're not pretending to be anything other than what they are. When you go to a gay bar or search on a gay website here, you only get a certain chance of meeting someone who's sincere. Some of the places are better than others. But if a venue becomes popular with farang, you can be sure that eventually the MB group will find it, adapt to it, and ruin it- ruin it for the farang who want to meet the sincere types, and ruin it for the sincere Thais who will be reluctant to be in a place where it's known there are many MBs.


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Let me illustrate how 'honest' the beer bars can be. Farang goes in, sits down, and this long tall long-haired ladyboy sits down next to him. Farang does about 60 seconds of small talk, then goes for the question: "Would you like to come home with me now for short time?" Moneyboy says, "Do you want me to <deleted>> you?" That's honest.

PS: they went home, but it didn't work out, or didn't work in.

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