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Shipping Containers


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I have never been to Samui but considering coming there to build some bungalows.

I want to know if I can ship a container there. Can your port facilities handle 40 ft containers? 20 ft?

Are there trucking companies that can haul the container around the island?


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I’m curious why you live on a resort island if you don’t like resorts?

thats a good question jringo.

the island has changed so much in the past three years or so , (and in my opinion)

not for the better.

the infrastructure just cant take all the new building and the increase in population and the vehicular traffic that goes along with it.

its progress i suppose and its unstoppable given the proclivities of those who control what goes on there and those who have heavy investment there.

the resorts are fine , they are well built and have their own infrastructure but a lot of what is done outside the resorts is , again in my opinion , spoiling the beauty and destroying the nature of the island. the bulldozers are clearing the hillsides of greenery at a very fast rate , especially on the north of the island , they literally go higher and higher every day.

builders and developers just put up what they want , when they want and where they want with little or no consideration for anybody or anything else.

and when they have finished they leave the area surrounding the site littered with concrete blocks , lengths of rusting rebar , half demolished workers shacks , etc.etc.etc. the island is becoming a messy tip.

if you go ahead and build your bungalows then please clear up after you have finished.

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Another problem is that all the development on the island is changing the islands natural infrastructure. previous instances of flooding on some parts of the island were unheard off but due to constant building & changing of the land, many areas & roads get flooded beyond use. 8 years ago you wouldn't have seen such bad flooding in rainy season but now some parts of the island are impossible to travel to without a car as the rain water runs straight off the (cleared) mountain & onto the streets & into people houses. :o That is one of the reasons I don't live there anymore, too many bloody people destroying what nature created perfectly :D

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So I suppose you guys live outside in the bushes?

Or are you the only ones entilted to live inside a building?

Why do you assume all developers are up to no good?

Sounds like some pretty un-enlightened thinking.

Well anyway, I still need to know if there are any containers of any size there.

Can anyone answer that?

How does all your computers and merchandise get there?

thanks again

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no I lived in a 60 year old house built when the island had no roads or tourists, but thanks for asking. My point was that too many developers are building without thinking of the consequnces & that if it doesn't stop there will be more enviromental problems & thats just sad.

As tax said, there are no shipping containers, people get things on the island by road & ferry from the mainland, the piers that are there are mainly for tourist & car transportation & even those aren't safe as they weren't built to deal with the amount of traffic they are getting but it was talked about getting the pier at Lipa Noi rebuilt (Anyone know if this is still proposed??). I suppose you coud hire a company to ship the goods for you but it would be costly, anything you wanted delivered to the island would have to come by truck same as everything else. (Even Tesco lotus use the ferry, often saw their big cargo trucks queing to get on the boat to & from Surat)

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Maybe a company in BKK, can advise better as there are no real companies for this in Samui, I think Parcel force has an operation there but otherwise your talking about a local guy with a converted coconut truck (not good)!!!


Also look around the cargo area of Bangkok Airport, have had some boxes sent from the UK before & there are a bunch of small companies opposite the customs depot, beware of those guys though (cargo customs), they tried to screw me for 10k baht for having a suitcase of clothes sent over just because I had bed sheets in there, so they tried to suggest that I was running a guesthouse & therefore had to business tax!! Froots, got the old man on the phone & hey presto, sorry mr thai man, didn't realise it was your money we were trying to extort, we'll let your farang wife take her clothes now :0 TiT :o

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bloody developers , the island is already overun with land agents , developers and all the other bottom feeders who rush in whenever they sniff some easy profit.

it wouldnt be a problem if what they were building and promoted was half way decent and "in tune" with the location , or if they had some local knowledge.

but they dont.

but most of them come for a couple of years , take the money and then run.

most of the housing is marketed at foriegners , locals and mainland workers could not in a million years afford the rents or purchase price.

there are literally dozens of newly built empty houses trying to find buyers ,

and the quality of the construction of most of them is a joke.

samui could have been a real gem , but it seems to be going downhill rapidly.

as is the attitude of the once friendly locals and those who deal with the visitors to the island.

the objective of developers is to maximise their investment and profit , whatever it takes. the original poster says

"i've never been to samui but i want to bring some 40 foot container trucks and build a few bungalows " :o

how can a resident have anything but apprehension when they hear that ?

doesent sound like you're going to put much back into the island.

have you though about using local materials , the roads really cant take huge trucks , they are potholed enough already , would you consider putting a proportion of your gains back into the community in order to rebuild a bit of road.

of course not.

even the locals who get a share of the loot are getting tired of it all.

the tide is starting to turn there.

only one or two of the very many housing and bungalow projects there have been built in a responsible way by responsible people , the rest is right out of dodge city.

stay away pal , we dont need you or your containers , or you telling us that we need more bungalows.

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Hi Jringo,I have a shipping container.We have retired here on Samui & shipped all belongings here.Ship to Bangkok then truck.If you need more info , just EMail me.

All the best mate.

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Tax,I used to like reading your posts,I agree with you about developers 4 to every palm tree.But mate welcome to the real world.Just live with it & try & do something positive instead of just complaining.You are living here,but no one else is allowed?One good peace of advise BUY your own island problem solved lmao.

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Hey taxexile;

Your assessment of me and my intentions is a bit unfair:

You said that I said:

>>”the objective of developers is to maximise their investment and profit , whatever it takes. the original poster says”

I never said that, and for you assume I’m like that is incorrect and unfair.

You went on to say:

>>“doesent sound like you're going to put much back into the island.”

How can you say that when you have no idea what my plans are.

And to sum up your ignorance you say:

>>”stay away pal , we dont need you or your containers , or you telling us that we need more bungalows.”

Your attitude stinks, and it isn’t Thai-like at all.

Apparently all those years you spent here, you haven’t learned much.

It’s probably time for you to go somewhere else.

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Just live with it & try & do something positive instead of just complaining.You are living here,but no one else is allowed?One good peace of advise BUY your own island problem solved lmao.
i have to live with it , there is nothing i can do or say that will change it , but i will make my opinions known. i never said no one else is allowed , i just would like to see some sensible planning with regards to what is happening on the island , i know that builders have to make a profit , and that nobody will sell land for less than they paid for it , thats commerce and i know that koh samui will gradually become more and more built up , i dont mind at all , but does it have to be so ugly , does it have to be so messy , there are ways of developing that dont ruin the surroundings , that fit in and add to the attractions of the island.

as for the infrastructure , well the roads are being destroyed , the phone system is under pressure as is the electrical supply and the water table is dropping. its too much too fast.


Your assessment of me and my intentions is a bit unfair:

in all fairness you have a point.

i understand that development must happen and for that you need developers to invest and build.

i was incensed by what appeared to me as arrogance in your initial comment in which you basically said...

"ive never been there but i want to arrive with some 40 foot containers and start building"

with comments like that you cant really expect a bunting and champagne welcome from the residents at the quayside as you unload your containers.

there will always be differences between developers and residents who fear that their environment is about to be destroyed.

residents want to preserve what attracted them to the place initially and developers want enrichment before improvement.

i think i am right to be wary of the motives of developers , but hope that you will develop sympathetically.

but i'm here for the duration , i'm not leaving.

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Since you’re being so nice to me now I’ll let you in on what our plans really are.

We have been hired by TAT to build a tsunami wall around the perimeter of

Samui. It will be 4 meters wide at the base and 6 meters high, solid concrete.

We will build it at the mean high tide line around the entire island.

Every 200 meters there will be a ladder to go up and a ladder to go down on the other side to the water.

The TAT has high hopes that this will calm the fears of tourists and be a tourist draw in itself.

You will be able to walk along the top and shop at the little souvenir kiosks up there.

They plan to call it: THE GREAT WALL OF SAMUI

So there you have it taxexile, we are coming to protect you and your little dream world.

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Since you’re being so nice to me now I’ll let you in on what our plans really are.

We have been hired by TAT to build a tsunami wall around the perimeter of

Samui. It will be 4 meters wide at the base and 6 meters high, solid concrete.

We will build it at the mean high tide line around the entire island.

Every 200 meters there will be a ladder to go up and a ladder to go down on the other side to the water.

The TAT has high hopes that this will calm the fears of tourists and be a tourist draw in itself.

You will be able to walk along the top and shop at the little souvenir kiosks up there.

They plan to call it: THE GREAT WALL OF SAMUI

So there you have it taxexile, we are coming to protect you and your little dream world.

Do you think 6m is high enough?

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LOL JRingo :o, you obviously never been to Samui as per your first post. Unlike Phuket there is no road separating the beach from the bungalow resorts & businesses on the beach side, so what you gonna do, knock em down???

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The ladders will be a bit of a nuisance at first, but they are only temporary.

Phase II will involve the monumental task of raising the entire island 6 meters.

When we are done the island will be a man made mesa. We will accomplish this by blasting and dredging up any coral reefs we can find to use for backfill and at the same time, blast and bulldoze the hills down level. The plan is to build the entire island up to the top of the tsunami wall.

Phase III (2006) will be when the Japanese investors come in and build the worlds largest golf course, 180 holes. Followed by phase IV (2007) when Hong Kong investors build you a nice 12 story hotel and casino.

There is even talk of an Asian Disneyland.

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The ladders will be a bit of a nuisance at first, but they are only temporary.

Phase II will involve the monumental task of raising the entire island 6 meters.

When we are done the island will be a man made mesa. We will accomplish this by blasting and dredging up any coral reefs we can find to use for backfill and at the same time, blast and bulldoze the hills down level. The plan is to build the entire island up to the top of the tsunami wall.

Phase III (2006) will be when the Japanese investors come in and build the worlds largest golf course, 180 holes. Followed by phase IV (2007) when Hong Kong investors build you a nice 12 story hotel and casino.

There is even talk of an Asian Disneyland.

Disneyland is here already. :o

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The ladders will be a bit of a nuisance at first, but they are only temporary.

Phase II will involve the monumental task of raising the entire island 6 meters.

When we are done the island will be a man made mesa. We will accomplish this by blasting and dredging up any coral reefs we can find to use for backfill and at the same time, blast and bulldoze the hills down level. The plan is to build the entire island up to the top of the tsunami wall.

Phase III (2006) will be when the Japanese investors come in and build the worlds largest golf course, 180 holes. Followed by phase IV (2007) when Hong Kong investors build you a nice 12 story hotel and casino.

There is even talk of an Asian Disneyland.

Why would anyone want to build a casino that can't be used for gambling...Maybe you can use it to store all your containers and bllshiit!

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The ladders will be a bit of a nuisance at first, but they are only temporary.

Phase II will involve the monumental task of raising the entire island 6 meters.

When we are done the island will be a man made mesa. We will accomplish this by blasting and dredging up any coral reefs we can find to use for backfill and at the same time, blast and bulldoze the hills down level. The plan is to build the entire island up to the top of the tsunami wall.

Phase III (2006) will be when the Japanese investors come in and build the worlds largest golf course, 180 holes. Followed by phase IV (2007) when Hong Kong investors build you a nice 12 story hotel and casino.

There is even talk of an Asian Disneyland.

Why would anyone want to build a casino that can't be used for gambling...Maybe you can use it to store all your containers and bllshiit!

You don't get it do you. :o

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Samui will be the first of what the TAT will designate as a “theme” island.

They have decided that the Polynesian theme will play well there.

So expect to see the bargirls start wearing grass skirts and coconut shell bras and strumming on ukeleles and doing the hula.

I hope you like Don Ho impersonators taxexile.

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Surin wrote:

Why would anyone want to build a casino that can't be used for gambling...Maybe you can use it to store all your containers and bllshiit!


It’s not bulls**t.

It’s what we falangs call tongue in cheek humor.

We use it sometimes to politely poke fun at people who act like dopes.

In this case, taxexile.

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Hi :o

Taxexile is quite right about the express way they are spoiling the island .. anyway, JRingo, it seems you have some chance to achieve a more tastefull job here, "island theme", did you say ? They already built plenty of Schtroumpf houses all around ..

take a look:


Expecting to see you soon with your thai tahitian dancers .. still preferable on an island than the thai bavarian waitresses.

Samui will be the first of what the TAT will designate as a “theme” island.

They have decided that the Polynesian theme will play well there.

So expect to see the bargirls start wearing grass skirts and coconut shell bras and strumming on ukeleles and doing the hula.

I hope you like Don Ho impersonators taxexile.

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