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Thai "ged" Or Highschool Equivalency..?


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Can anyone shed any light on a Thai "GED" or High School Equivalency Exam..?

I'm told there are programs (in BKK) to enable Thai nationals who didn't finish their HS career to take extra classes and an Equivalency Exam..

Where are they held..? How long does it take..?


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These courses are held, not only in Bangkok, but in many other Thai cities as well. They are set up for working adults and usually meet once a week - on Sundays. Classes are start in May and run concurrently with the Thai school year - May through March. There is no tuition. The only costs are books and a uniform, usually just a few hundred baht.

The amount of time it takes depends on how many years of school were missed. Two Thai friends who dropped out of school after M5 only had to study for 3 months to complete their High School Equivalency. However, they are both very bright and had only been out of school for a couple of years. Another girl I met was going to have to study for 3 years. However, she had only completed P6.

These schools are referred to as Colleges and the students follow the same dress code as University students.

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my response in another thread. The phone numbers at the bottom can help you to get local info for your area..

The Thai government runs an excellent program for grades P1-M6 , locally referred to as 'Kaw Saw Naw' (Kaansuksaa Nawk Rongrian- Education Outside of School). Studies are either Sat/Sun or M-F(eves.). You don't even need Thai citizenship to study, since it is under the categories of Fundamental Education for Literacy, which provides the same education to everyone, regardless of status, in order to raise literacy levels through all societies in this Kingdom, and also the General Non-Formal Education category, which provides the same education as standard, and also a graduation diploma, which can be used to further your education at higher levels...

A great gift of education to everyone in this Kingdom, and a program I push many many people to use. Lots of experience with this program over more than 10 years...

If you know anyone who could benefit by this program, I urge you to push them into it, too. The study is highly accelerated (not as 'hard; as it sounds), meaning you can pass several grades in one school year

The two local schools I'm familiar with are located inside the moat on Singharat rd., and in Mae Rim... Here are their office numbers. You'll likely need a Thai speaker... and listener!

053-222-598 (main Provincial office)

053-222-100 (main Amphur office for CM/ Maerim)



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M1 (Matthayom 1) though M6 are the same as US grades 7 - 12. It sounds as though your friend will need to finish M5 & M6. Your timing is good - classes will start in just a few weeks. I don't have a local phone number, but there should be a Ministry of Ed. office for your local Caet(sp?) (the BKK equivalent of a Tambon) that can steer you straight.

As for how long it will take to make up the two missing years, I'll make a WAG that he can finish in 6-9 months or so.

If this info doesn't get you to the right place - let me know what district your friend lives in and I'll see if my wife can get the right number for you.

Edited by otherstuff1957
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I'm glad to hear that they have the G.E.D. in Thailand. GED's are offered in the states as well. I was a high school drop out, and got a GED. I was then able to attend a local community college, and work my way up from there.

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