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Top 10 Beers

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After much thought the following is my TOP TEN beers. Not ranked in order

1/. Aventinus

2/. Chimay Red

3/. Gosser Dark

4/. Rauchenfelser

5/. Theakstons Old Peculiar

6/. Trumer Pils

7/. Weihenstepher Pilsener

8/. Youngs Double Chocolate Stout

9/. Terrible

10/. Triple Karmeliet

So many others that could be there but looking back on all the ones I have drunk these would be it. I have tasted over 250 different beers. To date. :o

Sure there will be more.


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After much thought the following is my TOP TEN beers. Not ranked in order

1/. Aventinus

2/. Chimay Red

3/. Gosser Dark

4/. Rauchenfelser

5/. Theakstons Old Peculiar

6/. Trumer Pils

7/. Weihenstepher Pilsener

8/. Youngs Double Chocolate Stout

9/. Terrible

10/. Triple Karmeliet

So many others that could be there but looking back on all the ones I have drunk these would be it. I have tasted over 250 different beers. To date.  :o

Sure there will be more.


still at the young age of 21, so many may call me in-experienced, but here goes

1. MGD

2. Miller Lite

3. Chang

4. Rolling Rock

5. Corona

6. Budweiser

7. Bud Lite

8. Tiger

9. Mickeys

10. Miller Highlife

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Interesting selection. They are all lagers. Must of them in the sessional beer area. Meaning easy drinking all night long beers.

Gotta say Rolling Rock is pretty nice though. However Bud, mmm.

Well, its your top ten so its a fair call.

Cheer and beers


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Roughly in order of preference:

1. Sleeman Honey Brown Lager (Canada, Ontario)

2. Alexander Keith's East India Pale Ale (Canada, Nova Scotia)

3. Carlton Cold Bitter (Australia, Victoria)

4. Speights Gold Medal (New Zealand, Otago)

5. Mac's Black (New Zealand, Gisborne?)

6. Victoria Bitter (Australia, Victoria)

7. Molson Canadian (Canada, National)

8. Steinlager (New Zealand, Auckland)

9. Fin Du Monde (Canada, Quebec)

10. Molson Dry (Canada, National)

11. Chang (I guess :o )



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still at the young age of 21, so many may call me in-experienced, but here goes

1. MGD

2. Miller Lite

3. Chang

4. Rolling Rock

5. Corona

6. Budweiser

7. Bud Lite

8. Tiger

9. Mickeys

10. Miller Highlife

I am wondering where warm piss would fit into your list. I think the subject is for BEST BEERS not WORST BEERS!

Please try a few imports d dog you will never look back

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still at the young age of 21, so many may call me in-experienced, but here goes

1. MGD

2. Miller Lite

3. Chang

4. Rolling Rock

5. Corona

6. Budweiser

7. Bud Lite

8. Tiger

9. Mickeys

10. Miller Highlife

I am wondering where warm piss would fit into your list. I think the subject is for BEST BEERS not WORST BEERS!

Please try a few imports d dog you will never look back

Looks like a poll for your own favorite beers

like i said, i admit i am still young and havent been exposed to alot of the beer out there, chang and orion are the only imports i've ever tried, chang (which i enjoy for both taste and price) because its what they sell at my wifes village and orion because its everywhere here in japan

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1. Leffe Blonde

2. Hooegaarden

3. Bass ( from the Barrel)

4. Hens Tooth

5. Leffe Dark

6. Oranjeboom

7. Warsteiner - Wheat beer

8. Red Stripe

9. Dog Bolter

10. Tuborg


Chonabot we must get together for a beer. Maybe you could add Smithwick's to your list.

Shock Horror ! Me and Laz agree on something!

11. Smithwicks


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I am wondering where warm piss would fit into your list. I think the subject is for BEST BEERS not WORST BEERS!

Please try a few imports d dog you will never look back

Looks like a poll for your own favorite beers

like i said, i admit i am still young and havent been exposed to alot of the beer out there, chang and orion are the only imports i've ever tried, chang (which i enjoy for both taste and price) because its what they sell at my wifes village and orion because its everywhere here in japan

Yes he did say he was only 21. Give him some time to develop an appreciation. Good beers are like good wines.

Some people also like only lagers.

Good to see the Belguim and Canadian beers doing well. The whole unibrau range is excellent. Leffe mmm, Hoegaarden Grand Cru is excellent. Redstripe as long as its the Jamiacan one and not the bottled in the U.K. stuff. Dogbolter is nice too. So ###### many good beers.

Edited by carlthailand
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It depends on the situation. When you are very thirsty,after coming in from work,then I rate Becks Bier. There's nothing like a Becks when your dying of thirst.

If you're stopping off at a pub for just a couple,standing up at the bar drinking, then I rate Old Speckled Hen. Sitting down with friends on an evening out,then I would choose Guinness. Alas at the moment read:

Coming in from work when your thirsty.............water

Standing up at the bar.....................................ice tea

Sitting down with friends..................................wot friends

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I'm bad with names, so I cannot list a number of great beers I have had only once or twice. Here are some I remember, and I wouldn't want to pick exactly ten.

A few perfect pours which may never repeat:

  • Portland Bobbydazzler (on tap in Oregon c. 1999)
  • Maibock at Tied House (on tap Mt. View California c. 1998)
  • Old Viscosity, Port Brewing Co. (bottled, California 2004)

Locals I will go back to. They're good in their own ways:

  • The hefeweissen
  • and dunkel at Tawandang (BKK)
  • Anchor Steam
  • and Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale (San Francisco)

Some old faithfuls whether on tap or bottled:

  • Erdinger Hefeweissen
  • and Dunkel
  • Spaten Optimator
  • Road Dog Ale
  • Arrogant Bastard Ale
  • Delirium Tremens

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Sitting down with friends..................................wot friends

Feeling lonely still lampard10? :o

Favourite 10 beers I can buy in Thailand?

1. Crown Larger (Australia)

2. Kilkenny (Ireland)

3. Guinness (Ireland)

4. Red Horse (Thailand)

5. Chang (Thailand)

6. VB (Australia)

7. Heinekin (Thailand)

8. Asahi (Japan)

9. Blue Ice (Thailand)

10. Tetleys (England)

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My vote for best sup-ping ale would go for a throat cracker from west Africa of all places called simply... "Star Beer"

Its a lager and brewed by an outfit named Kumasi breweries which is/was located in Ghana.A couple of years ago SAB tried to buy it out but they told them at the time to p-off but dont recon they could say that now....all ££££.

Never seen it sold in the west (maybe it cant travel) but got happy memories of sitting around in gold mines,oil rigs and ali smelters from the Bight of Benin to the 21 club in Apapa club in Lagos......Ice cold beer,sweaty jungle nights and ...hot hot...ladies..... :o Refreshes the parts that others ..... :D

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Pilsner Urquell

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale


Cooper's Ale



Samuel Smith Taddy Porter

I prefer a bitter beer so I drink mostly Sapporo. The best beer I had was in Prague. It came right out of the wall from the brewery. Had a big ole head of foam on the mug and i thot i was being treated as a rube. But really the head tasted like cream. Good stuff.

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Beers that brings back good memories:

Spendrups Old Gold - last week of school

Red Horse - Crazy Nights in Manila, lazy days in Puerto Galera.

Singha - Freedom, from everything.

Three Towns - Swedish archipelago, summer.

Cascade Sparkling Pale Ale - Rotten car sold in Sydney.

XXXX - camping in Oz.

Chang - A, eh, no. No memories at all.

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Sitting down with friends..................................wot friends

Feeling lonely still lampard10? :o

Favourite 10 beers I can buy in Thailand?

1. Crown Larger (Australia)

2. Kilkenny (Ireland)

3. Guinness (Ireland)

4. Red Horse (Thailand)

5. Chang (Thailand)

6. VB (Australia)

7. Heinekin (Thailand)

8. Asahi (Japan)

9. Blue Ice (Thailand)

10. Tetleys (England)

You definately need to pay us a visit......................we got nine of your ten :D

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Sitting down with friends..................................wot friends

Feeling lonely still lampard10? :o

Favourite 10 beers I can buy in Thailand?

1. Crown Larger (Australia)

2. Kilkenny (Ireland)

3. Guinness (Ireland)

4. Red Horse (Thailand)

5. Chang (Thailand)

6. VB (Australia)

7. Heinekin (Thailand)

8. Asahi (Japan)

9. Blue Ice (Thailand)

10. Tetleys (England)

You definately need to pay us a visit......................we got nine of your ten :D

I may get a chance over the next 2 weeks lampard10... off to Korat tomorrow and then Khon Kaen for Songkran... depending on the traffic and family functions, I may pop on over to Surin to sample your beer and say g'day.


Which 1 of the 10 do you not have?

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Sitting down with friends..................................wot friends

Feeling lonely still lampard10? :o

Favourite 10 beers I can buy in Thailand?

1. Crown Larger (Australia)

2. Kilkenny (Ireland)

3. Guinness (Ireland)

4. Red Horse (Thailand)

5. Chang (Thailand)

6. VB (Australia)

7. Heinekin (Thailand)

8. Asahi (Japan)

9. Blue Ice (Thailand)

10. Tetleys (England)

You definately need to pay us a visit......................we got nine of your ten :D

I may get a chance over the next 2 weeks lampard10... off to Korat tomorrow and then Khon Kaen for Songkran... depending on the traffic and family functions, I may pop on over to Surin to sample your beer and say g'day.


Which 1 of the 10 do you not have?


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1) Ruddles County

2) Tanglefoot

3) Chang

4) Stella Artois

5) Scrumpy Jack

6) Spitfire

7) London Pride

8) Boddington's

9) Old Peculiar

10) Double Diamond (deceased)

Cheers! All great brews , even Olifant...

Notbad slection. We had four of those till a shory while ago. Sadly only Chang left.

note; the other three were Spitfire,Old Peculiar & London Pride. The Spitfire went in no time.

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9. Fin Du Monde (Canada, Quebec)

Does this one live up to its name, Vic? :D


It's part of an evil trio, along with Epherme`(sp?) and Maudite.

A few of these and it can seem like Fin Du Monde the next morning. :o


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