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So, You Think You're Street Smart


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This involves a Malaysian & his Thai G/F...... scarey stuff. :o


A similar thing happened to a friend of mine in Chiang Mai last New Year's Eve. Sitting alone in a coffee shop, he was befriended by 2 office looking girls, one sat on each side, he's a teetotaller, and was drinking only coffee. The next thing he knew it was January 3, he was in his room with all his cash gone. He vaguely remembered having a cloth pressed down on his face at one point. He's a big bloke, over 100 kilos, there's no way 2 petite Thai girls could have carried him to his room about 300 metres away. The cloth was either ether or chloroform to ensure he remained unconscious, his drink was probably spiked as he turned to talk to one of the girls beside him. Colourless, odourless, there's no way to know you're on the road to oblivion. I remarked it was lucky he's a big dude, a man of smaller stature could have entered the big sleep.

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It looks like a disgusting thing to do, taking your drink to the dunny, but now I understand why.

Or fin your drink before going.

Bloody he11, it's not even safe to drink in a 5 star hotel these days. :o

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Sitting alone in a coffee shop, he was befriended by 2 office looking girls,

That's where your inner claxons should start ringing 'Something isn't right, something isn't right'.

Tell me honestly, how often do Thai 'office looking girls' appear out of the blue trying to chat you up?

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I don't see how they managed to chloroform the guy in a coffee shop and get him to his hotel room passed out without no one knowing?

Sure the guy wasn't up in the room already? :o

I was thinking about this and I realise I never leave my drink when I go to the toilet, I either finish it first or it travels with me coz I can't bear to be without it. :D

I never knew my alcholic tendancies might have saved me from getting drugged. :D

Anyway, I've got a toe curling story for you about someone getting drugged but have to post it later coz things to do now. :D

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I don't see how they managed to chloroform the guy in a coffee shop and get him to his hotel room passed out without no one knowing? 

Sure the guy wasn't up in the room already? :o

I was thinking about this and I realise I never leave my drink when I go to the toilet, I either finish it first or it travels with me coz I can't bear to be without it. :D

I never knew my alcholic tendancies might have saved me from getting drugged. :D

Anyway, I've got a toe curling story for you about someone getting drugged but have to post it later coz things to do now. :D

No, they chloformed him in his room, they spiked his drink in the coffee shop, so like the story in Jakarta he was a walking zombie, perfectly capable of walking in a straight line but totally unable to remember what happened. No doubt they added the chloroform in his room to make sure he didn't come round whilst they were liberating his possessions.

MS, the coffee shop he was in was also a respectable restaurant, it wasn't a knocking shop per se, office girls' attire wouldn't have set off any warning bells.

The scary point is the drug's ability to make you look fine to outsiders whilst inside you're just a blank, bereft of memory.


Edited by bannork
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I'm sure that's the story he told his wife, and he's sticking to it.

:D That was my first thought, but cheers Bannork for clearing that up.

Ok, heres my toe curling 'drugged' story.

I've got an old friend that comes out to Thailand every few months generally for about a month a time, hes a huge rough looking Northern lad, streetwise as you would say.

He was at the Sawadee hotel in Banglamphu at the end of the Khao San Road and was on his second or third chang (I cant remember exact details) so he wasn't too pissed, and can handle his drink well anyway.

Next thing he knows, its the next day and hes lying on the side of a road I think up by the airport. :D

I only saw him a couple of days later and recollections of the night had come back to him a bit.

What happened was he met a couple of Thai guys there and was having a few drinks chatting with them, he cant remember an incident when he left his beer but he remembers going with them to get in their car which he said was a fairly nice new motor.

His next recollections are of being in a house or garage part of a house with a girl, him and the girl both naked and he was shagging her. He remembered enough to say she was a looker and he gave me a few details as to what happened which I wont add here. She was encouraging him to shag her coz he was a bit hhmmm, how to say 'limp'. :o

He remembers the guys standing to the side taking pics of the whole thing while he was with her, but didn't know whether taking pics or making footage.

Thats all he remembers, he was totally freaked out about the whole thing when the memory started coming back to him, just thinking they could have killed him or whatever, to feel so vunerable to these people. He never had anything robbed off him, it seems they just wanted a farang model for some kind of porn they were making.

Crazy thing is, if they had shown him the girl and just asked him he would probably have done it anyway, no need for the whole drug episode. :D In fact a load of guys could be found in Bangkok to do that so really seems weird to drug a guy for it, robbery I can understand, drugs a useful tool for it.

I suppose the shocking thing here is that this wasn't done in a go go bar, or some sleazy club, or even in some dodgy soi in pattaya, but in an area which is considered relatively safe for anyone.

Keep an eye on those drinks fellas! :D

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"No, they chloformed him in his room, they spiked his drink in the coffee shop, so like the story in Jakarta he was a walking zombie, perfectly capable of walking in a straight line but totally unable to remember what happened. No doubt they added the chloroform in his room to make sure he didn't come round whilst they were liberating his possessions. "

This is absolute bunk, a complete and utter lie. You guys are acting like hysterical school girls.

1. Chloroform has a strong odor which has a tendency to cause people to vomit.

2. Chloroform has a very strong chemical taste

3. Chloroform is only partically soluble in water

But, let's assume that all of the above aren't true: Chloroform is odorless and tasteless, and mixes perfectly in hot coffee. Here's a major point: chloroform suppresses the central nervous system when it is INHALED, not when it's ingested.

When under the influence of chloroform, people pass out. They don't "walk around like zombies".

"They chloformed him in his room" - so the bad guys are wearing gas masks as they tear his room apart?

Fairy tales were originally scary (many of them have been rewritten so that they are "multi-cultural", gender neutral, and non-emotional) , designed to force children to comply with parental autohrity. You're repeating a fairy tale for an adult male.

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I was drugged in BKK by an attractive, well-dressed Thai lady around 35 years old.  Had a camera and credit card stolen.  It happens.

I was drugged in Bangkok 5 years ago by an attractive well dressed lady about 28 years of age. She took my credit cards, my money, gold, a car, a home, and made me marry her. Any ideas on when the drug wears off ? :o

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I was drugged in BKK by an attractive, well-dressed Thai lady around 35 years old.  Had a camera and credit card stolen.  It happens.

I was drugged in Bangkok 5 years ago by an attractive well dressed lady about 28 years of age. She took my credit cards, my money, gold, a car, a home, and made me marry her. Any ideas on when the drug wears off ? :D

That bought a smile to my face......... :D:o

Think it's a life sentence Dragonman! :D !

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His mistake from the video -

1. Don't ever leave your drinks at the bar unless you have a mate watching it.

2. Don't accept a drink from someone you don't know

3. Way he described they were waiting for him while he was in the loo - that would raise a red flag to me.

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He was at the Sawadee hotel in Banglamphu at the end of the Khao San Road and was on his second or third chang (I cant remember exact details) so he wasn't too pissed, and can handle his drink well anyway.

I have a friend who was also drugged by a girl in KSR when he woke up the next day he had all his money,c/cs and passport stolen as well as a needle lying on the bed next to him. Looks like she had drugged him by spiking his drink then injected him with something back in his room. Luckily he wasnt infected with hiv but he spent 3 months of sheer torture worrying that he had been infected. :o

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His mistake from the video -

1. Don't ever leave your drinks at the bar unless you have a mate watching it.

2. Don't accept a drink from someone you don't know

3. Way he described they were waiting for him while he was in the loo - that would raise a red flag to me.

All these 3 points are basically common sense, I'd say.

I always follow point 1), point 2) doesn't happen much, and point 3) would have me really worried for several reasons........ :D

Never leave a drink unattended. Even in my own house, I tend to drink up before having a leak - good excuse to have another one on the way back to the coach.... :o

Edited by WhiteShiva
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In the early 90's the BKK Post reported on an Australian guy in Pattaya who was up on drugging charges. I was surprised when two teachers that I knew both claimed to have been drugged by the very same guy.

Apparently, the Aussie used to befriend newcomers to Pattaya and offer them some kind of work in Singapore. When any interested victims withdrew flight/expenses money from a bank or ATM they were later drugged and robbed from having eaten spiked hamburgers.

It's not just Thais to watch out for, but your fellow farangs. :o

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"No, they chloformed him in his room, they spiked his drink in the coffee shop, so like the story in Jakarta he was a walking zombie, perfectly capable of walking in a straight line but totally unable to remember what happened. No doubt they added the chloroform in his room to make sure he didn't come round whilst they were liberating his possessions. "

This is absolute bunk, a complete and utter lie.  You guys are acting like hysterical school girls.

1. Chloroform has a strong odor which has a tendency to cause people to vomit.

2. Chloroform has a very strong chemical taste

3. Chloroform is only partically soluble in water

But, let's assume that all of the above aren't true: Chloroform is odorless and tasteless, and mixes perfectly in hot coffee.  Here's a major point: chloroform suppresses the central nervous system when it is INHALED, not when it's ingested.

When under the influence of chloroform, people pass out.  They don't "walk around like zombies".

"They chloformed him in his room" - so the bad guys are wearing gas masks as they tear his room apart?

Fairy tales were originally scary (many of them have been rewritten so that they are "multi-cultural", gender neutral, and non-emotional) , designed to force children to comply with parental autohrity.  You're repeating a fairy tale for an adult male.

Hey, hey, calm down, we're in Thailand, or at least I am, don't have a farang moment getting all het-up, hot and bothered( American perhaps?). I think you're confusing the sequence of events. He was walking like a zombie after unwittingly ingesting the odourless, tasteless date rape drug in his coffee in the coffee shop.

This friend of mine is one of the most solid people you could meet, in more ways than one; he's not married, doesn't drink or smoke, he could be a monk really. He's not the sort to make up stories, he doesn't crave attention, he's Mr Sensible. What he said was that he had no recollection from the time he was drinking the coffee in the coffee shop with the 2 ladies; I don't know if you're familiar with a Thai coffee shop, it's a nightclub, dark, with singers who sit with patrons. The waitress actually holds a torch to show you your bill when it's time.No-one would raise an eyebrow if a burly farang left with 2 Thai girls, especially if he's walking normally.

The rag pressed over his face was later in his guesthouse room , we surmised it was ether or chloroform but it could have been something else. The point obviously was to prevent him recovering whilst they looted his room. Maybe they weren't sure how long the effects of the date rape drug whatever would last.

He's coming back in December so if you don't believe me drop me a line then and he can accompany you to the coffee shop in Chiang Mai. Perhaps you'll meet his old acquaintances.


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Bannork, I think the confusion was over the 'coffee shop' thing. I immediately thought of a starbucks type of place myself where the office girls fitted into the story nicely.

Two well dressed office girls approaching me in one of those establishments would seem a bit odd though. :o

expatinasia, read the full story, the chloroforming was after he had left the coffee shop with the girls whilst he was already drugged.

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Bannork, I think the confusion was over the 'coffee shop' thing.  I immediately thought of a starbucks type of place myself where the office girls fitted into the story nicely.

Two well dressed office girls approaching me in one of those establishments would seem a bit odd though. :o

expatinasia, read the full story, the chloroforming was after he had left the coffee shop with the girls whilst he was already drugged.

Thai girls in Thai coffee shops, ie Thai nightclubs, singing country songs, dress respectably; even if many are on the game. Only the shoes are maybe different, ie the singer wears high heels whilst the office girl wears flipflops.

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I was drugged in BKK by an attractive, well-dressed Thai lady around 35 years old.  Had a camera and credit card stolen.  It happens.

I was drugged in Bangkok 5 years ago by an attractive well dressed lady about 28 years of age. She took my credit cards, my money, gold, a car, a home, and made me marry her. Any ideas on when the drug wears off ? :D

That bought a smile to my face......... :D:o

Think it's a life sentence Dragonman! :D !

<deleted> joining that club then, you get less time for murder :D

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He was at the Sawadee hotel in Banglamphu

There's been other things written about this place on the Bangkok thread (some backpackers getting the sh*t kicked out of them for contesting a bill).

What's up with the Sawadee?

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