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I Bid You Farewell

the gentleman

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Of late this board is getting to serious in ridicule of one another, I couldnt be bothered, Khun Boom, Dennis Pennis I shudder to think this is the future of "senior members" that you continue to crap on about...

I started in this forum thinking it could be helpfull for me to learn a bit, advise a bit and have a laugh.. It has got way to serious and enough for me. I dont need or want your crap............. Carry on to the idiots who know all!

To the nice people who are here... Good luck in everything you do!


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gentleman like in life we encounter disagreeable people and nice people, on a public forum there will always be personality clashes - it's a pity that it's come to this (you were living up to your user name :D). Wish you all the best and drop in and visit when you're in better spirits. :o

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Guest IT Manager

Yes I agree Nat. Essentially you seem a nice chap Gentleman. I understand the frustration and you may have noted one of them got a 30 day break today.

Would be happy to natter in PM if you wish to share views.


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Gentleman, very sorry to hear you are so disappointed. I go through phases, wondering why in the heck I waste my energy when there are some real bozos on this forum. But then, my father never raised his daughters to give up in the face of idiocy. I find that when I have had enough of some people I just make sure to avoid the topic they are on! The Bear Pit, for instance, despite my BA in politics, I plan on steering fairly clear. I look, I leave, in general. Too many people take things far too seriously and feel the need to be too insulting for me to waste my time on them.

Please do drop in again when you feel less annoyed!

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If you think you have problems have a look at what flak I get but as I don't wash that often, just ask Doc Pat Pong, so I do have a extra coating of protection.

Don't go because soon Dennis will be a senior member.

Let it ride as a businessman you must have had worse, if not let me know what your business is as I could do with a business like yours.

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I think that you just need to develop an idiot filter. When I scan the topics of threads I have learnt which ones to ignore because you know it is just going to be UserA flaming UserB and visa versa.

Even in topics that you do read, its faily easy to avoid reading the crap from users that you know are only going to post crap.

All in all, you cant let the 1%ers spoil the other 99%.

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Ta Ta as they say in the U.K. As for me I had a smoke detector installed in my areshole about 40 years ago so when people try to blow smoke up my ass it just goes right back at a much higher speed!

As for the use of boards, "If you've thin skin, don't come in" is my motto! The greatest flamers are usually the Seniors/Admins assembled as a click living with a double standard! One for the new guy and one for the incrowd, kinda like the wisdom of Nat!

AKA: some people can dish it out but can't take it so the run and hide behind a system.

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Guest IT Manager

Khun Boom sometimes you post quite intelligently. Other times you don't. I'm not sure why, nor do I care. Hint, admins try really hard to make this a place you can share and learn.

At the end of the day, thank whoever you please for bangkoksexy.com. It has no moderation, no ethics and little of intelligence from the little I have seen. If that is where you prefer to spread a blanket feel free. We don't set your home page to thaivisa.com, you do.

If you truly believe this is an admin playground, go away.

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:o Khun Boom sometimes you post quite intelligently. Other times you don't

That is one persons opinion. As to the playground issue, Moderators can taunt and offer incidious threats of action! Would oyu like me to cut a paste or shall the staff have a meeting and self correct! Good board and I have lots to ad. Attack me and one best have the bucket full because I've been on line for more years that most. As I said before going back to AOL in the early days, newsgoups and a very old professional board.

Note, if one post controversial issues here those posts are twisted and false statements are made. Same old on line <deleted>, bait and switch.

Wasn't my info on the Honorary Counsels good stuff. They go lite on the BS and Fast!

If I raise issues don't let SR/Admin flame. You seem to be a resonable man, monitor the staff! :D

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A call for help or is it a call for recognition?

the gent from nowhere is now asking for help! doesn't somebody love me, I'm going away if people don't say they like my BS........Next thing we'll see a complaing for diaper wetting on line....See Ya!

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Let me state something to all of you - I am not thin skinned, I just couldnt be BOTHERED dealing with idiots - thats it!

Khun Boom, I think you mentioned you will be in Patong soon, I would like to meet you. I want to see you from behind the computer and then we will see who will have the last word............ This is a proposal to you to meet with me and bring your mate Dennis Pennis as well if he would like.... I will pay for both of your air tickets and accomodation/hospital or will meet you in any city in Thailand... This is not a threat, it is a proposal - I mean it.

I will also photograph the "meeting" and post it on this board.

The reason for this is that you wouldnt say this to my face, so dont hide behind a computer. Lets see who takes me up on the challenge and then we will see who is thin skinned.

I will also want both of your telephone numbers to arrange tickets and your names.

This is a serious post, dont flame me, be a man and accept the challenge!

I await your responses!

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The movement is growning!

Sounds like a coup d'etat :D

As far as I'm aware we're all adults here, please let's behave that way. From the present behaviour IT's description of this place as a children's sand pit is absolutely correct. Can we all please try to get along and discuss things about Thailand, not the individuals on the board. Thank you :o

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Hellow Scheem from the good old Foolket.com

I have no intnetion of provideing and person who comits himself to all the shortcommings he claims of other. You are an Anno guy. End of story.

Nor would I care waste my LOS time with such a person who hides.

Come out come out, who ever you are!

Just a hint....I have way too many resources to be concerned with such and ungentlemanly challange!

You have not status her!

If oyu want to toss around some baht, I can recommend some needy hospice activities. Thanks for the offer, Scheemer Boy You are so easy to sniff out!

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Guest IT Manager

OK on the record. I have had 2 days away and I am quite cross at the way you boys have behaved while I was away.

Gentleman please don't play games like that. It's bad form for someone who generally posts (except politically) in a rational sort of way.

This thread is closed. Guest, don't post with that nick again. If you do I will knock your IP address off-line and Gentleman, you know who that will effect.

As the Pope says "stop it or you will go blind"

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