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I Am Never Going Back.....


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I was always happy being married to my farang wife, until we divorced. I thought it poor form to "Play up" on business trips - its the trust thing, and I would not have liked her doing that. But we divorced etc etc.

Now a few years later, I am married to a Thai lady. The dynamics of the relationship are different, and to me I enjoy the difference.

No matter what ever happens, I am never going back to a farang woman.

What are other people's opinions who have partnered both a Thai lady and a Farang Lady?

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At the moment im very happy in the relationship i have with my TGF.

In the past i have found western women to be like chalk & cheese.

While living in Italy i had a relationship with a italian girl for about 6 months,in many ways its similar to my TGF,where family was the centre of everything.Every sunday we would go to her grans and all the family would be there 2 have dinner,most nights out we would be double dating with her sister & her boy friend.

It was very rare if we ever went out on our own of an evening,there always would be her friends or family with us or at the bar,resturant we would go to.

On the other side i went out with an English girl for over a year,dont think i ever heard her dad say more than 3 words to me.sometimes we would just sit there watching tv and he would just get up and make himself a cuppa never ask me if i wanted one.Just the little things that got right up my nose.Even tho im English i always felt more welcome in Italy and now Thailand.

Could it have something to do with the weather??? :o

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I married a 19 y/o TG 5 years ago. I was 33.


Only downside is she is very jealous and gets homesick for LOS.

Upside is its the 1st woman I can trust, she would take a bullet for me.

SO many guys here in the US tried to steal her away but she angrily tells them

off - like its an insult to her that they thought she would leave her husband.

The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas are tainted.

She dies, i am heading right back upcountry to bag another one.

You should here the stories of my friends here and what they put up with

with their lady farangs. I want to puke. I try to tell them about TGs but

they dont listen. Poor buggers. How can they go on...

best regards


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It never fails when this question is asked. Bravo to most of you and especially the post above this. You people speak about women like you would about a car. "reliable, never going back to the old one, if this one breaks I will get a brand new one" Pathetic.


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depends on what you mean by farang women , independant western women ?

i have sampled thais for many years and now although i love them all i have a penchant for east european women.

thai are small and puny and when taken to the west dont look too hot next to a

sexy european gal.

but when in thailand they all look good.

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It never fails when this question is asked.  Bravo to most of you and especially the post above this.  You people speak about women like you would about a car.  "reliable, never going back to the old one, if this one breaks I will get a brand new one"  Pathetic.


Sure didn't mean to step on any toes - Gatsby if your with a farang. Believe we're speaking in general terms here anyway. :D

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I was dating an Aussie gal in my home country, everything was going ok until she said "what about holidays, what about family, how can we live in a 1 bedroom unit with kids?". This was while I was working 2 jobs and just bought my property. I was proud of my acheivments while she was running me down.

Then I met my Thai wife here in OZ, she couldn't believe that I owned my own car let alone the property. She valued me and everything I had worked for. We were married 4 Months later and last Month we celebrated our 14th. wedding aniversary.

We still live in a 1 bedroom unit, love life and she in fact loves Australia more than Thailand. Would your farang wife let you go away with your mates alone and overseas alone? Would she let you go out when you like wherever you like? Would she peel your mangoes and cut them up for you when you feel like a snack? Would she de bone the fish and give you the nice meaty parts? Would she get the brush out and scrub your joggers when they are dirty? She does this because she loves me and I appreciate it so much. Even after 14 years I think I am so lucky to be married to her.

When we are back in OZ for our 6 Months of the year I am almost repulsed by the farang women. You walk down the street look them in the eye to say hello and they look the other way. It is as if they have some kind of chip on their shoulder. Once there was a group of us travelling in mixed company in Thailand and this rather over weight Aussie girl said to me "can you tell me why all these guys are only interested in these beautiful slim Thai women"? Well if she can't work that out she never will understand. But this is not all about beauty it's about the way they love you and treat you, something farang women can learn a lot about.

As a drinker well that's another story but here in OZ you have to queue for your drinks and then be served a by a lazy bitch who thinks you are taking away her spare relax time, rarely smiles or says thank you. Oh dear, I only got 2 more Months before I'm outa here. As for farang women in Thailand, well aren't they so sweet and beautiful all clutching their boyfriends to keep them from the evil Thai girls. Oh dear get real, farang women? Never again for me.

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I think one of the things can be termed as "Cultural compatability". It is obvious conclusion that a succinct opinions are being taken to "Devalue" Thai people and their culture or make them like commidities. I say to my wife regularly "where do I get two of you from?" She loved to hear that not because I want two of her like one to cook and one to clean but more that she makes me so so happy.

As far as "Going back to the rice paddies and getting another one", this to me says two things, there is alot of cultural compatability and the attitude and way of life of the people who live in the villages where they till the soil for their daily toil is complimentary to many men from the west. I am still amazed how there is so little difference in many things I really enjoy when I am holiday in Australia - let alone doing this for a living.

I also get great pleasures fom some of the simplicity of village life. My wife's grandmother loves taking care of me, (oh no someone will call me a misogynist for saying that) and in return I get great enjoyment from helping grand-mum like taking her to the shops and the temple etc. Therefore I have married my wife, but I also have a very nice lifestyle change.

Secondly, it is not uncommon to find women in Bangkok with some unusual attitudes and work practices. I don't think there is any point expanding on that, we all know what I am talking about.

Just a little more thought.

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Boon Mee and Nam Kao, you are both ignorant and racist misogynists. I hope your mothers are proud of you.

Boon Mee, LBFM? People still use that type of terminology? Little brown ###### machine. Aces! You are truly a prince.

In regards to my other post, my wife happens to be Thai, but she is a person first. You seem to regard ethnicity the same way you would a particular breed of animal. People like you folks make me sick :o

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I will never go back...

I guess this might well be because I am already married!!!

You people speak about women like you would about a car. "reliable, never going back to the old one, if this one breaks I will get a brand new one" Pathetic.
Boon Mee and Nam Kao, you are both ignorant and racist misogynists. I hope your mothers are proud of you.

With all due respect, as far as I can see, the most upsetting post in this thread has come from you Gatsby.

There is no need to be so venomous don't you agree?

Everyone has their reasons for being where they are, mine are the same as yours Gatsby. The woman I fell in love with just so happens to be Thai, and I will never go back because I will never need to look again.

So others have posted something that isn't to your liking, this is no reason to call them pathetic, ignorant or racist misogynists.

Lets all remember that when you point a finger at someone there are three pointing back at you...

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Boon Mee and Nam Kao, you are both  ignorant and  racist  misogynists. 

If i was ignorant I would have ended married to a lady falang, but I saw the

writing on the wall and went TG hunting.

If I was racist why did i marry a different race?

If I was a mysognist (someone who hates woman) I'd be gay

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The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas are tainted.

Are you talking about a human being or animal ? sound like what I have heard in a dog training school.

What i meant was get a girl that has not been westernized

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The problem with stereotypes is that they are actually grounded in fact, couple this with the fact that the truth often hurts, and you end up with an obvious recipe for “flame-fest”. So let’s add a penneth or two of petrol.

I'll agree that women in all cultures (notice how I delineate cultures because it's actually quite pertinent to the thread, without being racist) have been oppressed since the dawn of time and that EQUALITY is deserved, but sorry it's not PAYBACK time.

The main problem with western(ised) women is that they want everything and a large patent-leather designer bag (with matching shoes, of course) to put it in. Is that not right, Gatsby? I bet you love it when a man, you hardly know, brings you flowers... :D

I’ve personally had my fill of western(ised) women, don't misunderstand me, I tried (HJ&MM how I tried!) for many years, alas in vain, to appease the incessant self-centered, self-righteous, whining.

We men have our downside too (no, honestly), most men nowadays desire a partner to equally share in the onerous task of life. That is, neither a partner that sits on their incremental <deleted> watching soap-operas and/or Oprah-wanabees all day, nor the self-same same sloths that then want us to do “our share” of the ½ hour job of washing the dishes after our recreational 14-hour office stint (not withstanding the relaxing 90 minute commute home).

Life’s a game of give and take, and farang women just take the biscuit.

Game over girls. Daddy’s got a brand new bag. (sic) :o

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Boon Mee and Nam Kao, you are both ignorant and racist misogynists. I hope your mothers are proud of you.

Boon Mee, LBFM? People still use that type of terminology? Little brown ###### machine. Aces! You are truly a prince.

In regards to my other post, my wife happens to be Thai, but she is a person first. You seem to regard ethnicity the same way you would a particular breed of animal. People like you folks make me sick :o

PC drivel.

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The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas are tainted.

Are you talking about a human being or animal ? sound like what I have heard in a dog training school.

Since when are animals tainted? Mighta been a ref. to the water supply, eh? :o

Plenty of you PC dweebs about, eh?

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Boon Mee and Nam Kao, you are both  ignorant and  racist  misogynists.  I hope your mothers are proud of you.

Boon Mee,  LBFM?  People still use that type of terminology?  Little brown ###### machine.  Aces!  You are truly a prince. 

In regards to my other post, my wife happens to be Thai, but she is a person first.  You seem to regard ethnicity the same way you would a particular breed of animal.  People like you folks  make me sick  :o

Hey Gatsby - I know I'm a prince but <deleted> are you?

They've been called LBFMs before my daddy's time and will ALWAYS be called LBFMs 'cause that's what they are.

You, my friend, have some kind of agenda here? We know you've got a rather large chip on your shoulder - chill out dude... :D

I am someone who respects my wife's heritage. I honestly don't understand the attitude of many of you posters toward your own wives and girlfriends. How about this: African Americans have been called "niggers" since before my Daddy's time, Hispanics have been called "wetbacks" and caucasions "honkey" or "cracker". Ohhh, did I forget the "gooks" "waps" and "Dagos and kikes"?? How about the "Camel Jockey's" ?

Do any of these names offend any of you or your heritage? Is anyone shocked to see me using such language? If not, then it should.

I don't have a chip, I have an extreme distaste for persons with a lack of respect for others.

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Well to my way of thinking,those names that you came up with only offend people that are in fact true RACISTS and are politically correct,anyone else pays no attention to them as they mean nothing.

I have lived and worked all over the world with all nationalities and consider myself no better than anyone else. So there fore I am not a racist,but you seem to be.

But then I started out working in the jungles of Guatemala at the age of 18 and altho I was a boss,I lived,ate and played with the natives,and saw no difference between them and myself.

I have worked very large crews of Filipinos,Thais,Chinese,Koreans,Pakistani, Indians,Egyptians,Lebanese and Mexicans and always considered myself just one of the crew,but was the one giving orders.and would not tell them to do anything I wouldn't do myself. :o

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Perhaps it is the fact that I live in America that is coloring my viewpoints here, but honestly, I would assume the vast majority of the persons here are white skinned and have never had to deal with racism toward themselves.

KevinN, I have never seen you post anything that would have me come to that conclusion about you, but your slight dig at me that I am a racist makes me laugh.

Sorry if I am offending anyone with the above remarks, but I am trying to go for the "shock" factor that I get when I see something like LBFM used to describe an Asian woman. It is degrading and anyone who sees it differently should get off the internet and go say that to a woman from anywhere (thai, French, wherever) to her face and see how they respond. My guess is with a slap if the woman has dignity.

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It was not posed to be a dig at you but to anyone that gets offended by it,as far as I am concerned they are just words and there would be more peace in the world and less hard feelings if everyone would forget this politically correctness bullshit,never used to be all the hard feelings before the PC took over.If I talk down about someone,it is about them personally and not the race,and I do not know what LBFM means,so I guess that lets me out.

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Boon Mee,

In my opinion it is you who does not have a clue and you are right, I have never been to the Phillipines. I lived in Japan in the mid 90's and I have spent around a year in Thailand and have only visited Malaysia and Singapore. I still call bullshit on LBFM not being a derogatory term for any woman worth 10 baht that was not a bar girl.

Perhaps we should coin a term for some of the punters in LOS and other places:

OSFBATM: Old, smelly, fat , bald ATM. Sounds about right to me


You said you are married to a Thai woman? Hopefully you won't be angry if she goes and finds another OSFBATM to have a quick "boom boom". Or would that be different? Do you call your wife by such names? Just curious.


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It was not posed to be a dig at you but to anyone that gets offended by it,as far as I am concerned they are just words and there would be more peace in the world and less hard feelings if everyone would forget this politically correctness bullshit,never used to be all the hard feelings before the PC took over.If I talk down about someone,it is about them personally and not the race,and I do not know what LBFM means,so I guess that lets me out.


After rereading you post I understand your position better. I too wish that the power of these words were taken away. In this case LBFM is a bit different as it is a descripiton of a person rather than a slanderous word. Let me try and spell it out for you.

The phrase was coined by US GI's stationed in Vietnam and the Phillipines back in the 60's. L=little B= Brown F=f'ing (use your imagination here) M=machine.

I guess the point is moot and I am tired of arguing it. I just think using these terms to describe a woman is tasteless. I also feel that anyone saying "get the poor ones, they are better" and also adding "when this one dies I am going back into the sticks to get a new one" is an awful way to speak about persons in general, much less ones life mate.

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Okay, I can understand that many people, particularly in these more sensitive or politically correct days, find the term LBFM to be offensive. Terms are used with many nuances. A four letter term for a sexually aggressive woman is (or was) commonly used in a very negative way, but I know people that use it in a positive way. However, usually amongst a group of friends that understand, the negative implications are often not intended and it can even be a term of affection.

LBFM was something of a term of appreciation among many young men of my generation. Yes, it had faintly racist overtones, but it was much more about the sexual prowess and enthusiasm that had never been exerienced by these young white guys before.

If a guy said his girlfriend or wife was really hot in bed, you wouldn't be jumping up and down about his insensitivity. Or if he related that his experience with <insert national identity of preference> women, they were usually very willing and extremely adept, you probably wouldn't get too bent out of shape. Well, unless you happened to be a female that viewed them as competition.

But to reduce a person to a single function, is offensive to many. Well, unless they are your boss and you are just a cog in his/her great business machine, right? Some language is not intended for "mixed" or "polite" company. It is generally limited to "guy talk" and used when guys are discussing a specific spectrum of activity. I think probably has been happening ever since humans hit the hunter/gatherer distinction and the guys got to wander off by themselves for extended periods of time.

I have heard that women actually compare notes about guys. I'm betting they even have some favorite terms for types of guys, types of activities, and so forth. Which is fine. And probably best used when they are letting their hair down and having fun.


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Boon Mee,

In my opinion it is you who does not have a clue and you are right, I have never been to the Phillipines. I lived in Japan in the mid 90's and I have spent around a year in Thailand and have only visited Malaysia and Singapore. I still call bullshit on LBFM not being a derogatory term for any woman worth 10 baht that was not a bar girl.

Perhaps we should coin a term for some of the punters in LOS and other places:

OSFBATM: Old, smelly, fat , bald ATM. Sounds about right to me


You said you are married to a Thai woman? Hopefully you won't be angry if she goes and finds another OSFBATM to have a quick "boom boom". Or would that be different? Do you call your wife by such names? Just curious.



If you've never been there don't go running your pie-hole about something you don't know anything about.

You want to go put all women up on some kinda pedestal??? I'll bet we know who wears the pants in your house! :D

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Both my wife and I enjoy wearing pants! Once again by this statement you have proven yourself misogynistic.

If you are from the "old school" who beleives that women are only good for sex and housework and can never be the equal of a man, then so be it. Live and let live.

I happen to regard my wife as an equal, I don't have anyone on a pedestal.

As for Jeepz comments above, very well stated. Again, I concede the argument, because it is just pointless to keep arguing it. My original anger was directed mostly toward Nam Kao, but he never shot back.

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My point exactly, Gatsby. Anger comes from ignorance and until you've "walked the walk" you've no justifaction in "talking the talk".

You haven't lived/been to the Phillipines so don't spout off about what you do not know.

Thank you...

Boon Mee

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