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Some of us speak Thai, some of us do not, I'm sort of in the middle and came up with this idea to teach and learn at the same time, phrases which could come in handy, and ones that may not nesscessarily be found in a phrasebook.

I'll start off with...

"Kaa phom mai hak khrap" - "My legs are not broken, thanks"

Said with a smile, this is one for persistant tuk-tuk drivers.

"Mai yaac norn kap pooying/poo chai/katoey khrap" -

"I don't want to sleep with a lady/man/ladyman tonight thanks"

Until I remember the Thai word for 'anyone', this is a useful one for persistant tuk-tuk drivers, hookers.

"Pom mai-chai nac tong teeaw khrap" - "I am not a tourist".

"Hoo nuak loar wah?!" - "Are you f*****g deaf?!"

Not advisable for strangers.

"Maiow khrap, pom mai soo bulee keaw khrap, soo bulee keaw mai dee, a-suchi noi long". -

"No thanks, I don't smoke menthol fags, menthol fags no good, they lower your sperm production".

"Maiow khrap, shop pom howa-kalog mai hac khrap" - "No thanks mate, I like my skull intact".

For motorcycle taxi drivers.

Any new stuff you can teach me would be welcomed.

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Gentleman scamp – it is not necessary to use the pronoun “Phom” all the time as we would use “I” in English. Just leave it out.

Ok so apparently my girlfriend said in Thai " I slap your face" I would like to know what it is in Thai so I can duck next time

Although it doesnt mean to slap your face - my guess is this is what she said.

Seelop Seelop sa - leye - I know how to say it, but writing it is another thing :o

Gentleman scamp – it is not necessary to use the pronoun “Phom” all the time as we would use “I” in English. Just leave it out.

I never was entirely sure about the "Phom" and got into a habit of just using it to be on the safe side.

Thakyou for the confirmation. :o


I just asked my colleague and she said Saloop Salie means to faint with surprise. This makes sense to me as it is how my girlfriend has used it.


I found a wonderful phrase book with some of the less common, but useful phrases, aimed at men communicating with 'working' girls, such as;

You're stupid and uneducated.

How much is your dowry?

Can I haggle?

Excuse me while I go out and rob a bank to pay that.

etc etc

And some for the women;

Our family buffalo is dead.

My parents have broken all their legs.

etc etc

I wish I could remember more.

The book is called 'Bar Guide' and I got it from Asia Books in the WTC.

P.S. I don't want to offend anyone with this post, I just found the choice of phrases ammusing.



Nuua - "Sweat"

Wanee roorn mac mac looey - "Today it's hot so much"

Phom luusut neow - "I feel sticky"

Phom howakalog luusut luun - "My skull feels slippery"

Gon hiiew - "Hungry arse"

Phom luusut ja owac - "I feel I'm gonna be sick"

Phom lac khun chan kee mai orr - "I love you so much I can't shit"


Some of those phrases don’t seem too useful!!?? But I will look out for that phrasebook sounds like a laugh.

Ron chip ie! Its bloody hot!

Ari wa! What the ###### did you say!

Yet mer mung! <deleted> your mother!

Het Ee yang wa! What the <deleted> are you doing! (Lao)

Some of those phrases don’t seem too useful!!?? But I will look out for that phrasebook sounds like a laugh.

Ron chip ie! Its bloody hot!

Ari wa! What the ###### did you say!

Yet mer mung! <deleted> your mother!

Het Ee yang wa! What the <deleted> are you doing! (Lao)

Mig, be very careful with that phrase mate, it can get you killed and is punishable by Thai law - dont use it as a joke to your Thai friends.

You also do not have to put the mung on the end.

somboon bep - perfect!

bra-mun - around abouts

sammy - husband

ma dum - black dog (if you listen to some service people in the ugly areas of Thailand, instead of useing Madam for a farang woman, they use this - listen for it, you will be surprised.)

southern Thai -

foreigner - pung (farang)

delicious - roy jung (aroy mark)

no problem - mai pluer (mai pen rai)


No I would never use any of these phrases! Just a laugh and useful to know if they are said to me! Didn’t know about the law bit – but that does not surprise me.


something nice for the wife!

Tilak Jar, Pom Rak Knun Mark, Wanee, khun suay tee-soot loay.

Darling, I love you a lot today, you are super beautiful.

Pom mai mee khun, pom mai me chivit.

If I dont have you, I have no life :o


Khun by tumnarn lor?

Are you going to work.

Kin cow allie?

what do you want to eat.

By nigh?

where are you going?

By nigh mar?

where did you go before?

car-tort krap/ka

I am sorry.


Ki Baht ka/kap?

How much? (Want to sound like a tourist? Ask 'Rahkah towrai ka/kap').

also, you don't need the Pom/Chan. I have noticed a strange proclivity to mention oneself in the third person, by one's own name. ie:

'sbk ja pai talaht' (SBK will go to the market)

And the most important phrase to learn in any language for a woman:

Hong nam you teenai, ka?

Where is the bathroom? :o


My wife always says "hee Hok" when she stubs her toe/drops something etc...It means basically "I have dropped my vagina", but mispronounced could also mean "6 vaginas".

"faen/mia/samee khong phom pen Thai" My partner/wife/husband is Thai

"Phom rian passa thai" I'm learning to speak Thai

"kor tort krup, mee gluay yai mai?" Excuse me, do you have large bananas - not to be confused with "Kor tort krup, mee kuay yai mai?" Excuse me do you have a big penis? :o

"Pom dar yin" I can hear you

"Fung leow" I heard you!

"Khun mee faen mai?" do you have a girl/boy friend?

"Mai kowjai, poot passa Thai mai dai" I don't understand, I can't speak Thai

"Mai mee satang" I am skint

"Krai kai kai kai" Who sells chicken eggs

"Prot krup cha-cha" Drive slowly please

"Wan nuen tho-rai?" How much per day?

"Pom mee bai anuyat kup khi sakon" I have an international driving license

"Chan tongkan bier neung kuat" Beer!

"Yakyai lai yaklek; yaklek lai yakyai" A big demon chased a small demon; a small demon chased a big demon.

"Chao faad pud fug; yen faad fug pud" Morning, eating stir fried melon; evening eating fried melon.

"Cham kiaw kwam chao; cham kao kwam kam" The green bowl is turned down in the morning; The white bowl is turned down in the evening

"mai mai mai mai mai" New wood does burn doesn't it

"Krungthep mahanakhon amon ratanakosin mahinthara ayuthaya mahadilok popnopparat ratchathani burirom udomratchaniwet mahasathan amonpiman avatansathit sakkathattiya witsanukamprasit" Bangkok ('Great City of Angels, Repository of Divine Gems, Great Land Unconquerable, Grand and Prominent Realm, Royal and Delightful Capital City Full of Nine Noble Gems, Highest Royal Dwelling and Grand Palace, Divine Shelter and Living Place of Reincarnated Spirits')


Here's some naughty ones (some may have been mentioned already):

Yet Mehr - Mother F*ker :D

Yet Por - Father F*ker

Yet Mang - F U

Yet - Go on guess! OK, it F*k

Kuay - Penis (actually cock is closer)

Kuay Kwai - Buffalo Cock

Ai Sat - <deleted>

Hoop Baak - Please lower the volume (actually Shut Up)

Orn Kuay - Suck you know what (see above)

Eehar - Bitch (SOB)

Gengree - Whore

Farang Kee Nok - Bird Sh!t foreigner :o

Sheephai - Ooops, I seemed to have blundered (F*K'd up)

Chong Mang - I could care less (Don't give a, er, Yet)

Mang - Derogative for you (as in 'You! farang!')

Goo - In case you want to pre empt and refer to yourself in a derogative sense

Ga Ree - Slut

Look Ga Ree - SOB (son of a slut)

Por/Mehr Mung dtai - Hope your father/mother sheads his mortal coil post haste :D

Sud na rok - darned demon/satan/etc

tod meuk - sphinkter (A-Hole)

Hee - Vagina

Na Hee - Vagina Face (See You Next Thursday - Face) :D

Ai Na Dad - Clit Face

Dolair - You talk erroneously (BS'er)

Ra Yum - To be like a bed pan

Hee Mah - female doggie bits

Kai Mah - Doggie Eggs (K9 testicles)

Kee Mah - Dog Poo

Kratoey - Homosexual/Lady Man

Yet Ped - You are really in to marine ornathology

Bahn Por Mung - your (vulgar pronoun for) daddies house (you are speaaking BS)

Nah Maw - Flirt/loose/easy

Laew - Evil

Bah - Mad/Nuts/Crazy

Chuk Wow - Fly a kite (jerk off - male)

Tob Bet - Fishing (Er female version of Chuk Wow)

Hee Mehr Mang - your mothers, er, genitalia :D

Kun Heeat - Rubbish eating lizard

Dag Ling - Monkey Butt

Now you have a repetoire of words you'd be truly stupid to actually ever use!


4 <deleted>'s sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some of those THAI words or (swears???)

i never heard it til now!

some are nonusable

watch ur mouth b4 saying them!


TUA KRAI TUA MUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pai la woyyy :o


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