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Canadian Protests Against Thailand Kfc

sriracha john

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Canadian activist Ashley Fruno, 20, crouches and confines herself in a cage in front of a KFC outlet in downtown Bangkok September 4, 2006. The PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) member from British Columbia is protesting what she says is the abusive treatment of chickens by the fast-food chain.







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Miss, Canadian activist, Ashley Fruno, 20, better stays at home, protesting against the brutal killing of thousands of baby sealions back in Canada..year in, year out..... :o


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Miss, Canadian activist, Ashley Fruno, 20, better stays at home, protesting against the brutal killing of thousands of baby sealions back in Canada..year in, year out..... :o


a few things come to my mind.....she is pale , she will get sunburned if she stays in the sun , will she take the rest off when it becomes hotter...or perhaps at night? Yes, sealions protest would be more meaningful but than she couldn't combine it with a Holiday in Thailand....


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Why is she half naked (agree, without bikini would be more effective) in a cage?

Does she mean to represent a chicken of KFC?

Anyay. the first picture with all the guys with cameras show a certain interest in her.

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with teasing humor.....

It's good to see she's doing her bit to further improve everyone's impression of Canadians.


makes me proud to be canadian

poor lass, by the time she is 30 and cynical she will be emarassed by this.

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Miss, Canadian activist, Ashley Fruno, 20, better stays at home, protesting against the brutal killing of thousands of baby sealions back in Canada..year in, year out..... :o



it seems she has been a busy girl. you will note that she has protested the sea lions, koreans eating dogs and a number of other things. sometimes while topless. god bless her, now if only she would get some sun....

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You gotta love the little farang girls when they are 20, naive and still think the world works in gentle ways. Kinda like the innocent child that still believes in Santa Claus. Fortunately, for most, this nonsense will disipate by the time they are 30 and have been beaten down a bit by the reality of lifes politics

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Hey whats going on when I showed up in my cage in my thong saying how bad A.w onion rings are being treated not one reporter showed up. What does she have that I don`t other then she is not over weight or and balding and has maybe less body hair. Alot less it would appear.

I would like to go down there and give her a piece of my mind but that would leave me with none.

(sigh) Some of my fellow canadian folk are strange(sidebar) :o

Edited by Minburi
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I'm all for protesting for whatever one believes in... but as I understand it, PETA isn't necessarily against the fact that KFC slaughters millions of chickens world-wide. Does anyone know what humane manner PETA is advocating to kill chickens as that is what they ARE protesting for? I'm presuming we can rule out old age or starvation.

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Hey whats going on when I showed up in my cage in my thong saying how bad A.w onion rings are being treated not one reporter showed up. What does she have that I don`t other then she is not over weight or and balding and has maybe less body hair. Alot less it would appear.

I would like to go down there and give her a piece of my mind but that would leave me with none.

(sigh) Some of my fellow canadian folk are strange(sidebar) :D

I think we're talking apples and oranges here...

This additional photo:


is not the same as This:


p.s. Very appreciative our wonderful Canadian posters who can take a good ribbing without going spastic...

Thumbs up to ya all. You guys are great: :o

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She would have made more of an impression at the USA KFC headquarters rather than here in Thailand, why bother here?

Perhaps...in the empty vacuum of her mind, there is a lone self preservationist brain cell which is whispering to her...."do this in Thailand and maybe this looney publicity stunt wont follow you to canuckland when you try to get a real job..."

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