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Buddy Broadband Have Arrived To My Area/building

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I have the True 256/128 deal at about 640 Baht/mth.

Promotion stand in lobby for Buddy selling same for 290 baht/mth. Hmm... 350 baht/mth in extra beer money... :D

I talk with the lady and complain that no automatic debit with Bangkok Bank (yet) which I have w. True. other options are a bit more of a hassle and mostly require fill-up cards, credit card Etc. She suggests a promotion where if one buy 6 months up front, you get 1 month free - this is a "never-ending" cash payment promotion - I.e cuts costs to 248 baht/mth. Hmm... 400 Baht/mth in extra beer money... :D I counter and say; if I pay 12 months up front I want 3 months free. She agrees!

She THEN suggests to give me 3 months free more (besides the 3 months for 12 month cash payment)up front for signing up!

Finally I mention my True subscription and she offers me a refill card of 1000 Baht (basically 3 months more of ADSL) to cover any costs there...

So 12 months+3 months(cash)+3months(signup bonus)+3 months(1000 Baht) = 21 months for 12x290 Baht = 3480 Baht or about 166 Baht/mth for the next 21 months.

Oh, and I get a cap/t-shirt/pens/mouse pads and so forth too..... More importantly; about 500 Baht/mth in extra beer money! = 15 large bottles/mth!

Ps. does this post belong in the Bar or IT forum? :o


Ps. does this post belong in the Bar or IT forum? :o


Possibly both :D

I can move it over if you want.


I will let you know about the speed. Anecdotal info from friends is that it is better than True...but that is not saying much of course! :o

The building will get the signal via the internal line wherefore one could in theory also cancel the land line with TOT if only using for ADSL purposes (which is the case for many as mobile eiasier/cheaper). That is another 107 Baht/mth saved - or 3 big bottles of beer more! :D Heck, I am gonna be so drunk all the time that I cant use my internet anyway! Cheers!


I read on this forum and other that BB was equivalent to True for surfing, but that they were even more efficient in throttling P2P, and also in not allowing VOIP, ie very bad quality for Skype.

You will certainly tell us more soon...

But of course you paid cash for 12 months, so even if you are not happy with it you'll have to stick with it.


I will not close my True before BB is working and have been tested for both VOIP and P2P. As Swedish M. says; at that price I can afford to take my time.

VOIP works fine on my friends BB connections though. I will have to ask them of P2P but never really use anyway myself. Cheers!

  • 1 month later...

Ok - update time:

day after signing up a little guy came and installed the modem - small and easy to hide. He then tried to sign up/register via my PC, mumbled something along the lines of "huh!? why no work!?" in Thai and then left. Me just standing there with cables and modem in hand...

I left day after for travel 1 wk but building manager said would be in order when I returned. It was not...

After 1 wk more of calling the (non-responding) service center and sending emails - I did get some calls back, and finally got the connection up and running (I did nothing different...they simply managed to open the line..).

I also used my old True supplied wireless modem - but needed my friends help to get it to work - surprised me a bit as I many times have reset/reinstalled the wireless router from scratch myself when using True.

Anyway - speed generally seems FASTER than with True (same package 256/128) and a speed test done just now using the http://speedtest.thaivisa.com/ have me at a full 270kbps download and a whopping 400 kbps upload. http://www.bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/idt4.php got it to 200 kbps download. Whether this speed will hold (or it is the bait and switch technique we have seen True use too - with first month boosted speed) remains to be seen. It COULD be that since they have already put cable into the building, and only 10 or so have signed up, that I am getting good speed due to less sharing in the area (especially if other buildings have the same % signing up).

I have used it with Skype and have about the same quality as when I used True. (256/128 is on the low side for this I think - at least with video, but it works ok).

Now as for PAYMENT I paid cash up front(to avoid payment hassle as no auto bank debit yet+to get 3 months for free) and was a bit pissed that the classical Thai experience/myth of "he has paid! No need service him anymore!" :D - seemed to come True(no pun intended).

Again - after numerous calls back and forth - I today got confirmed that I will get the 18 months PLUS the 1000 Baht card (another 3 months). So 21 months for 3480 Baht! 166 Baht/mth - I can live with that! :D

I cancelled my True last week, so I expect my Buddy to crash any minute now - actually surprised it didn't yet :o

Oh; and got a pen and nice t-shirt too!

Will now go and spend my 500 Baht extra beer money. :D


I will let you know about the speed. Anecdotal info from friends is that it is better than True...but that is not saying much of course! :o

The building will get the signal via the internal line wherefore one could in theory also cancel the land line with TOT if only using for ADSL purposes (which is the case for many as mobile eiasier/cheaper). That is another 107 Baht/mth saved - or 3 big bottles of beer more! :D Heck, I am gonna be so drunk all the time that I cant use my internet anyway! Cheers!

Maybe if you sell the t-shirt,pen etc. on ebay it figures out that actually you get the adsl for free and they even bought you a couple of beers. :D


Basjke; he,he - brilliant plan!

Thaising; sorry to hear - heck, I will give you one of my 20 bottles!


Ps. it is still working! :o


may I have contact info ? website, place to register or eventually phone of buddy?

Sorry, but I do not go out, so read the bilboard is not an option for me.

Thanks in advance

Basjke; he,he - brilliant plan!

Thaising; sorry to hear - heck, I will give you one of my 20 bottles!


Ps. it is still working! :D

Thanks for your very kind offer, but a bottle wouldn't fill my tummy tank :o


A few asked me how the speed of my BuddyBB 256/128 kbps is keeping up.

I just now tested with http://www.speedtest.net/

With the Singapore server: download: 268 upload: 416 kbps(!)

With the New York server: download: 248 upload: 277 kbps

I am still in my first month, so will test again in a weeks time when pass that bench mark.(to see if tehy are just upping speed the first mth as True have been known to do also).


A few asked me how the speed of my BuddyBB 256/128 kbps is keeping up.

I just now tested with http://www.speedtest.net/

With the Singapore server: download: 268 upload: 416 kbps(!)

With the New York server: download: 248 upload: 277 kbps

I am still in my first month, so will test again in a weeks time when pass that bench mark.(to see if tehy are just upping speed the first mth as True have been known to do also).


not so fast my friend!! Buddy BB use in line proxy which effectivel means they screen any speed tests you do through them, you'll have to go through a no ip proxy server to get an accurate speed test result.

I want to join BB but they have no support for Mac OS X , which is odd as they use Mac Laptops in all thier advertising!!! Anybody with a Mac here had any luck??


Hi Flint, Thanks. Any idea how I do that? Cheers!

Yes... you need to find a proxy server on the net.... I don't think the Mods like us talking about such things so... hush hush!!

I've just found out I can get BB on my MAc but I shall have to fork out 2900 baht for the wireless router... maybe it'll be worth it!!



I decided to go with BB as well today, so having a Mac I had to go to their head office at the Sogo building, I signed up, I picked the 500 baht per month 1mb service, paid for my Wi-Fi router 2900 baht... ouch!! and they said I will be able to connect by Sunday

Sounds good to me. I shall let you know.

no more trips to internet cafes... oh yes!!



I reported my findings on buddyBB some time ago. Their speeds are genuine, and you *will* get those speeds consistantly, with or without proxies (and it's not because it's going through proxies... True uses proxies and look what it gets them). It doesn't matter what you try, you will get those speeds, which are the speeds you signed up for.

The caveat (yeah, there is one) is that the speeds are only for web (http) connections. Anything else and the speed drops horribly. So if you want to use it for VOIP, P2P, etc, you're out of luck. But if you like surfing and only surfing, it's awesome value.

At least it's better than the SME loxinfo package I'm using now. Originally, the speeds were good throughout. Then it droppped horribly during weekdays. Then it dropped horribly weekends, too. Now it's dropped horribly, period. I think I might go to Jinet next.

  • 1 year later...

Buddy broadband are poison. I got the 1 megabyte service and ended up with dial-up speed internet. Maybe the others are bad too. I have only tried buddy. Never again.

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