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Eighteen Expats Held For Child Porn


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Expats held for child porn

Hong Kong: -- Eighteen men, including six expatriates from Australia, Britain, the Netherlands and Thailand were arrested in Hong Kong on Monday for possession of internet child pornography.

The men, aged 18 to 51, were rounded up in a police operation codenamed Storm Rider which has been gathering intelligence since March, a police spokesperson said.

The arrests were carried out after raids on 22 locations around Hong Kong by the technology crime division of Hong Kong's Commercial Crime Bureau.

Officers found more than 2 500 child pornography images and videos on 16 computer terminals and 237 CD Roms featuring child pornography.

Thirteen of the arrested men were due to be detained overnight while five were released on police bail and ordered to report back in one month's time.

The operation was the biggest of its kind into online child pornography in Hong Kong.

Wong <deleted>-chuen, chief superintendent of the commercial crime bureau, said the men were customers of overseas-based pornography websites in countries such as the UK and Russia.

Possession of child pornography carries a jail term of up to five years in Hong Kong.

-- Sapa-dpa 2004-05-04

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Expats held for child porn

Hong Kong: -- Eighteen men, including six expatriates from Australia, Britain, the Netherlands and Thailand were arrested in Hong Kong on Monday for possession of internet child pornography.

The men, aged 18 to 51, were rounded up in a police operation codenamed Storm Rider which has been gathering intelligence since March, a police spokesperson said.

The arrests were carried out after raids on 22 locations around Hong Kong by the technology crime division of Hong Kong's Commercial Crime Bureau.

Officers found more than 2 500 child pornography images and videos on 16 computer terminals and 237 CD Roms featuring child pornography.

Thirteen of the arrested men were due to be detained overnight while five were released on police bail and ordered to report back in one month's time.

The operation was the biggest of its kind into online child pornography in Hong Kong.

Wong <deleted>-chuen, chief superintendent of the commercial crime bureau, said the men were customers of overseas-based pornography websites in countries such as the UK and Russia.

Possession of child pornography carries a jail term of up to five years in Hong Kong.

-- Sapa-dpa 2004-05-04

Personally i can see a similar operation in motion now in Thailand. People with a liking for Kiddie Porn that are in Thailand where they can exploit children are certainly on the hit list of the Thai Police and Overseas Police forces.

Its just a matter of time till they are rounded up, exposed, deported.

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What exactly is child porn?

:D Ask yer old mate Leith :o Has he been winged away already ?

Don't know and don't care Doc.

As my old man used to say, good ridance to bad rubbish!!! :D

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But is it not true that the possession/download of child pornography is not actually an offence in Thailand? I thought the only offence was if you sold or distributed it.

Maybe the authorities need to beef up their laws before they can 'clean' LoS of undesirable individuals (which includes both farang and Thais).

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But is it not true that the possession/download of child pornography is not actually an offence in Thailand? I thought the only offence was if you sold or distributed it.

Maybe the authorities need to beef up their laws before they can 'clean' LoS of undesirable individuals (which includes both farang and Thais).

aye... I remember reading the same somewhere :o

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Right, I hear what you are saying, but again I tell you that my understanding is that possession/downloading of child pornography (in whatever format or media etc), is 100% LEGAL in Thailand. There is no law against it. Whilst the TV media love to cover raids where such pornography is found, the accused are usually charged with other offences, eg sex with underage boys/girls etc.

Someone please tell me if I am wrong on this point of law, and someone please tell me what (if anything), the Thai authorities are doing to introduce suitable laws covering these types of offences.

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Thank-you 12Call for that link. And that 100% confirms what I just said about child pornography in Thailand. Possession of it is NOT an offence in itself. It is only an offence to trade in child pornography etc. Possession/downloading for one's own gratification is not an offence under Thai law.

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Thank-you 12Call for that link. And that 100% confirms what I just said about child pornography in Thailand. Possession of it is NOT an offence in itself. It is only an offence to trade in child pornography etc. Possession/downloading for one's own gratification is not an offence under Thai law.

But who the ###### would want to especially with all these beautiful young looking 'age of consent' ladies (and men of course or err or both??) just waiting for you and your cash.

I don't understand it all, what is the attraction? is it a power thing??

Weirdos if you ask me


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And that 100% confirms what I just said about child pornography in Thailand.  Possession of it is NOT an offence in itself.  It is only an offence to trade in child pornography etc.  Possession/downloading for one's own gratification is not an offence under Thai law.

From 12call's link

Section 287 of the Penal Code

for the purpose of trade or by trade, for public distribution or exhibition, makes, produces, possesses, brings, or causes to be brought into the Kingdom, sends causes to be sent out of the kingdom, takes away or causes to be taken away, or circulates by any means whatever, any document, drawing, print, painting, printed matter, picture, poster, symbol, photograph, cinematograph film, noise tape, picture tape or any other thing which is obscene;

shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fine not exceeding six thousand baht, or both.'


I'm not an English native speaker but that seems to say the opposite of what you've said. I hope that I've understood right.

brings into the Kingdom

circulates by any mean

Downloading from internet is circulate through the wire to get into one's computer and if your computer is in Thailand, so that means IT IS AN OFFENCE.

Really hope I've understood right again.

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From the same text,

whatever any document, drawing, print, painting, printed matter, picture, poster, symbol, photograph, cinematograph film, noise tape, picture tape or any other thing which is obscene;

Everything that is obscene is an offence. It doesn't concern only the Child porn. It covers everything.

Years ago, I had a friend (farang) in CM who was caught selling a Porn magazine to an undercover policeman. He bribed the guy with 7,000 baht because the clever policeman said to him the fine was 14,000 baht.

Even possessing an audio tape with your girlfriend erotic screams is an offence :o . Draw or paint anything in your diary or have a look to porn websites is the same.

Of course there is the law and the people who sells and buy porn CDs openly in Bangkok.

Thanks to 12call, that's a very clear and usefull link.

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Section 287 of the Penal Code

for the purpose of trade or by trade, for public distribution or exhibition, makes, produces, possesses,...



Downloading from internet is circulate through the wire to get into one's computer and if your computer is in Thailand, so that means IT IS AN OFFENCE.

Really hope I've understood right again.

I would say the purpose matters. The points most likely to cause trouble is 'by trade'. I would read the translation as saying that you can download (i.e. not saying that you mustn't) it for free, but that you can't publish it on the net, and that you can't pay to download it.

I'm not sure that one should trust the translation, however. It seems unusually clear for Thai legislation.

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Here's a legal opinion from my company's lawyer: Simple possession of porn isn't a crime under Section 287, because it depends on what is done with it. He went on to say: "i've searched in www.krisdika.go.th (the state council website) and

supreme court verdicts. almost all sexual [porn] related offences have to have special intention such as for trade or circulating."

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Well if I can put my two cents in on this topic, I must say the language is quite clear, "BRINGS INTO THE KINGDOM" AND ALSO "POSSESSES". If you folks read it carefully the warning is very clear and specific. If you are in Thailand and possess the kid porn it is an offense as the law is written. If you bring in the kid porn say your own computer from overseas of which most expats do, it is an offense as the law is written.

This law also is put under the umbrella of distribution, trade etc; in their efforts to prosecute. Therefore the prosecuting attorney can charge you for bringing in such, and also charge you with possession, if they wish along with obscene charges.

Bottom line is whoever gets caught with this has nothing but worries and headaches, because the prosecutor literally has freedom to hit you with anything they wish and make you defend it. Especially if your an expat "Persona Non Grata!!!!!!!" because a sex offense falls into that category and you get Deported out of Thailand.

So don't kid yourself with mere possession.

resigned member

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resigned member, we are trying to understand the Thai law on this matter, not try to find some way in which we can 'possess' child porn!!

And, as a mother-tongue English guy, I have to say that my interpretation of the English text is that the offence relates primarily to 'for the purpose of trade or by trade'.

I agree with Camerata in that the possession of such porn for 'personal use', seems not to be an offence in Thailand. Maybe the original Thai text of the law is clearer on this matter. (I hope so).

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Well to me it is pretty clear, cut and dry and somewhat in some sense descriptive. Many legal beagles out there will search previous cases some which are for or against. Thai Court system interprets it in one direction and USA Court System interprets it another way and the same and so forth to other countries.

I understand what you are saying to me, and from others just as well, but to get the real McCoy answer I suppose why not ask a lawyer to submit such question to the Thai Supreme Court???? It would be interesting to find out how they interpret this law and what answer they will give to such lawyer to alleviate any confusion for the future.

But for now, for me that is, possession is illegal until further clarification of its status by the Higher Court or from the legislature themselves.

resigned member

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One of the reasons that lawyers exist is because it is not easy to interpret what the legislators wrote in the first place. If it was possible to cover every eventuality in simple prose, I'm sure that this is what would be done.

With regard to kiddy porn, wasn't Gary Glitter deported for possession?

Must be an offence, to get deported.

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Much of this stuff is on file sharing services, does'nt seem to be much doubt that downloading and therefore sharing is covered by circulating. As ever its the definition of obscene that is more of a problem. In the UK at least this tends to be replaced by "indecent" material, eg, simply naked images of children under 16 (to be raised to 17) can be adjudged indecent. Whats legal in one place ain't in another.

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