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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. mmm excuse this OT post but , hows'a bout oily cheap mackeral rolled in oats and pan fried ? An old old recipe that could be tried with Indian mackerals .

    <deleted>..... :huh:

    It's a fish recipe using mackeral . You get a mackeral and wet it , then you roll the fish in oats , and then fry it in lard . It will smoke the kitchen out but it is a fine repast . I would recomend it served with new potatoes and mushy peas . I was proposing trying the recipe with the Indian mackerals or maybe even the small yellow tail tuna found in Thai markets .

  2. I doubt the scots man was using gaelic to order a hamburger meal , crikey they don't even have a word for helicopter or oil rig .

    dye waant chips wae that ?

    Excuse me.....getting the spelling right..........dae ye waant chips wae that???

    What's happened to Scottish education? Shocking :D

    har har
  3. Once saw an American guy lose it at the airport.

    He was going ballistic because there were no seats left on the plane and he was demanding to be on it. Don't quite understand what the girl at check-in was expected to do, take a ticket from somebody else and give it to him?

    Let's watch an Asian who missed her plane:

    That's a cracker .

  4. might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him, he should have left that at home. Try and relax don't worry about something that even if it does happen probably won't effect you in real terms. they won't be playing Bing Crosby's White Christmas and the hue's won't be lifting off from the American embassy with the last evacuee's.:unsure:

    If you must worry, then worry about the relationships you might have with Thais, your far more likely to loose your pension than your life!:lol:

    Looks like we could combine this with another thread


    when someone amongst us can't take any more loosers letting rip with their malapropisms.

    Loosing is for fateful lightning and dogs of war, and bowels

    Losing is for pensions, marbles and the plot.

    I suppose it helps us practice staying calm and serene, and distracts us from the calamities befalling our neighbours.


    "It's a sad and beautiful world ."


  5. Once saw an American guy lose it at the airport.

    He was going ballistic because there were no seats left on the plane and he was demanding to be on it. Don't quite understand what the girl at check-in was expected to do, take a ticket from somebody else and give it to him?

    Presumably he had a 'booked' seat? its hard to imagine anyone going ballistic otherwise.

    Edit - Airlines have a nasty habit of 'over-booking', assuming that some will not turn-up.

    No, that's the thing

    He arrived at the airport without a ticket, only then to flip when told it was sold out.

    He entertained the entire check-in hall with his shenannigans

    Some airlines won't let you on the plane without a shenannigans visa .

  6. [What is it about this salt thing chaps ??? The quantity of salt you would need to alter the density of the water would be so huge you would probably need stockpiles as big as the flooded are itself. However lets come back to a guiding principle here and its momentum as the previous poster identified. Momentum = mass x velocity.

    So lets say you are able to physically increase the mass of the water flowing by adding salt which as above you cant do due to physical constraints but lets say you do. Against a defined force i.e the water pressure exerted against the water flowing then an increased mass of water would only result in a lower velocity....

    This strikes me as counterintuitive somehow, but intuition doesn't make for good argument, so I'll dispense with the water chemistry business.

    Ok first what is the scenario we face as it pertains to next floods scenario

    1) Bangkok is built on a natural river delta basin at sea level.

    2) Thailand rivers are subject to seasonal flooding due to monsoonal variances

    3) Allot of the natural canal and drainage pathways that were in existence have been plugged up

    4) Water travelling through the north is also subject to collection points for rice irrigation purposes

    5) Deforestation in natural catchment areas in the north has contributed to excessive water run off

    6) Current drainage arrangement can probably handle unseasonal heavy rains in the Bangkok delta area but not when combined with huge monsoonal deliveries up north.

    So solution would be to build a array of inland seas via viaducts that stem off the main flow lines of monsoonal rains... these inland seas are located well up north and are basically like big diversionary ponds interconnected with canals and control gates... The purpose of these ponds which would need to be numerous and large is to basically channel any huge monsoonal dumps. The water could be stored there and via series of sluice gates drained back into the main rivers and tributaries in such a manner that it doesn't casue appreciable flooding.

    Some degree of aqua culture based industries could be established in some areas as well.

    If the down stream geographical and political networks are never going to handle massive floods like this ( which i don't think they ever will do) then the idea is to alleviate serious monsoonal flooding up towards the source and perhaps do something useful with it.

    Cost would be enormous of course but then so is cost of flooding.. potential to employ displaced farmers and villages in maintenance of ponds/ aqua cultural industries etc.

    Gut call here is that if you let the wtaer approach Bangkok then there is nothing that can be done effectively.. better to trap or manage the water closer to source.

    Rgds monty

    Yes this is what theblether suggested above. I like especially the fact that we can find productive uses for the water while its being stored up in this manner, uses that for obvious reasons the addition of large quantities of salt would make impossible. This is like the monkey cheek project proposed by the King, as alluded to by another poster, is it not?

    So we're left with known solutions but are supposed to sit silently as they go unimplemented? What am I missing here?

    A stick .

    edit - might as well make it a molotov cocktail

  7. Do you think a dog places any meaning on this? NO, its a purely man made phenomenen in fact they could have started counting a miilon days earlier/later, but dumb suckers will always put some credence in numbers like this having "special meaning"

    Should mean nothing to Thais already on a different system as well as the Chinese.

    But it might mean something to dogs influenced by western religion in the future if their imaginations develop .

  8. To add to the problem there is the viscocity of a fluid substance . We should find a way to keep the viscocity below that of peanut butter or 150000 to 250000 centipoise .

    Thought there was a beer shortage in Thailand ?....."Onionluke" seems to have found an ample supply...:lol:

    Ahhh , amber nectar , with a viscocity of 47 cp .

  9. I'm doing my bit by combining reforestation with preventing flood waters from becoming polluted with sewage...

    I'm eating plenty of seedlings and pooping in a bag, then tying it to helium filled balloons to float off to drier areas. The balloon of course deflates, the poop lands and reforests previously deforested land, thus in-effect reducing the impact of future flooding…

    Wind Pollination 101…

    Aye , but what happens if the crap balloon floats off into another thread entering some smug posters 13th floor condo window landing in his for want of a better word living room thus causing him to declare , "dam_n you woman I am not eating this native food , I want fish and chips "

    A bottle of white lightning please barlord .

  10. those people who drive the Buses get a lot of money.

    I have seen some real dumps being driven with kids in the back, who are jumping and screaming, but what can you do, this is the way it has been for many years, and the way it will be for many more.

    By the way my MIL is one who drives kids to school, her van is in sh*t state, she is a very slow and careful driver, and will only be doing it for one more year. She wanted to buy a new car and use that as she only picks up 4 kids.

    So where the F are the black slaves in the USA if thats how it works?

    The reason this country is as dumb as it is its that stupid mai pen rai attitude that even the worthless expats have.

    you get off your fat ass and you complain to the school every single day untill they get so annoyed that they start caring for the safety of children.

    very well put,

    Did you miss the school bus ?

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