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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. There is a guy comes round our house once a month, in the village , and he collects 60 bhat as some kind of funeral charge cover at the local wat . My wife has reserved a place at the wat in some kind of burial wall . Personally I wish for my cremated ashes to be thrown to the wind .

    Not to break your dream..but have you actually ever witnessed a thai cremation. Bones are left its not like a cremation in Europe or the US where there are only ashes left. So those bones go in that wall. Nothing is done with the ashes as far as i know.

    I'll need to amend my last will and testament and request to be cremated and have my bones thrown to the wind , uch I don't mind what they do as long as there is a piper and plenty of whisky .

  2. Well , I guess double passport offspring will have to make a desicion at some point as to what passport they prefer to hold as they enter the job market and choose a place of residence . Lucky blighters .

    Under what Human Rights Law does one have to say bye to the land of their father or mother (without being a criminal or doing anything against the country)?

    What if the child has lived in both countries and loves both countries and would like to work wherever the child is qualified to work in?

    What about purchasing a family property in the son's name and only to find out it will be "confiscated" soon?

    What about you? I am assuming you have to apply for visas and work permits etc because you choose to live here. What if you were born here and are not allowed to do what you are doing?

    You speak very casually about a matter of grave importance.

    I know , I just don't have any faith in immigration laws . I have witnessed them change as when needed by various governments . My son too , a dual passport holder , will have to make some desicions at stages in his life. These may possibly include, doing national service in the Thai military , navy so on . He may walk away from that for his own reasons . I have made sure he can make his own choice , if he has too . Lucky blighter .

    edit ; There's no capital in doing .

  3. Many rivers to cross

    On the banks, of the river...

    Crimea River (possibly mispelt)

    and then we can get on to specific rivers

    Fog on the Tyne...

    Ferry cross the Mersey

    Singin in the rain

    Its Rainin' Men

    Can't stand the rain!

    Its rainin' in my heart...

    I can see clearly now...

    Not to forget the greatest poet of them all, the great - the fabulous - the inestimable and inicable

    William Topaz McGonnagal

    Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay!


    Truly classics , but probably not as magnificent as the Huffy Tug Boat Song by Bad Manners .

  4. Allow me to share an experience . My son was bitten by a dog running around our village . He had to take the rabies course , it was a very unplesant thing to happen and we were all scared shitless . We had to wait and observe him in case he started to show symptoms of rabies . The dog was destroyed by its owner . So don't get bitten by dogs , even little cute ones .

    edit ; even little cute ones with personality and little cardigans .

  5. The old saying........

    There are three kinds of lies, lies, damned lies, and statistics.

    In the recent past the US would expect growth rates of 2 - 3% every year.

    Here in Thailand they get hot about growing 8% in a year. If the US grew by 2.2% in a singular year it was the equivalent of the entire GDP of Thailand.

    Last month the UK growth was 0.5%, that annual growth works out at a 1/3rd of the total GDP of Thailand.

    There's some perspective for you huh? and if that isn't enough, if you looked at the per capita income of the new powerhouse China, it ranks at number 98 in the world.......

    China and Thailand might have currency reserves but that is only because they are not funding the necessary services for their populace. If that is the social model you would like to embrace then good for you. I'll choose the UK way any day.

    One of the major problems that Thailand has is that it's economy is reliant on tourism and foreign owned manufacturing. You can bet there conversations taking place now at Toyota and Honda amongst many many others about what to do with their Thai manufacturing bases in light of the recent floods. The Thai government is in no position to prevent foreign owned businesses from re-locating.

    So there's the nub of the problem.........Thailand is overly reliant on foreign manufacturers and tourists. They need to grow far more indigenous businesses.

    I will add that that is , but .......

    Linton Kwesi Johnston
  6. might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him, he should have left that at home. Try and relax don't worry about something that even if it does happen probably won't effect you in real terms. they won't be playing Bing Crosby's White Christmas and the hue's won't be lifting off from the American embassy with the last evacuee's.:unsure:

    If you must worry, then worry about the relationships you might have with Thais, your far more likely to loose your pension than your life!:lol:

    Looks like we could combine this with another thread


    when someone amongst us can't take any more loosers letting rip with their malapropisms.

    Loosing is for fateful lightning and dogs of war, and bowels

    Losing is for pensions, marbles and the plot.

    I suppose it helps us practice staying calm and serene, and distracts us from the calamities befalling our neighbours.


    I can't be bothered, deleted reply

    It's bovered .

  7. yes you are all correct, its cheap labour that keeps the Thai economy strong, and the average Thai uneducated minimum wage earner is wearing a red shirt to show solidarity with his educated minimum wage OWS counterpart.

    Welcome to the new capitalism .

    What is OWS ? ( I don't know )

    It's a long day in the field , and in the sun any old shirt will do . Try it .

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