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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. OK, I didn't think for the coolness point.

    But I saw Bin Laden TShirts in Thailand

    Stalin killed a lot people who wasn't his people. Neither Georgien nor Russian. So he should get a - point there

    Hitler did everything for defense and freedom in his own propaganda, so he deserve the same + as Bush.

    Hitler was vegetarian, Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Alcohol and pro sport, so he should get a + point for wellness and health

    He loved animals and specific dogs, so he should get a + point for that.

    But never as cool as a South American revolutionary. But definitely undervalued in compare with Mao.

    Mao enjoyed hill walking in the nude , that's cool .

    Really?? I didn't know that! That IS cool!! I need a Mao TShirt now!

    Yes . Who would have guessed , Mao the nude hillwalking poet .

  2. When I was a lad my father told me a story about some scientists who had a large tank filled with some rare gasses , that were mostly used up now but had been more common in earth's atmosphere in the ancient times , and they were firing electricity through the gasses ,from one side of the tank to the other , so to speak . The gasses were ignited and huge swirling, burning swastikas were formed . These huge swirling crosses in the sky may have been witnesed by people all over the planet and so explain the existence of the swastika in so many ancient cultures .

    I might add he had just come back from the pub and we were watching Quatermass and the Pit on the tele .

    Huge swirling swastikas in the sky formed when lightning struck and possibly ignited the said gas .

  3. Well the Thai haters will say they are being racist idiots and the Thai apologists will say it's the Buddhist symbol and not the Nazi one (regardless of whether it is is inverted, rotated 90 degrees and on a white circular background or not).

    The only way anyone can make an informed opinion is if a photo of these shirts is provided. Otherwise it's all pure speculation and finger pointing as usual.

    I really don't get the point. You can have a Che Guevara, Bush, Bin Laden, Stalin, Mao TShirt, but if there is a Swastika everyone panic.

    I can explain that.

    Che was a revolutionary, and they're cool so thats ok.

    Bush did it in the name of Freedom *cough* *cough* so thats ok.

    People are as far as I know wearing t-shirts glorifying Bin Laden, at least not outside of Lahore.

    Stalin and Mao only killed their own people which is somehow more acceptable.

    So where Hitler went wrong on the t shirt acceptance front was

    1 - He wasn't a cool looking South American revolutionary

    2 - He didn't do it in the name of Freedom

    3 - He didnt just slaughter his own people.

    OK, I didn't think for the coolness point.

    But I saw Bin Laden TShirts in Thailand

    Stalin killed a lot people who wasn't his people. Neither Georgien nor Russian. So he should get a - point there

    Hitler did everything for defense and freedom in his own propaganda, so he deserve the same + as Bush.

    Hitler was vegetarian, Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Alcohol and pro sport, so he should get a + point for wellness and health

    He loved animals and specific dogs, so he should get a + point for that.

    But never as cool as a South American revolutionary. But definitely undervalued in compare with Mao.

    Mao enjoyed hill walking in the nude , that's cool .

  4. The only problem with public facilities is you almost have to strip naked to clean you ass, and there's no place to hang your shorts. Who wants to come out of a facilities with soaked pants.

    Resolved simply, Ian. Wrap them around your head for the interim.;)

    I applaud your inovation Z , that is a useful tecnique that can also keep your head warm when in the colder climates .

  5. Tsingtao is an excellent beer and there are a few choices to be had. My favourite is the original bottle with the green label as opposed to Gold label which is a bit wishy washy to taste in my opinion.Tsingtao was first brewed by German settlers many moons ago in Quingdao, Shandong province, so it is a fact a German recipe and the quality of German beer goes without saying.

    Snow (Gold label) is also a very good beer and just happens to be the biggest selling beer in the world.

    Seems that you are in a minority.

    Snow beer best selling drink in the world - doesn't mean it is a quality beer. Sole Market is China. Population of China = 1.3 Billion. Allowing for legal age drinkers thats still a lot of drinkers. If it were that good they would export it wouldn't they?

    Well until it is exported you won't really know that will you unless you visit China. Just out of interest have you ever tasted Snow beer? I think that at some point it will follow Tsingtao into the export market.

    Hey each to his own.

    The Tsing Tao in Macau sells from the supermarket at $5 a long kneck bottle that is about 20 bhat compared to Leo at 43 bhat a long kneck bottle . Another thing about Tsing Tao is the stuff from Quingdao tastes better than the stuff from shenzen . How about Blue Girl , another Chinese beer , ?

  6. My cousin once farted in 8 different keys in one hour. That must be close to a record?

    Maybe this gent could record something useful next time we have Steak and Kidney Pudding, Roasties and cabbage?

    I would recomend old jam jars with the tops screwed on tight .

  7. I strum and pick an ol' geetar on the veranda in the evening .

    +1 guitar.gif

    My other hobby , as posted on a previous thread , is counting pics of Ian's baldy napper on TV .

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    A picture tells a thousand words. Now that I know it's your hobby I'll keep posting them. :whistling:

    Here's another for yah... B)


    That's the spirit Ian.

  8. I don't suspect that Thai women are any more or less prone to jealousy than a female from any other nationality, from men either....

    The jealousy observed in Thailand by Western men is perhaps the materialisation of many factors... including protecting ones future, frustration, anger, desperation.....

    Well observed.

    We are second choices. And in many cases, we are second choices because of a cheating ex-husband or a gambling ex-husband or an alcoholic ex-husband.

    Their frustration and anger is sometimes directed at us, but this is only because they are no longer able to direct it at the ex-husband.

    Some of these girls get very badly hurt.

    With the good girls, it's no sex before marriage.

    They have romantic ideals. They dream about the perfect relationship and the perfect future.

    And then they wake up one day and realize that they are married to a piece of scum.

    I like the old adage - If it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander .

    But most times the goose doesn't know in advance what the gander is like.

    It could be argued that the goose (with her possessiveness and jealousy) causes the gander to "stray", but I'm not sure if this really is the case.

    Sorry Fella , but I find your copycat behaviour atrociuos(like me sperling) . Please go back to trying to be yourself , or don't if that is really not the case

  9. I don't suspect that Thai women are any more or less prone to jealousy than a female from any other nationality, from men either....

    The jealousy observed in Thailand by Western men is perhaps the materialisation of many factors... including protecting ones future, frustration, anger, desperation.....

    Well observed.

    We are second choices. And in many cases, we are second choices because of a cheating ex-husband or a gambling ex-husband or an alcoholic ex-husband.

    Their frustration and anger is sometimes directed at us, but this is only because they are no longer able to direct it at the ex-husband.

    Some of these girls get very badly hurt.

    With the good girls, it's no sex before marriage.

    They have romantic ideals. They dream about the perfect relationship and the perfect future.

    And then they wake up one day and realize that they are married to a piece of scum.

    I like the old adage - If it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander .

  10. The Royal Thai Consulate in HK does not normaly give out multiple Non O , this information is on a poster at their office . However , I have had two type O multiple entry from HK , The requirements were diffrent each time . The first time I was working in HK and was getting stood down on short notice and therefore was aplying for non O single entry visas on a regular basis , I had 3 in 6 months , I was always arriving just before closing and flying out ASAP . A female officer advised me to gat a multiple entry and so I did . The next year I aplied for a multiple entry but I was told they wouldn't give one . I explained that they had given one last year . They told me then I had to supply

    1 copy of my HK id card

    2 proof that my wife earned at least 30K a month or equivelant in a bank account in Thailand.

    3 a copy of my employment contract ( Macau at the time and they kept the original )

    4 copy of marriage cert ( HK or Thai )

    5 copy of wifes Thai id card

    6 copy of wifes HK id card

    7 copies of wifes and passport

    8 copies of my passport

    I also sowed a copy of my wifes blue book and sons birth certificate ( issued by them)

    I showed them an update copyof my Thai bank account although they did not request it and I think that went in my favour .

    I also told them I was not living in Thailand but was a frequent visitor .

    Take every thing you have got just in case .

    Good Luck .

  11. Okay my opinion.

    Right now in the uk i would not date either of those two european girls, okay bodies not so nice faces.

    I would say so far that polly is the best, i would say she is an okay average, by my standards at the moment, but if i was 50 + that would be impressive.

    Nothing you have posted so far leads me to believe you are more than 16 years of age so I guess that is impressive for a 16 year old.

    A product of a society where you don't have to get off your arse and move and sadly spectate and comsume from a swivel chair . Nothing like getting your hands dirty or throwing care to the wind and being spontaneous , go on head along to Pattaya you daredevil you .

  12. Ive lived in Thailand for going on 4 years now and I can't imagine why anyone would want to live in Pattaya. I can't stand that place.

    There is nothing wrong with Pattaya other than where you choose to spend your time...



    And with who you spend it with...



    :w00t: Up a tree with a telescopic lense spying on some nubiles ?

  13. Not last time I was there.

    In any case, Korea is not a particularly happy place -- and much less accepting of outsiders than Thailand is. There are lots of reasons other than prostitution why Thailand is so popular with tourists and expats.

    You are basing this on what criteria precisely? Have you polled all the citizens there to determine their happiness or are you basing this on some index? Most of the happiness indices are based on other things besides emotional "happiness" and are nonsense.

    What are these "lots of other reasons?" that Thailand has that neighboring SE Asian countries such as Vietnam or Laos don't have?

    An old Korean girlfriend and I , mid twenties at the time, experienced a real close call in Seoul where a group of lads started abusing her verbally for being with a forienger , they were getting ready for violence and we had to flee the scene . I was realy shiting it at the time as there were about a dozen or so of them . OK that was only one incident but I did get spooked by the Korean lads from time to time whilst there . Korea and Thailand are chalk and cheese .

  14. He still spends his free time running around the village and farms and is a happy wee 6 year old and calls me daddy/farang

    Do you call him "my little slant eyed son?" :bah:

    Anyone who foregoes all the opportunities for their child at a real school in the city or in the west for living in the village truly fills me with disbelief.

    To answer your question -No , I don't call him "my little slant eyed son" often , but I will remember it for future use .

    I do however call him little frog , little octopus and little dog for a bit of fun . I believe there are great bennefits in the country lifestyle and my youngster is healthy in body and mind . I might add in agreement that if you are to keep your children out of the education system you should be competent in home schooling or at the very least be stinking rich . I am fortunate in having the option of sending my son to a real school without foregoing the bennefits of the countyside and a place he can call home .

  15. You are not going to meet a decent Thai women unless you can speak Thai. Plus I guess I should have added you don't deserve to meet a decent Thai woman unless you can speak Thai.

    Interesting, but wrong.

    I have met numerous educated women here in BKK (Thammasat, Chulalongkhorn, Kasetsart), and they have no qualms about my linguistic shortcomings.

    Of course they don't. I don't have any qualms about the English shortcomings of the uni chicks I meet either. I can carry on my three other relationships in English with no problems if the visiting GF does not speak English.

    Kerry ,

    I am just being nosy and no offence intended , but do you actualy meet all your lucky gals in person or is it a mostly internet thing ?

  16. How many of the parents on this thread have been called "farang" by their offspring or in law cares ? My son aged 3 had a difficult time when our family moved to the village up country , we were coming from Hong Kong . Very quickly after being enrolled in the village school/holding pen he started refering to me as " farang" . It became clear that was what they called him in the school and he got into a few fights and recieved a beating from his cousins. He had to deal with that every day and was fighting to be identified as Thai and that meant distancing himself from the farang and I believe he was honestly embarresed by his own father , and this needless to say was upsetting faither . He picked up the village dialect very quickly . We had to sit down on occasion and talk about this and to try and give him a diffrent perspective to the one he was forming . In the end we took him out of that rut of a place and enrolled him in a small school in the local town attended by the children of teachers doctors , police and so on . The change in enviroment made a noticable change in his outlook , It was a real school with lessons and books and games and he made some friends outside of his family circle . He still spends his free time running around the village and farms and is a happy wee 6 year old and calls me daddy/farang .

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