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How do you pay?
kiteman9 replied to garygooner's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
“Well, if America is anything to go by, going cashless is probably closer than we think. Biden’s already got the ball rolling with some fancy executive order (Executive Order 14067) to figure out how to bring in digital dollars. They’re not rushing into it, though. The U.S. is still in the ‘let’s study it to death’ phase. But if you look around the world, many countries are already ahead. India pretty much figured it out with its UPI system—people pay for everything with their phones. China is already testing a digital currency, like a new trendy app. Even in Thailand, people use apps like PromptPay. Cash is already taking a back seat, and it might not be long before we’re all swiping phones instead of bills. Of course, there’s always a bit of skepticism. Going entirely cashless sounds nice and futuristic—until you realize how much of your life could be tracked. But whether we like it or not, digital payments are creeping in, and the day you can’t even buy street food without your phone might not be as far off as we think.” -
Living as an expat in Thailand can amplify the tendency to overthink, especially when you're navigating a new culture, language, and daily routines. I’ve noticed that many of us get caught in loops of analysis, whether it’s deciding what to eat or replaying past conversations. Anxiety, fear of failure, and perfectionism can play a big role in this. One useful approach I've found is to set specific times for thinking and other times for not thinking. For example, when you go to bed, aim to go right to sleep without dwelling on thoughts. Meditation can be a valuable practice here – it's all about gaining control over your thoughts. Through breathing meditation, you can slow down your thoughts, observe them without getting overwhelmed, and eventually manage them better throughout your day. Physical activity also plays a crucial role. Regular exercise can help tire out your body, making it easier to rest both physically and mentally. Additionally, paying attention to your diet is important. What you consume can significantly affect your mental state and overall well-being. So, here are a few tips to help manage overthinking: 1. **Set Times for Thinking**: Allocate specific times for decision-making and reflection, and stick to those times. 2. **Practice Meditation**: Incorporate breathing meditation into your routine to slow down and observe your thoughts. 3. **Stay Physically Active**: Regular exercise can help tire your body and ease your mind. 4. **Mind Your Diet**: Be mindful of what you eat, as your diet can impact your mental health.
Hi there, I saw your post about considering surgery for your enlarged prostate. While I can't speak to your exact situation, I wanted to share my own experience. I decided not to go on medication when I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. Instead, I focused on making significant changes to my lifestyle. I started walking over 10,000 steps a day and adopted a healthier diet. This approach has worked wonders for me. I went from needing to go to the bathroom every hour to just a few times a night. It’s frustrating that doctors often don't emphasize lifestyle changes, but regular exercise and a balanced diet made a huge difference for me. Before opting for surgery, you might want to try incorporating more physical activity and making dietary changes. These could potentially reduce your symptoms and improve your overall health without the need for more medication. Wishing you the best of luck with whatever path you choose, and I hope your pill-popping days come to an end soon!
Osho – The mind is always either in the past or in the future. It cannot be in the present, it is absolutely impossible for the mind to be in the present. When you are in the present, the mind is there no more because mind means thinking. How can you think in the present? You can think about the past; it has already become part of the memory, the mind can work it out. You can think about the future; it is not yet there, the mind can dream about it. Mind can do two things: either it can move into the past; there is space enough to move, the vast space of the past — you can go on and on and on. Or the mind can move into the future; again vast space, no end to it — you can imagine and imagine and dream. But how can mind function in the present? It has no space for the mind to make any movement. The present is just a dividing line, that’s all. It has no space. It divides the past and the future; just a dividing line. You can be in the present but you cannot think; for thinking, space is needed. Thoughts need space, they are just like things — remember it. Thoughts are subtle things, they are material; thoughts are not spiritual, because the dimension of the spiritual starts only when there are no thoughts. Thoughts are material things, very subtle, and every material thing needs space. You cannot be thinking in the present; the moment you start thinking it is already the past. You see the sun is rising; you see and you say, “What a beautiful sunrise!” — it is already the past. When the sun is rising there is not even space enough to say, “How beautiful!” because when you say these two words “How beautiful!” the experience has already become past, the mind already knows it in the memory. But exactly when the sun is rising, exactly when the sun is on the rise, how can you think? What can you think? You can be with the rising sun, but you cannot think. For you there is enough space, but not for thoughts. A beautiful flower in the garden and you say, “A beautiful rose”; now you are not with this rose this moment; it is already a memory. When the flower is there and you are there, both present to each other, how can you think? What can you think? How is thinking possible? There is no space for it. The space is so narrow — in fact there is no space at all — that you and the flower cannot even exist as two because there is not enough space for two, only one can exist. That’s why in a deep presence you are the flower and the flower has become you. You are also a thought — the flower is also a thought in the mind. When there is no thinking, who is the flower and who is the one who is observing? The observer becomes the observed. Suddenly boundaries are lost. Suddenly you have penetrated, penetrated into the flower and the flower has penetrated into you. Suddenly you are not two — one exists. If you start thinking, you have become two again. If you don’t think, where is the duality? When you exist with the flower, not thinking, it is a dialogue, not a duologue but a dialogue. When you exist with your lover it is a dialogue, not a duologue, because the two are not there. Sitting by the side of your lover, holding the hand of your beloved, you simply exist. You don’t think of the days past, gone; you don’t think of the future reaching, coming — you are here, now. And it is so beautiful to be here and now, and so intense; no thought can penetrate this intensity. And narrow is the gate, narrow is the gate of the present. Not even two can enter into it together, only one. In the present, thinking is not possible, dreaming is not possible, because dreaming is nothing but thinking in pictures. Both are things, both are material. When you are in the present without thinking, you are for the first time spiritual. A new dimension opens — that dimension is awareness. Because you have not known that dimension Heraclitus will say you are asleep, you are not aware. Awareness means to be in the moment so totally that there is no movement toward the past, no movement toward the future — all movement stops. That doesn’t mean that you become static. A new movement starts, a movement in depth. There are two types of movement. And that is the meaning of Jesus’ cross: it shows two movements, a crossroads. One movement is linear: you move in a line, from one thing to another, from one thought to another, from one dream to another dream; from A you move to B, from B you move to C, from C you move to D. This way you move — in a line, horizontal. This is the movement of time; this is the movement of one who is fast asleep. You can go like a shuttle, back and forth — the line is there. You can come from B to A, or you can go from A to B — the line is there. There is another movement which is in a totally different dimension. That movement is not horizontal, it is vertical. You don’t go from A to B, from B to C; you go from A to a deeper A: from A1 to A2, A3, 4, in depth — or in height. When thinking stops, the new movement starts. Now you fall into depth, in an abyss-like phenomenon. People who are meditating deeply, they come to that point sooner or later; then they become afraid because they feel as if an abyss has opened — bottomless, you feel dizzy, you become afraid. You would like to cling to the old movement because it was known; this feels like death. That is the meaning of Jesus’ cross: it is a death. Going from the horizontal to the vertical is death — that is the real death. But it is death only from one side; on the other side it is resurrection. It is dying, to be born; it is dying from one dimension to be born in another dimension. Horizontal you are Jesus, vertical you become Christ. If you move from one thought to another you remain in the world of time. If you move into the moment, not into thought, you move into eternity; you are not static — nothing is static in this world, nothing can be static — but a new movement, a movement without motivation. Remember these words. On the horizontal line you move because of motivation. You have to achieve something — money, prestige, power, or God, but you have to achieve something; a motivation is there. A motivated movement means sleep. An unmotivated movement means awareness — you move because to move is sheer joy, you move because movement is life, you move because life is energy and energy is movement. You move because energy is delight — not for anything else. There is no goal to it, you are not after some achievement. In fact you are not going anywhere, you are not going at all — you are simply delighting in the energy. There is no goal outside the movement; movement has its own intrinsic value, no extrinsic value. A Buddha also lives, a Heraclitus lives, I am here living, breathing — but a different type of movement… unmotivated. Somebody was asking me a few days ago, “Why do you help people in meditation?” I told him, “This is my delight. There is no why to it — I simply enjoy.” Just like a person enjoys planting seeds in the garden, waiting for the flowers, when you flower I enjoy. It is a gardening. When somebody flowers it is a sheer delight. And I share. There is no goal to it. If you fail, I am not going to be frustrated. If you don’t flower, that too is okay, because flowering cannot be forced. You cannot open a bud forcibly — you can, but then you kill it. It may look like a flowering; it is not a flowering. The whole world moves, existence moves, into eternity; mind moves in time. Existence is moving into the depth and the height, and mind moves backwards and forwards. Mind moves horizontally: that is sleep. If you can move vertically, that is awareness. Be in the moment. Bring your total being in the moment. Don’t allow the past to interfere, and don’t allow the future to come in. The past is no more, it is dead. And as Jesus says, “Let the dead bury their dead.” The past is no more! Why are you worried about it? Why do you go on chewing it again and again and again? Are you mad? It is no more; it is just in your mind, it is just a memory. The future is not yet. What are you doing thinking about the future? That which is not yet, how can you think about it? What can you plan about it? Whatsoever you do about it is not going to happen, and then you will be frustrated, because the whole has its own plan. Why do you try to have your own plans against it? Source – Osho Book “The Hidden Harmony”
How much does a Retirement Home cost in Thailand?
kiteman9 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
AHH Dollar three eighty -
Who wants to be suffering in the last few years of life? You have to get it together and Stop the beers. Get on a Low carb and low-sugar diet. Better would be no sugar. Eat a light dinner early in the evening. No being a couch potato. Elevate your head while sleeping. No more antacid pills. They throw off your whole digestive system. How Your Antacid Drug Is Making You Sick https://chriskresser.com/how-your-antacid-drug-is-making-you-sick-part-a/ Most people have no idea how many vital roles stomach acid plays in our bodies. Such misunderstanding is perpetuated by drug companies who continue to insist that stomach acid is not essential. Meanwhile, millions of people around the world are taking acid suppressing drugs that not only fail to address the underlying causes of heartburn and GERD, but put them at risk of serious (and even life-threatening) conditions. There are four primary consequences of acid stopping drugs: Increased bacterial overgrowth Impaired nutrient absorption Decreased resistance to infection Increased risk of cancer and other diseases
I have never heard of anyone getting deathly sick or dying from smoking the herb marijuana, and I have been smoking it for over fifty years.
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Bangkok Bank App Problems
kiteman9 replied to carlyai's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
Can't you just log on with your computer? I think the banks know that cell phones can be lost, stolen, or hacked. Making them less secure than a home PC. -
Does weed lose potency after grinding? I prefer to cram da bud in a 1 hit bong bowl, Taking a deep breath in, then exhaling out all the air in your lungs pretending that the bong hit is your last breath. If that isn't enough you'll need two more hits. One hit on the bong is like trying to fly with one wing. I hope everyone could just get abong. https://dmv42zero.com/weed-lose-potency-after-grinding/
Thailand’s experiment with weed goes up in smoke
kiteman9 replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
I just hope all the herb shops can stay open and keep a good supply of freshly grown Thai ganja, along with Thai made bamboo bongs, so we can all get abong. -
Thailand’s tourism sector grapples with cannabis legalisation
kiteman9 replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
The easiest way to not stink up a hotel room is to exhale all the air out of your lungs and then suck in the smoke from a one hit bong like it is your last breath. Hold it in for long enough to not exhale any smoke and then spill the bong water, that will totally mask the oder of cannabis. -
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Forgot 90 Day Report - what to expect.
kiteman9 replied to phetphet's topic in Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao
You must file this report within 15 days before, or 7 days after, your 90-day period expires. -
Is it fair to stereotype all Americans as So American? America is often called a melting pot because its people come from many different backgrounds and cultures, and there are such a wide variety of beliefs, values, and traditions. Stereotyping an American as SO American in 2023? Our stereotypes and prejudices are learned through many different processes. This multiplicity of causes is unfortunate because it makes stereotypes and prejudices even more likely to form and harder to change. For one, we learn our stereotypes through our communications with parents and peers and the behaviors we see portrayed in the media. Even five-year-old children have learned cultural norms about the appropriate activities and behaviors for boys and girls and also have developed stereotypes about age, race, and physical attractiveness, and there is often good agreement about the stereotypes of social categories among the individuals within a given culture. In one study assessing stereotypes, A teacher and her colleagues presented U.S. college students with a list of 84 trait terms. They asked them to indicate for which groups each trait seemed appropriate. The participants tended to agree about the traits of which groups, which was true even for groups of which the respondents were likely never to have met a single member. Even today, there is good agreement about the stereotypes of members of many social groups, including men and women and various ethnic groups. Americans Blacks Italians Germans Jews Chinese Materialistic 53.6% Musical 27.6% Loyal to family ties 62.7% Intelligent 45.8% Very religious 52.5% Intelligent 60.3% Lazy 30.4% Pleasure loving 26% Tradition loving 47.5% Industrious 37.3% Intelligent 49.2% Loyal to family ties 41.4% Individualistic 28.6% Loud 20.7% Passionate 39% Nationalistic 30.5% Tradition loving 32.2% Reserved 36.2% Pleasure loving 28% Aggressive 15.5% Religious 37.3% Scientifically minded 27.1% Shrewd 30.5% Industrious 32.8% Industrious 23.2% Artistic 13.8% Quick tempered 35.6% Methodical 20.3% Loyal to family ties 28.8% Tradition loving 31% Once they become established, stereotypes (like any other cognitive representation) tend to persevere. We begin to respond to members of stereotyped categories as if we already knew what they were like. They found that individuals addressed fewer questions to members of categories about which they had strong stereotypes (as if they already knew what these people were like) and that the questions they did ask were likely to confirm the stereotypes they already had. In other cases, stereotypes are maintained because the information that confirms our stereotypes is better remembered than information that disconfirms them. When we see members of social groups perform behaviors, we tend to remember better information that confirms our stereotypes than information that disconfirms our stereotypes. If we believe that women are bad drivers and we see a woman driving poorly, then we tend to remember it, but when we see a woman who drives particularly well, we tend to forget it. This illusory correlation is another example of the general principle of assimilation—we tend to perceive the world in ways that make it fit our existing beliefs more quickly than we change our beliefs to fit the reality around us. And stereotypes become difficult to change because they are so important to us—they become an integral and important part of our everyday lives in our culture. Stereotypes are frequently expressed on TV, in movies, and in social media, and we learn many of our beliefs from these sources. Our friends also tend to hold beliefs similar to ours, and we talk about these beliefs when we get together with them. In short, stereotypes and prejudice are powerful primarily because they are important social norms that are part of our culture. Because they are so highly cognitively accessible and seem so “right,” our stereotypes easily influence our judgments of and responses to those we have categorized. The social psychologist John Bargh once described stereotypes as “cognitive monsters” because their activation was so powerful and because the activated beliefs had such insidious influences on social judgment. Making things even more difficult, stereotypes are strongest for the people who are in most need of change—the most prejudiced people. Because stereotypes and prejudice often operate out of our awareness and because people are frequently unwilling to admit that they hold them, social psychologists have developed methods for assessing them indirectly.
SO HUMAN and judge-mental. Why? Being overly judgmental is a defense mechanism meant to protect the self from what could be a harmful world. Thus, those who engage in frequent judgment often feel an acute sense of social anxiety around others, developed as a defense mechanism against people casting the same judgments on them. We are all SO Human. America is the most obese country in the world, and the rest are catching up. Obesity is known to have a negative impact on cardiovascular and metabolic health, but it also impacts brain structure and function; it is associated with both gray and white matter integrity loss, as well as decreased cognitive function, including the domains of executive function, memory, inhibition, and language. There is a cognitive decline in all humans as we age. A variety of factors can cause cumulative damage to the brain with age and produce cognitive impairments. These factors include damage to the brain due to cerebral ischemia, head trauma, toxins such as alcohol, excess stress hormones, or the development of degenerative dementia such as AD. Neurotransmitter systems: Researchers suggest that the brain generates fewer chemical messengers with age, and it is this decrease in dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine activity that may play a role in declining cognition and memory and increasing depression. Physical activity is declining, food is increasingly manufactured, body fat is increasing, diabetes and metabolic syndrome are on the rise, the number of prescription drugs per person is increasing, and the proportion of the population, either old or obese, is growing. Technological and economic development may lower the cognitive function needed for survival. They also lower physical activity in daily life. Sedentary work, transportation, and leisure undermine the aerobic and metabolic fitness required for the brain to perform well. Some prescription drugs impair cognitive function, and others do so when taken for many years or in combination with others. The growing fraction of the population that is either old or obese may further lower physical activity norms and requirements and substitute medical intervention for health, accelerating a trend toward cognitive impairment. Within a few more decades, barring a massive turnaround in survival or body weight, most adult Americans will be either old or obese. That new majority will set the default lifestyle. Overriding the default will take ever greater determination and creativity on the part of individuals, groups, and communities seeking a healthier way of life. Until recently, the rising cognitive demands of daily life may have counteracted the effects on cognitive function of too much food and too little physical activity (and the resulting bio- and pharm-accumulations). The aging of the baby boomers, together with the rise of body mass, may push that balance into the negative zone. Dementia is one of the leading causes of disability and death among older adults worldwide. Today there are around 50 million persons with dementia globally, but by 2050 this number is estimated to increase to 150 million. More than 1.9 billion adults worldwide were overweight, including 650 million who were obese, in 2016. The prevalence of obesity tripled worldwide between 1975 and 2016. Evidence that obesity adversely affects the central nervous system (CNS) and especially cognitive function, including attention, executive function, decision-making, and verbal learning, has been accumulating.
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Thai public health minister CANCELS Covid vaccine rules
kiteman9 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Its all about$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -
SiMPLE. Wear pants and socks.
iPhone app for wifi calling America - recommendation?
kiteman9 replied to sagra's topic in Mobile Devices and Apps
https://www.tossabledigits.com/memberlogin/?f=logout I have been using this company for five years Every Virtual Number Includes Every Feature Explore All of Our Features Call Recording Record Every Call, Free. Never wonder again what someone said on your calls. Learn More about Call Recording Voicemail Unlimited Voicemail. Custom greetings or use one of our pre-recorded messages. Each Virtual Number can have a unique configuration. Learn More about Voicemail Mobile App Tossable Digits works without an App, but we have one anyway. It makes using SMS and Outdial easier. Features Contacts Integration & Push Notifications. Learn More about Mobile App Call Rules Set rules to handle calls differently based on the caller's CallerID. Send specific numbers straight to Voicemail without ringing on your phone. Learn More about Call Rules Do Not Disturb Based on the time of day, we can forward calls or just send them straight to Voicemail when you don't want to take calls. Learn More about Do Not Disturb RoboCall Blocking Nobody likes RoboCalls. We block them so you aren't bothered. You can unblock numbers with Call Rules. Learn More about RoboCall Blocking Outdial Return calls so that your Virtual Number shows up on their CallerID, keeping your real number private. Learn More about Outdial SMS Text Messaging* Send and receive SMS Text Messages on our website or on your phone, no app necessary. Learn More about SMS Text Messaging* SMS Short Codes* Used for verifications, contests, and marketing communication, a Short Code in the US and Canada is a 5 to 6 digit SMS number used to send and receive business-related SMS messages to mobile phones. Learn More about SMS Short Codes* IVR: Interactive Voice Response Greet callers and ask them to select an option from a custom greeting menu, such as 'Press 1 for Sales.' Calls are routed based on their selection. Also called Auto Attendant, Phone Tree, or Call Tree. Learn More about IVR: Interactive Voice Response Call Announce Before you are connected with a caller, hear a short message letting you know it is from your Virtual Number. Learn More about Call Announce Call Forwarding Forward calls made to your Virtual Numbers to your phone or any phone you like. Each Virtual Number can be configured differently. Learn More about Call Forwarding CallerID Control You control the CallerID we send to your phone when we forward a call. We can send the Caller's CallerID, your Virtual Number as CallerID, or block CallerID entirely. Learn More about CallerID Control Screening We will ask Callers to say their name before forwarding the call, giving you a chance to decide if you want to take their call or not. Learn More about Screening Two-Factor Authentication Add additional security to your account using an app-based Two-Factor Authentication, further protecting your phone numbers from unauthorized access. Learn More about Two-Factor Authentication -
This is how I manage my phone business. https://www.tossabledigits.com Get New Phone Numbers That Ring On Your Existing Phone Add one or more Virtual Numbers to any phone. Use them for anything: sales, ad tracking, work, real estate. Find Virtual Numbers locally or in 60+ other countries. Receive calls on any phone in almost every country. No Contracts! Use our Virtual Numbers for 2 minutes or 10 years. Cancel anytime, no questions asked.