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Everything posted by kiteman9

  1. Before I left the USA years ago I had an AT&T number that this company ported and when anyone texts or calls that number it will ring me or leave a message on my Thai number. I can also log on to there website called Tossable digits to view the history of my calls and texts. It has enabled me to verify myself for banking and logging into websites. https://www.tossabledigits.com
  2. Not one Covid-19 case or death in our small village yet. We have had three deaths from the vaccines. The latest was a young healthy policeman who was found dead the morning after he received the vaccine. I'm not an anti-vaxxer but that makes you think somethings not right and that might be one reason for Thais protesting.
  3. Bla Bla Bla.... Fake smile or genuine smile who cares a smile is a smile. How can you be sure what's going on in ones head. So many people these days are too judgmental. I can tell just by looking at them.555 Sorry if that sounds facetious , but it is a valid point. ...
  4. I have been pedaling my bike every day around my small village far away from people without a mask since Covid 19 started. The Thai Department of Health advises against wearing a face mask when exercising. You are not getting enough oxygen into your lungs and heart, so your body has to work harder, which is more dangerous. When I get close to people I put my mask on. I have never noticed a dirty look because I always smile at people as they approach me and they are happy to smile back.
  5. I rarely see anyone wearing a i-95 surgical mask which are the only masks that are supposed to work.
  6. I have been pedaling my bike every day around my village far away from people without a mask since Covid 19 started. The Thai Department of Health advises against wearing a face mask when exercising. You are not getting enough oxygen into your lungs and heart, so your body has to work harder, which is more dangerous. When I'm close to people I put my mask on.
  7. I signed up back in August for the COVID-19 vaccination registration website for foreign residents and still have NOT been contacted.
  8. I have been pedaling my e-bike everyday around my village without a mask since Covid 19 started. The Department of Health advised against wearing a face mask when exercising. You are not getting enough oxygen into your lungs and heart, so your body has to work harder, which is more dangerous. When you do outdoor exercises, try to maintain at least six feet or 2 meters of distance between you and other people. Source: Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, https://bit.ly/2zfcBuo
  9. Always carry around a cup with a straw in it, and pretend you are drinking.
  10. A letter of guarantee from the bank in Thailand in Thai language (Attention: Immigration Commissioner) Copy of all entries of the applicant’s passbook showing that the applicant has a savings or fixed deposit account of not less than Baht 800,000 or 65,000 monthly deposits. (all documents must be in the Applicant’s name) Proving the monthly pension of the Applicant not less than Baht 65,000 per month (together with reference documents showing the source of monthly pension) I submit a yearly updated source letter that I download from the veterans administration which states my monthly income.
  11. Yes I have been doing it for years now. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/Transfer-money-from-US-to-Thailand-via-Bangkok-Bank-NewYork-branch
  12. That is not true at my Immigration office. They want to know from who and where the monthly foreign transfer into your bank of 40,000 or 65,000 in my case came from.
  13. The money needs to come from a pension like social security or a company retirement pension where you can get a letter that verifies that you get the money from a source that will not likely end. From my experience the letter from the Veterans administration that I use has to be updated each year for the visa extension renewal. Each immigration office seems to have their own requirements.
  14. Just a LOT OF Wacko! You post is totally out there. Do some research on what your going to post ahead of time. Ramble lin MAN Ramble on. Why is sugar so bad for your body? When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect your arteries all over your body. It causes their walls to get inflamed, grow thicker than normal and more stiff, this stresses your heart and damages it over time. This can lead to heart disease, like heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes. You should avoid drinking cold water. One of the main reasons to avoid drinking chilled water is because it has a serious implication on your digestion. Chilled water as well as some cold beverages contract the blood vessels and also restrict digestion. The natural process of absorbing nutrients during digestion is hindered when you consume chilled water. Use sugar substitutes like Stevia or 100% Organic Erythritol,honey.
  15. Get your own sound system and play some Jimi Hendrix full volume when they are playing karaoke.
  16. kiteman9


    The Department of Health advised against wearing a face mask when exercising. You are not getting enough oxygen into your lungs and heart, so your body has to work harder, which is more dangerous. When you do outdoor exercises, try to maintain at least six feet or 2 meters of distance between you and other people.Source: Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health
  17. PR Thai Government May 5, 2020 · The Department of Health advised against wearing a face mask when exercising. You are not getting enough oxygen into your lungs and heart, so your body has to work harder, which is more dangerous. When you do outdoor exercises, try to maintain at least six feet or 2 meters of distance between you and other people. Source: Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, https://bit.ly/2zfcBuo
  18. I'm posting about having self confidence which is totally different, and has nothing to do with confidence in Thai immigration. Being prepared deal with what ever the IO wants with a polite manner. SELF Confidence helps us feel ready for life's experiences. When we're SELF confident, we're more likely to move forward with people and opportunities — not back away from them. And if things don't work out at first, SELF confidence helps us try again. It's the opposite when YOUR NO self confidence is low which seems to be your lifelong dreadful endeavor through life of putting out a pi$$ed off vibe that people pick up on.
  19. After dealing with the Thai immigration for 5 years now you would think you would have it together enough to know and remember what documents you need to accomplish getting your yearly visa renewal. Make and keep extra copy's of every document you have given to immigration for referance for your following year visa renewal. Then you might will have more confidence that you are going to be prepared for your yearly visa renewal.
  20. One type of verbal irony is sarcasm, where the speaker says the opposite of what he or she means in order to show contempt or mock. Other types of verbal irony include overstatement (or exaggeration) and understatement. Definition of Verbal Irony To define it simply, it occurs when a character uses a statement with underlying meanings that contrast with its literal meaning; it shows that the writer has used verbal irony. Writers rely on the audience's understanding of the English language and there intelligence for discerning the hidden meanings they intend to convey.
  21. The subject was about shopping not the classroom. Since when do kids wear n-95 masks and sit at there desks 6 feet apart and wash there hands after shopping........w. t. f........................? My post was to help people to feel a little more at ease from the worry of getting Covid while shopping and nothing to do with classroom circumstances................ to be honest.
  22. No worries shopping when you wear a proper n-95 mask, keep your distance, wash your hands after. Studies say that to get the virus it takes one hour of being confined in a smaller room with an infected person or persons to get a large enough dose of the virus to make you sick. The 4 ds of your odds of getting Covid 19 #1 Density number of people in the room #2 Duration number of hours spent in room #3 Dimensions number of square feet and ceiling height of the room #4 Draft the amount of fresh air entry/speed of air flow
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