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Posts posted by AndersSN

  1. Three orders done, I recall. Ordering process extremely easy, prompt delivery. No troubles whatsoever.

    Haven't tried stuff from restaurants I do not know beforehand so no surprises either.

    Prefer MOW 6:0 over piz******ny (or similar), no reason to get high blood pressure just

    by trying to get the order in. A delivery time guarantee is fun to play with, sure,

    but it mainly works when you are able to predict heavy rain during 16-18pm high

    traffic hours :D

    Recommend Meals On Wheels 100%

    I used to use them years ago and they were fine- I do not recall the phone number. Can someone supply it? I remember they repackage with there own branding, not simply pick up and deliver from the restuarant. I recall they dealt mostly with more upmarket thus expensive restuarants. I like Pizza Company but it good to know there are many other choices in CMai.

    Why don't you try the big advert link on the top of your page? :)

  2. found this WC predicition based on a countrys GDP, economic data- interesting

    And if it's got Serbia in the semis, probably wildly inaccurate. If you want to know who's going to win, look what the bookies offer.

    They don't make money for nothing.

    Ignore the English bookies as far as England's concerned, because people stupidly bet them all the time so the price is ridiculously low.

    If they stay apart, though, it's hard to see past a Brazil/Spain final, with Italy, Argentina and Germany sniffing around as usual.

    He finds it interesting because NZ goes through from the group stages in second place ahead of Paraguay and Slovakia, he is a Kiwi after all :)

  3. Can also be found here with the correct kickoff time as well, it doesn't surprise me that RS didn't get that right either :)

    If it doesn't show the Thai time click the small clock above and right of the group A box

    Those are really nice times!! No clash with office work, but still a good excuse to stay out late.. Who cares about the commentary. Heck, who cares about the matches.. :D

    I'm with you 100%

    And to think the thais regard the buffalo as a stupid annimal

  4. I ordered again from MoW last night.

    A Parma Ham pizza from La Fontana with a side order of garlic bread.

    Whole different experience this time. The delivery time and price was more than reasonable, and the pizza....

    WOW, that was the best pizza I have had in CM. The bun had the right consistency and flavor, there was plenty of topping and the cheese was delicious. It arrived at a perfect temperature and both the pizza crust and the garlic bread was still crisp. Good packeging I guess.

    I am happy that I tried a second order, because this was a revelation.

    Thank you MoW and La Fontana

  5. 1. I forget the name :)

    2. Loi Khro across from Cherry bar and next to Dragonfly bar

    3. All styles

    4. 1 hour oil massage 250b

    5. Very nice place, don't let the location scare you or mislead you, you won't get what you get next door here (except a beer if you want). All the ladies that work here are certified and give good massages, personally I normally have an oil massage which is why i can remember the price. Most of them also speak enough English so you can get comfortable massage.

  6. I saw in Macro Chiang Rai, 12 BTU at 12000 Baht and smaller unit for 9500, the look the business. Brand name AJ or something

    That is correct

    My neighbour bought one in Makro, he says it isn't worth the money. And i guess at the price they are at you might as well by a propper one.

  7. I'm sure this well make the bar/pub industry happy. They have been hammered the past couple of weeks.

    you can say that again

    Happy days are here again :)

  8. This will all be settled on June 11th at kick off. Personally I give odds of 10 to 1 against English. Wait and see. In the mean time tomorrow night at midnight on Star Sports on Truevision (UBC) Live. The Indianapolis 500 from the US.

    Yep, no point in speculating until then, though I'd like to have a few bob against English.

    The Indy 500, 200 laps of going around in circles - never could figure out why it's such a spectacle. I understand the track seats something like a quarter of a million people?

    Spectacle.. THE WRECKS at over 260MPH or 416KMP. :D 250 thousand people. Thats a lot of beer and hotdogs (proper dogs). :)

    At that speed you can make the other guys crash just by overtaking to fast.

  9. OK guys blame me. I tried to post a link from Chiang Mai Mail to Thai Visa and it locked up so they had to delete the thread. Also its on the curfew thread so it will probably go by by. This is the second time I have seen this happen with the Chiang Mai Mail about two months ago this happened. I promise not to do it again. NOW back to the topic. :)

    I'm asuming that the link had something to do with the WC license, could you give a brief overview?

    Not really. I have been digging for information on the RS group and basically I'm coming up with what has been discussed with no over all conclusion. They say 10K baht for restaurant/bar. If you have HD or a noodle shop no payment of money. The way I see it if they (RS) were to come around with proof you would deal with them but if its a scam group and they are around you will have to deal with it. If its the BIB that's another thing. I see that Al Jazeera has the exclusive rights in the middle east to broadcast the games on their sports channels and are charging their customers 100 USD that about 3200baht. So I guess the owners on an individual bases will have to figure out is it worth while to invest in HD (new TV set, ubc) probably no English and the possible hassle of authorities. As for the Chiang Mai Mail they are stating that Friday is a Buddha Day and the police will be enforcing closer of bars and selling of alcohol..

    Where did you find this?

    I have been all over their web site and only found two news items refering to the WC.

    Apart from the Post article I have not been able to find anything on the web.

  10. OK guys blame me. I tried to post a link from Chiang Mai Mail to Thai Visa and it locked up so they had to delete the thread. Also its on the curfew thread so it will probably go by by. This is the second time I have seen this happen with the Chiang Mai Mail about two months ago this happened. I promise not to do it again. NOW back to the topic. :)

    I'm asuming that the link had something to do with the WC license, could you give a brief overview?

  11. I had a very nice pm from Mike, I wont go into details but he went above and beyond.

    I hope that everyone understands my post the way it was meant to be written, I am not angry at all, in a way I actually think it is quite funny. Everything that could, went wrong. And if I thought it had been intentional or done with carelessness I would have made sure to write it. I probably wont order a burger from the Saloon again, mainly because the beef, in my opinion, was poor, but that's not MoW's fault.

    I have in no way been discouraged from ordering from MoW again. And I am sure StevieH is right about it being easier next time.

    (And stop mentioning the tipping, it was only 15b and I only mentioned it because it was part of the whole wrong thing)

  12. Here is a review of my first experience with MoW.

    When I called to place my order it was Mike himself that answered the phone, and as people have mentioned he sound like a nice guy, very helpfully and professional. We got the directions sorted which took a little bit of time as nobody can find my place easily the first time.

    I ordered a Bacon Cheeseburger (Australian beef) from CM Saloon and 2 Belgian Rochefort 10 beers from the mini mart (the delivery guy told me they came from Number 1 bar)

    The delivery guy had to call twice for directions on his way, but rather that than him just driving around- So exactly 1 hour and 1 minute from I placed my order, it arrived.

    I was pleasantly surprised to see that the beers was in an ice filled bag to keep them cold and ready to drink with my meal, less pleasant was other parts of the delivery. First of I got the wrong beer I was delivered Maredsous 10, also a Belgian beer so an easy mistake no problem, but I on the bill I was charged 360 for these two beers that on the website have a unit price of 165, so an extra 30b.

    My other issue was the delivery cost, when I first orders Mike told me that a delivery to Kad Farang was 120b, and that my order would be more expensive as I was further out from town, he actually called back and gave me a preliminary price of 180b, that he said could change according to the exact kilometers of the trip. Just before the delivery arrived Mike called me again to tell me that the delivery would be 200b as the delivery guy had told him it was 25 kilometers, now I know for a fact that it's nowhere that long but I didn't want to get into an argument so I excepted the price. I google mapped it this morning just to be sure and from the Saloon or Nr.1 there is 15,4 kilometers to my house, from the mote 13,3. So an extra 80b for the two 2 kilometers from Kad Farang to my house.

    The total bill inc delivery and the extra 30 b (I didn't notice that till this morning) for the beer was 745 I paid the guy a 1000 and got 240 return, I am not very impressed with people who decide to tip themselves. Even if it is only 15b surely it is my decision.

    So to the burger. Disappointing really, and it all started so well. When I open the burger to put om some ketchup the first hing I noticed was the amount of bacon, I love bacon and here was plenty of it, great. The second thing I noticed was that they forgot the cheese, bummer a cheese burger without cheese, ah well never mind. But eating the burger was not a delight either. The bottom part of the bun had gone all wet an soggy from the transportation (at least i hope it was :) ) and the meat itself was pretty much flavorless and not worth the eating. I ate couple of fries and left the rest, they were cold and soggy.

    All in all a disappointing experience, and I had such high hopes after all the positive posts. So the question remains will I order from MoW again? Yes I probably will, and here is why. The quality off the beef and lack of cheese in the burger is not Mikes fault, is the sogginess of the fries and burger due to a long delivery time? (over an hour) I don't know but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. The mix up with the beer could be between me and Mike, Mike and the delivery guy or the delivery guy and Nr.1 and I'm sure they wouldn't mix up Chang and Leo. The extra 30b for the beers I'll give Mike a call about and tell him, and that's the premier reason why I'm sure that I will order from MoW again and that is that Mike seamed like he was trying to get everything right. So I'm sure next time everything will be better.


  13. Does beg the questions as to why (as included in an earlier post and pm'd to other members on this forum) I have an e-mail from a True representative, highlighting can change commentary to English!

    I suggest anyone who has purchased this withholds the next 2mths subscription and search around like hel_l for an alternative in time for the new footy season! Whether some how we can organise an Astro feed up here or somehow pick up the signal from ESPN in China/Bhurma/Cambodia/India!

    This will be the final straw for me if I've been lied to by TURD visions!

    The new footy season?

    As I understand these posts this is only about the WC, nothing has been said about next years premier league, and since True holds the rights for this there is no reason to assume that that will be without English commentary as well. The French Open is on now, on TS 4 and HD and just like last year you get dual commentary.

  14. It would seem Phuket has doubts about the English feed as well:

    Those seeking English-language coverage of the matches on local cable might be disappointed, as customer service representatives at two local cable TV providers said they would only be carrying Thai-language feeds from free-to-air channels.

    ooh hoo- ooh noo :D


    youre watching football not a porno :D

    WC this year is going to be much better watching anyway :)

  15. For the typical bar operation that the punter sees a farang is NOT going to get a work permit nor will the authorities issue one.

    eh? i thought most would have their paperwork in order as this type of business would be one of the first places that would get shaken down

    As the owner, I don't think a work permit is required - just a non-immigrant B visa - as they aren't allowed to work in the bar and are seen as just the 'investor'.

    Retirement, marriage, O, visa on arrival, 30 day, name a visa and that's all it takes. 99.9% of all bars are flying under the radar by their farang financial backer. Technical and legally the farang can not be seen doing any kind of work in a bar setting. Most of the bars that are seen on LK are on a 1 and if lucky 2 years lease.

    Most of these lease will be in the wife's or g/f name why because the alcohol license has to be in a Thais name and the most of the time the licence department requires that the lease be in the same name.

    I have my place on LK on a 3 times 3 year lease, and I have a work permit to work there.

    I hardly ever do though, too lazy :)

  16. unfortunately, these scammers aren't caught by police and dealt with, so they carry on their scamming ways

    they are probably BIB or ex BIB doing this part time imo

    When they ran this scam about 1½ years ago, they took people to the main police station inside the moat.

    They aren't bring caught because the right police is being paid off. And there is a lot of money to pay off with, last time they ran the scam I heard it estimated that they made over 2 mill bath.

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