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Posts posted by AndersSN

  1. Dragonfly will show all games

    If we forget about the English Commentary part of the original post, then it would probably be easier to ask which bars aren't showing the world cup. Since it is shown on Thai Tv then I amgine every bar with a TV is showing it. Some have better facilities than others, but of the few set-ups I've seen Tuskers is the best.

    I imagine most bars will show all of the 6.30pm, 9.00pm games, irrespective of who's playing, but I wonder who is showing all of the late games (1.30am local time). I know that Tuskers, and Olde Bell are showing the late England games (and possibly a few more, espescially quarter finals onwards) with the other games being shown according to demand, but is there anywhere that definitely will show all of the late games?

    There is your answer

    And I think most other bars will as well, all of the late games features big teams.

  2. Hmm, will these places only show say UK/ European matches? What about Japan or S.Korea? I'm really interested in going out to watch the S.Korean matches on a nice big screen. :)

    On another note... Anyone know where I can get the S.Korean jersey ( the white one. I hate the red one... looks like hot pink at times. lol )? I still havent gotten one yet in all these years. :/

    Tuskers as stated by Milton Bentley

    UN Irish Pub will be showing ALL games in HD, they have several TV's.

    Dragonfly Bar (55" screen) might be.

    You will be able to follow your favourite team somewhere. :D

    Dragonfly will show all games

  3. The newspaper carrying the story is this paper Chiang Mai News. Unfortunately I can't get Mondays copy and they have only updated their web version till 4/6/2010 so it will be another 3 days till this store gets on their web page (I guess)

  4. TURDvisions, would not touch them with a mouldy cucumber either! Lie to customers and take off channels without a moments notice too!

    No good for cricket or rugby so theyre a no go.... Will look into other options asap!

    The problem as I see it is that UBC do not have good coverage of 'western sports'. For example they rarely show 'live' golf, just highlights with a live symbol in the corner, when the winner has already returned home with his cheque! There is also no or little cricket and rugby coverage.

    I am happy to pay the money, but UBC do not offer the coverage I want. Any suggestions?


    :) Move to Europe?

  5. damian; it seems that the incident(stabbing) may have taken place, by several accounts, granted no eye witness as yet.To call for photo proof and until its produced you will consider the messenger full of crap may be somewhat to the extreme. I did not see you producing a photo of your slashed cap or another referenced eye witness of your version of your encounter, nor did anyone ask for it, as yet

    Coincidentally, the night before this lady was killed (?). A farang got into it with me and the prick DJ smashed a glass over my head (long story short). It sliced through the thick plastic of my cap and caused a little 5 stitch gash. But you should see the cut on the cap. If not for it I'd have a nice 3 or 4 inch gash to the bone across my forehead, face, and possibly left eye.

    The DJ actually smashed a glass over your head, causing a wound that required 5 stitches? Are we supposed to believe this rumour without actually seeing the hospital bill?dry.gif

    LOL and thanks guys.

    My bile was just about to rise and angry posts about to written, but you took care of it for me. :)

    I have my account from 3 eyewitnessess, I have copies of the police report because it was taken down in my place of business. I have a police photo of the subject, and know where her 3 friends used to work here in CM.

    For the sake of allinvolvedd and their privacy I will not publish any of this material. I might beconvincedd to post the picture of the suspect if a mod said it wasOKk.

  6. The baht is strong owing to the fact that the economy expanded at a rate of over 9% in the first quarter of this year (annualised). If their export businesses are doing well then of course this will strengthen the baht. Imagine I want to buy 1000 car transporters from a Thai company. Either I will have to buy baht to pay them for the transporters or if they sell them to me in USD then they will exchange the dollars for baht....either way a demand for baht is created.

    Don't forget interest rates.At the moment the leading interest rate in Thailand is 1,25% compared to the UK's 0,5%

    This is a powerful tool for adjusting exchange rates, it's being kept high because a strong Bath benefits the rich.

  7. Ever heard a Thai say kheeniao or kheenok behind your back?

    kee-ne-ow = bar talk for tight with money, bar girls talking about customers when you don't buy them something thay ask for.

    (if they haven't worked in a bar you won't hear this from a girl, guys don't say this)

    Kee-nok = poor and smells like bird poo, usually about backpackers who don't wash all that often.

    Utter Rubbish,

    A tip is to show gratitude for good service!!!!!!! good service=good tip bad service=NO TIP....


    Maybe the OP has been here too long, his post suggest that in hard times we should pay more! the typical thai way which doesnt promote good business!

    I'm with Mojo poor service = no tip


    Chaps, men should never do bar talk, marks you as a guy that hangs with whores.

    You are right to a certain degree. Most farang would only hear or know this if they hang around too many bars. And I agree, poor service, no tip.

    But you are wrong in the regard that only bargirls use these words. Sitting with my wife in her families restaurant in BKK I have heard it from both female and male staff, and about Thais as well. Also my Thai friends some of who are snobbish HiSo's use these words frequently about people they know who are less well of.

  8. A close friend of a close friend... LOL...I don't believe it. A lady was stabbed to death outside Spicy and there's no news about it at all? Any links? Unless it was kept hushed? Not outside the realm of possibility.

    As posted earlier it was actually in a Thai paper

  9. I rarely tip in Thailand. I have only done so in rare occasions when at some fancy place with service that commanded it. If there are less tourist in Thailand it's because their not-so-distant primitive roots caught up to them and behaved, I'm sorry to say, like hillbillies for a few years now. They quite deserve the drop in tourism. If they want to attract tourists, they will have to show more civilized ways. Rewarding their non-sense would be insidious. They need to struggle to learn - not be nurtured.

    Your sympathy for those struggling is admirable. I understand you're looking at the individual level: the struggling employee who can't meet ends. But I don't see it that way.

    Ever heard a Thai say kheeniao or kheenok behind your back?

    Tipping is part of Thai culture, a way of showing generosity, not mention a way of supporting people less fortunate. When I go out with my Thai friends I'm surprised at how generous they are with their tips, The better of you are there more you are supposed to show it. Tipping is one way, unfortunately arrogance is another, but thats beside the point in this thread.

    Tipping is not part of Thai culture.

    Wow your argument just blew me away.:)

  10. I rarely tip in Thailand. I have only done so in rare occasions when at some fancy place with service that commanded it. If there are less tourist in Thailand it's because their not-so-distant primitive roots caught up to them and behaved, I'm sorry to say, like hillbillies for a few years now. They quite deserve the drop in tourism. If they want to attract tourists, they will have to show more civilized ways. Rewarding their non-sense would be insidious. They need to struggle to learn - not be nurtured.

    Your sympathy for those struggling is admirable. I understand you're looking at the individual level: the struggling employee who can't meet ends. But I don't see it that way.

    Ever heard a Thai say kheeniao or kheenok behind your back?

    Tipping is part of Thai culture, a way of showing generosity, not mention a way of supporting people less fortunate. When I go out with my Thai friends I'm surprised at how generous they are with their tips, The better of you are there more you are supposed to show it. Tipping is one way, unfortunately arrogance is another, but thats beside the point in this thread.

    Whenever gratuity is appropriate, I obviously tip. I do not tip at the food court, I do not tip at MK or Fuji since gratuity is already included in the bill. I will sometimes leave the loose change at these places but not tip. When I got here four years ago I was tipping a lot, then one time I was out with my employees they kindly told me not to tip at many places but only at certain "high-class" venues or when gratuity is not included in the bill. Even had a discussion with one employee at a foreign owned place here in Chiang Mai and the employees had to give the tip back to the owner and was not always shared.

    Are you working as a waiter or in this industry? Perhaps you could shed some light about tipping re Thai culture? I was actually under the impression that it was not really practiced here. My wife and in-laws do not tip either... Perhaps people tip in bars? I frequent bars like once per year or so... I wouldn't know.

    Maybe we are looking at this from different "heights" of Thailand? My wife and her family always tip, and well. Her family owns a restaurant and a clothing store in BKK so are fairly well of, so maybe it's more about social status than culture.

    I agree that I wouldn't tip in a food court, but many of the places that include gratuity on the bill don't pass on the money to the staff, it's just a way of making more money (I know this from my wifes aunt who as many contacts within the industry in BKK) so I tip. Regarding the tip going to the owner, I have heard this as well, and know of one place in CM that works this way (at least if you leave a tip when you pay). Personally I always tip separate from the bill, to try an ensure the money going in to the staffs pocket.

  11. I rarely tip in Thailand. I have only done so in rare occasions when at some fancy place with service that commanded it. If there are less tourist in Thailand it's because their not-so-distant primitive roots caught up to them and behaved, I'm sorry to say, like hillbillies for a few years now. They quite deserve the drop in tourism. If they want to attract tourists, they will have to show more civilized ways. Rewarding their non-sense would be insidious. They need to struggle to learn - not be nurtured.

    Your sympathy for those struggling is admirable. I understand you're looking at the individual level: the struggling employee who can't meet ends. But I don't see it that way.

    Ever heard a Thai say kheeniao or kheenok behind your back?

    Tipping is part of Thai culture, a way of showing generosity, not mention a way of supporting people less fortunate. When I go out with my Thai friends I'm surprised at how generous they are with their tips, The better of you are there more you are supposed to show it. Tipping is one way, unfortunately arrogance is another, but thats beside the point in this thread.

  12. I usually watch it in my own bar, the Dragonfly Bar.

    This Sundays Montreal GP you can choose between 55" LED screen downstairs (At it doesn't interfere with the WC) or the 100" projector upstairs.


  13. Any confirmation from Chiang Mai Mail or another source about this?

    There's no confirmation on this, because it bullshit! :)

    Please leave your hate mail at the door :D Just this Friday the poor girl spent the night in my house playing cards with my wife and some friends so show some respect.

    How in the world can you even imagine I would make up a story like this? and why? what would I gain?

    The story was on the front page of one of the local Thai papers, in Thai of course. I don't read Thai but my wife translated for me. I have also spoken to one of the other girls involved and seen the cuts from the fight on her head.

    It happened, maybe not exactly like I desribed it, but as repoted to my by the paper a girl involved. That's good enough for me.

  14. QUOTE (Fishenough @ 2010-06-03 18:10:17) So sad that the Stanley Cup isn't in HD. sad.gif

    Or Moto GP, Or F1

    I'm sure it will be soon. They had HD F1 on Sky Italia last year (although this year they seem to have abandoned F1 altogether - cost cutting I presume).

    The Maple Leaf (opp. Guitarman) will doubtless be showing late games - advertising them anyway, and he's got HD.

    Sports & Event Calendar - June 2010

    Watched Game 4 and 5 (replayed) in HD, had the ASN logo along with the True HD logo on the screen. Will see Thursday morning if they do it live. Watched some of the French Open and saw one old World cup Qualifyer in HD as well, quality is excellent.

    Keep an eye on the HD channel during the Canadian GP this weekend, seems they are using it to show major events from all the sports channels - if available in HD.

    I watched game 5 live Tuesday morning in HD from 7- 10 (an excellent 11 goal game) so I'm pretty sure they will show games 6 and 7 as well.

    And your right quality is super, and the better your TV the better it looks as well.

  15. Has the 'English' commentary found a work-around yet? is Tuskers having English commentary?

    I could tell you where to get English commentary but my post would just be deleted as the place isn't Tuskers and TV don't want rival advertising to their paying customers (which I can understand):)

  16. I know this because she was a friend of my wife.

    Hi AndersSn... Just wanna know where and how did you get the info about this event...? And at what time did it happen not that it really matters as such a hideous crime is just so over the top that the time is actually irrelevant. No matter what the reasons may have been to cause this, IT IS TOTALLY HIDEOUS .... Makes me ashamed to see people called HUMANS ..... Dogs don't even do that to each other .... :) RIP indeed ...

    Also as I posted earlier it happened at around 4 AM. My wife couldn't work herself up to go to the hospital as she is to shaken, apparently the poor girl was stabbed 9 times.

    I really hope something will change and people will stop going, I think that will be the only way to insure things like this will not happen again.

  17. What does "showed in the motte " mean? Really I don't know.

    shoved in the moat- most probably

    Im assuming the OPs first language isnt english

    Thanks Donny got it wrong from Motte and Bailey, the moat ie the thing filled with water that surrounds old CM.

    And an edit to my original post, it happened 4AM

  18. Last night there was another tragic death outside Spicy.

    A young woman age 27 was stabbed to death, and showed in the motte after am argument inside Spicy developed into a full scale fight outside. The fight involved between 10 and 12 girls and culminated with this tragic end at around PM.

    The woman killed was not the type you would usually find in Spicy, she didn't drink, smoke or do any of the other things associated with bar girls. I know this because she was a friend of my wife.

    All this have led me to think (a dangerous pastime i admit). I think every farang in CM know what goes on in Spicy and that it has gone on for a long time, the fights etc. But how many of us still go there. Because as long as people go the place will make a lot of money, plenty of it lining the polices pockets and helping them ignore the course of these problems and only deal with the aftermaths.

    Personally I stooped going to Spicy over a year ago, because I didn't like the atmosphere and never felt really safe. Now I am doubly happy that I stopped going so as not having contributed with my money to what happens there.

    So let me know how often you go to Spicy, and if you agree with me let your friends know and let us try and stop further incidents like the one last night but not being sponsors. If you disagree call me crazy, immoral or whatever you fell like, but keep comments about the deceased sober please. :)

  19. :ermm:Nice inserting hyperlinks is much smoother.

    But why can't I PM? I had a message yesterday I was going to reply to today. I get this message"[#10227] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system" I would PM a mod, but I can't :)

  20. ตะขาบ

    Dta-Kaap (bad translation for those interested)

    Jay is classified as a Class Chilopoda are arthropods that are found in tropical humid Living on the land. Scolopendra heros Jay is the body length from 3-8 cm is the largest species Scolopendra heros length 80-10 "flat with the body segment 15-100 segment, each segment has a pair of legs separated from the head body. clearly have a double furnished with a double poison fangs, which adapted from the first segment of the body. Poison fangs connected to the poison gland. The bite victim will be injected with venom. The bite can be extremely painful. The paralytic Centipedes lay eggs in moist or plant grass. Take the time to grow 10 times longer molting adults aged 3-5 years during the day to hide in the cool shade under rocks and come out for prey at night. Eating insects as food. Centipede bite when Roy will find two hundred fangs. Manner as the bleeding area was limited direct toxicity of the centipede with inflammation. Pain, swelling, paralysis occupies the area that was bitten. Some may have allergies. Or anxious heartbeat, vomiting, headache, numbness is not a stroke may have been infected with the bacteria is limited direct complications. May burn in 2-3 days

    My wife tells me that in Isan centipedes are course for many amputation as bites doesn't get treated fast enough, but that could be just hot air. She is terrified of centipedes and anything that looks like it.

    Here's a link to a previous thread about these critters. Thai Visa Centipedes

  21. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

    It won't be anything to get excited about. I really really need my American college football, if I can watch vhs quality OU football I am good :D

    you might actually get that live on thai tv, and in HD

    At the moment they are showing big10 baseball in HD on the new HD channel, and last season they showed college football live on uspn.

    Never hears of uspn. :D

    ESPN then.

    Always wondered about what it is short for, ExtraSensory Perception Network would be my guess... :)

  22. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

    It won't be anything to get excited about. I really really need my American college football, if I can watch vhs quality OU football I am good :)

    you might actually get that live on thai tv, and in HD

    At the moment they are showing big10 baseball in HD on the new HD channel, and last season they showed college football live on uspn.

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