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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. What about 2,000 men and 20 helicopters? though fire retardant cargo planes are more effective which I doubt thailand even has…put the damn military to ude
  2. Or is it the fear of getting caught and the financial ramifications in the West? deep sh$t if going the wrong way or any non compliant driving behavior that causes a lethal accident
  3. Rabies shot today or gone tomorrow
  4. Here’s the problem - it is incorrect information he is spouting a mask as one sees in the hospital is a barrier structure used to keep germs of the user from the patient and 2nd reason is blocks blood and other fluid splashes of the patient to the provider A respirator aka N-95 is a tight fitting mask designed to filter out particles like smoke or TB particles.. in a work environment, one must be fit tested and trained to wear any type of respirator prior to use huge difference between a simple surgical mask and a true respirator Bottom line - a lay mask is worthless vs smoke particles and Thai officials are not properly educating the public on what should be worn nor do they care to make a genuine effort to do so…
  5. They are using up the bad air that I breathe… very bothersome is the attack on the girl and if nothing else an assault charge if not worse…this sounded much more than just harassment hang-‘em and hang-’em high
  6. Blaming other countries burning in a regional geography where wind is non existent seems to be a major contradiction… CM smoke is all home generated and topography confirms it… Hang ‘em and hang ‘em high!
  7. Beware - driving on the roads here has no boundaries….
  8. Stop with the excuses…cheapest, damage to the plow….what about damage to one’s lungs and eyes? Who is paying for that? retrain them into a different job
  9. I doubt any were wearing seatbelts…prove me wrong i interpret driving at speed as speeding…in essence, they were driving blind and weren’t prepared to react to say an object appears in their lane… oh well…
  10. So no cars involved? Just trucks and a bus? I knew pick up drivers are stupid I mean different….
  11. Because people who suffer AP adverse health effects are already going to their internal Medicine, eye and pulmonary depts… The structure is already in place but gov wants to show by creating another structure that people don’t use, then the gov can say AP causes no health problems… it’s their way of saying AP is not a problem…nothing to see here…have that mentality of denial
  12. Wasn’t fire associated with the caveman? He has a point…it is not an advanced culture as it is stuck in its traditional ways and preservation of status quo….There is no will to change and that has been the status for the 20 years I have been here
  13. Maybe assisted suicide - now allowed in some states… not every pathetic soul can be saved…pretty damn young to call it quits…
  14. But the driver doesn’t use an inhaler… does dozing off and reaching for an object mimic the same behavior? will the screamers be charged? I bet the driver didn’t get a tip… How did the company get them to their destination and return? Sounds costly for the van company or it should be… why in the hell bring Jesus into it….have some decency
  15. He probably rode around the barrier his whole life…it finally caught up to him…. poor driving behavior is normal here as there is no enforcement/punishment
  16. Please no more fumes…the air is bad enough
  17. 100% agree….air pollution is an absolute not a relative comparison…to say it’s better than 20 years ago speaks of incredible ignorance…150 200 250 are truly unacceptable numbers…anything over 50 on a regular basis should mean red flags all over the place
  18. Traffic is not a consequence of crowds/holiday influx …traffic is caused by lack of surface streets (poor urban management) given the # of vehicles for that area… Traffic is an issue in any Thai city of size
  19. I was told it’s a Peruvian nut…
  20. Forget the opinion follow the evidence… I would put a tail on the wife…the guilty ones aren’t too bright and if her brother (hint hint) is involved, a Thai man will soon be around to provide that shoulder to cry on
  21. My guess it’s an inside job…what is sad here is banks don’t guarantee amount levels when errors mistakes corruption or fraud occurs dangerous to have more than a few bucks in Thai banks
  22. He wasn’t trying to steal it…he wanted to test drive it first b/f renting it was an all understanding
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